similar to: configure don't check Qt libraries

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 110 matches similar to: "configure don't check Qt libraries"

2007 Mar 21
KWD crashes
I got this whilst changing to the laptop theme. It happens both with changing to laptop and starting with it enabled. Starting program: /usr/bin/kde-window-decorator --sync --replace [Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled] [New Thread 46970607390640 (LWP 15227)] Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. [Switching to Thread 46970607390640 (LWP 15227)] 0x00002ab82ff1365a in
2006 Dec 20
Kde-window-decorator Crashes
hello i'm on a debian sid updated. i have installed last git version of compiz. when i quit a session or shutdown my pc (in general when i stop the decorator) kwd crashes with this backtrace (i hope it is useful): Using host libthread_db library "/lib/tls/i686/cmov/". [Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled] [New Thread -1226017088 (LWP 14523)] [KCrash handler]
2006 Nov 14
2 bug in Scale plugin
Hello, 1) windows maximixed in different virtual desktops from that one current escape when they are under the pointer, and they subsequently are arranged badly. 2) i have noticed the same bug noticed by Cedric, in post "[compiz] Problem with scale plugin" /- Fri Nov 10, and it doesn't solved. Regards Explinux /
2005 Nov 06
Kernel compilation - 2.6, x86_64, CentOS4.1
Hi I am having trouble compiling some 2.6 kernels on a x86_64 box under CentOS4.1. I cannot use xconfig at all and menuconfig on my system is unreadable. It appears to be something to do with the Qt library but I have all the necessary bits installed: qt-devel-3.3.3-9.3 qt-3.3.3-9.3 but note that the second of these only is installed both for x86 and x86_64 - the first is installed for x86_64
2017 Jan 02
cron job failures with a perl script containing Astro::Time
Everyone, I am building a gateway server with a new : CentOS Linux release 7.3.1611 (Core)??with 3.10.0-514.2.2.el7.x86_64 kernel. Everything was going find, but I was not able to get a particular cronjob to function properly that contained a perl script with Astro::Time as an include file. Astro::Time was installed with the use of the cpan module downloaded from the Centos repositories. The
2018 Jan 03
Coping with non-standard evaluation in R program analysis
Hello R experts, I plan to develop a tool for dynamic analysis of R programs. I would like to trace function calls at runtime, capturing argument and return values. Following a suggestion made some time ago on this list, my high-level implementation strategy is to rewrite the AST, augmenting call expressions with pre-call and post-call shims to capture the arguments and return value,
2007 Mar 01
Strange behavior scale and switcher plugin after update
Hi, I have noticed a strange behavior: after the added one of the options "window_match" in scale and switcher plugins; these do not show some windows like gmplayer or amsn's windows This is the output of xprop $ xprop _NET_WINDOW_DECOR(INTEGER) = 20061011, 46149375, 4, 4, 27, 4, 4, 4, 27, 4, 9, 0, 36965, -11, -34, -68, 0, 582, 32767, 0, 0, 32869, 571, -34, -68, 0, 32767,
2010 Jan 03
Interpreting coefficient in selection and outcome Heckman models in sampleSelection
Hi there Within sampleSelection, I'm trying to calculate the marginal effects for variables that are present in both the selection and outcome models. For example, age might have a positive effect on probability of selection, but then a negative effect on the outcome variable. i.e. Model<-selection(participation~age, frequency~age, ...) Documentation elsewhere describes one method for
2009 Apr 22
reversing xlim, ylim in smoothScatter
Hello, I have found that in smoothScatter it is not possible to reverse the axes plotted (R version 2.9.0) .   It appears that this arises from the hard coding of xlim and ylim in smoothscatter.R in the lines : x <- x[ xlim[1] <= x[,1] & x[,1] <=xlim[2], ]   (line  number 25) and x <- x[ ylim[1] <= x[,2] & x[,2] <= ylim[2], ]  (line number 31) This results in a x
2001 May 18
wine crashing X11
Dear all, Has anyone seen a problem where wine causes the X server to crash and re-start? What happens is that the screen of the laptop switches from the X11 graphics display to the "classical" PC text display, I get logged out and then XDM re-starts again with a login window. I've tried all sorts of debug messages with wine and there's no messages generated which look like it
1999 Jan 23
> What you are looking for is smbwrapper, which is in fact included with Samba > 2.0. However as it is not supported on all systems it is not included > in the default build (it should work nicely on Solaris though). > Essentially smbwrapper is a preloaded library which intercepts system calls and > simulates a /smb filesystem, so you can access /smb/SERVER/SHARE/file.txt.
2007 Jul 13
KWD crashes when opening OOo
Hello, KWD crashes almost regularly when trying to start I've attached two output files from valgrind to this e-mail (as suggested by David Reveman in another mail 11.7): Use something like: valgrind --tool=memcheck kde-window-decorator .... I'm using Trevino's git version of Compiz in up-to-date Kubuntu Feisty system. Compiz version is
2000 Dec 06
openssh-2.3.0p1 (Linux) fails using options with dss key
I'm trying to change my local setup from ssh2 to openssh-2.3.0p1. I need captive comands and specific environments for each key, i.e. the "command=XXX" and "environment=X=y" options. Unfortunately I *also* need to support the existing ssh2 client for a transition period, since it's impractical to change all user's environments to openssh in one go. I have converted
2007 Mar 01
A couple of bugs...
Hello together! I've found a couple of bugs with current compiz git, most of them related to the use of KDE and wanted to let you know. 1. kde-window-decorator crashes every now and then. This seems to be especially often when starting kaffeine media player, but not exclusively. I've attached a backtrace, though I don't know if it is useful in this form... 2. Resizing a
2017 Jan 02
cron job failures with a perl script containing Astro::Time
On 2017-01-02, Gregory P. Ennis <PoMec at PoMec.Net> wrote: > > The error message I get in the logs is : > > Can't locate Astro/ in @INC (@INC contains: > /usr/local/lib64/perl5 /usr/local/share/perl5 > /usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl > /usr/lib64/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 .) at /usr/local/bin/s.bkup.degw3.prl > line 12. > BEGIN
2018 Jan 04
Coping with non-standard evaluation in R program analysis
Hi Evan, You may find some parts of what we are doing with genthat useful. Genthat is a tool for creating unit tests by recording argument and return values of calls. This is done by instrumentation of the source code. The git repo with the code is here We don?t really deal with NSE though. It could be something worth thinking about for us. The contact for
2006 Nov 13
Problem or no ?!
Hello, i don't know if the problem is imputable to compiz as they say .. but it can be the occasion in order to demonstrate it or to make clarity; i use amsn, and i have noticed that the panel doesn't work correctly with compiz: it opens but the click doesn't select emoticons; the development team of amsn affirms that it's a bug of compiz and beryl. I don't know if
2006 Nov 29
Bugs plugin Plane
Hi, 1) the option "Move to Another Viewport" ( right button on the title bar of the window ) don't work with maximized windows with Plane plugin. 2) keys of gconf-editor "plane_to_..._button" don't work with any button Regards Explinux
2009 Jan 15
Up To 20% OFF At Our Signature Style Event + Holiday Weekend Clearance
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2007 Apr 03
Release: VMKNOPPIX(20070328) with Trusted Boot
Dear, We released VMKNOPPIX(20070328) with Trusted Boot. VMKnoppix is a collection of Virtual Machine Software, Xen, KVM, VirtualBox, QEMU, KQEMU(QEMU with Accelerator) and UserModeLinux. This version includes "Trusted Boot" (Trusted GRUB and IMA: Integrity Measured Architecture). === Features