similar to: How to Include Gem in Different Path

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "How to Include Gem in Different Path"

2012 Dec 28
git push heroku master error
allo vous tous vois l''erreur Counting objects: 66, done. Delta compression using up to 4 threads. Compressing objects: 100% (52/52), done. Writing objects: 100% (66/66), 26.30 KiB, done. Total 66 (delta 3), reused 0 (delta 0) -----> Ruby/Rails app detected -----> Installing dependencies using Bundler version 1.3.0.pre.2 Running: bundle install --without development:test
2012 May 31
How install libv8 (therubyracer) Windows 7
Hello, I have a problem when I try to add the gem therubyracer. I put in my prompt: bundle install, and this error appears: C:\rails\organily>bundle install Fetching gem metadata from Using rake ( Using i18n (0.6.0) Using multi_json (1.3.6) Using activesupport (3.2.3) Using builder (3.0.0) Using activemodel (3.2.3) Using erubis (2.7.0) Using journey
2013 Apr 16
An error occurred while installing jk-ferret (, and Bundler cannot continue.
*Hi guys.. i got this type of error when i configured Gemfile then what to do?* gem "thinking-sphinx" gem ''ferret'' Updating git:// Fetching gem metadata from Fetching gem metadata from Resolving dependencies... Using rake (10.0.3) Using ClothRed (0.4.1) Using RedCloth (4.2.9)
2013 Mar 14
No Migration Files are created
I''ve been working with Rails for 3 Months now, but haven''t experienced this problem until now. I''m currently working through Micharl Hartls Tutorial and everything worked fine so far, but suddenly (chapter 11) I can nolonger create Migration Files. when entering "rails g model Name field1:type" I don''t get the usual "create db/migrate...."
2013 May 01
PG gem behaves strange. It requires live DB connection to only generate a model. How to turn it off?
I used MySQL as a backend before. Now I had to move to PG since Heroku doesn''t have MySQL and forces everyone to use their Heroku-PG database. But PG virsion of Rails works diffidently. I cannot generate a model without PG server running: >> C:\ruby\Heroku\App>rails generate model Products >> >> C:/RailsInstaller/Ruby1.9.3/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/activerecord-
2012 Aug 28
rail s exiting
Hello everyone, I am fairly new to ruby on rails, and I come across this tutorial on treehouse where they help you make a simple version of facebook. anyway, I was writing codes, and I came across this error and I am not sure how to fix it. The error occurs after I type in rail s on the command prompt and as soon as try to look at how it looks on, it gives me this error. the
2012 Mar 07
Can't find the PostgreSQL client library (libpq)
When i try it start my ruby server i get a error that looks like rails server Could not find pg-0.12.2 in any of the sources Run `bundle install` to install missing gems. I dont know what to do Thanks for all the help -- Posted via -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this
2013 Jun 05
dashboard/passenger not connecting on port 8140
I have setup passenger w/ apache, but my dashboard is not connecting properly. I am getting the following errors em::Specification#installation_path called from /etc/puppet/puppet-dashboard/vendor/rails/railties/lib/rails/vendor_gem_source_index.rb:93. NOTE: Gem::Specification#installation_path is deprecated, use base_dir. It will be removed on or after 2011-10-01.
2012 Mar 16
Confusion on stable development environments
Sorry if I am being a true noob, but I am very confused about what environment I should be using to learn RoR. I would like to eventually build something to deploy on google appengine. But am really just wanting at this point to learn Rails. But it seems that as I fumble about and try various tutorials that are available, I seem to be running to situations where I get some random error, when I
2011 Nov 22
rake aborted with ruby on rails
when i run * rake db:create* * * WARNING: ''require ''rake/rdoctask'''' is deprecated. Please use ''require ''rdoc/task'' (in RDoc 2.4.2+)'' instead. at /home/vishnu/.rvm/gems/ DEPRECATION WARNING: Rake tasks in
2011 Sep 30
RoR running on Localhost but not on Heroku
Hey there, I have been following since yesterday and I am going good on my machine with ROR. I have used RailsInstaller for my environment on Windows7. My two apps are working good on my localhost:3000 but as I put them into Heroku, I am getting error, respectively, and I wonder
2012 Jan 13
mysql errors
I''m currently running three puppet masters (version 2.7.3 via apache +passenger) in a cluster, 2 on CentOS 5.7, 1 on CentOS 6.1 On the 6.1 master, I am frequently getting the following error (approximately 50% of the time when a client connects): err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: Mysql::Error: Unknown prepared statement handler (7) given to
2013 Jul 13
Rails and MySQL
I''m trying to use MySQL instead of SQLite3. I have MySQL installed on my pc. Do I need to ran something in the ruby to use MySQL? C:\>rails new MySQLRestaurant --database=mysql C:\>cd MySQLRestaurant C:\MySQLRestaurant>rails generate scaffold review poster:string date:datetime ar ticle:text C:/RailsInstaller/Ruby1.9.3/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/mysql2-0.3.11-x86-mingw32/l
2013 May 10
paypal-express gem
Hello everyone I am using paypal-express gem for Payapl payment. I am using reference transaction method to get money from Paypal. But i am getting IPN i.e payment notification, I mentioned like payment_request = :currency_code => :USD, :amount => 10.00, :billing_type => :MerchantInitiatedBilling,
2013 Oct 20
cannot load such file -- unicode (LoadError)
I''m new to RoR and working on a migration of project developed by another team. I''m using Rails version (3.2.13) and my bundle install works successfully. However while running "rails server", I get the error below. Any suggestions are most appreciated. Thanks! -------------- rails server output --------------
2012 Dec 01
heroku deployment
i want to deploy two rails application in how can i deploy two application with one account in heroku and github..i am little confused that i have to take two rsa public key or how..thanks in advance -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to
2012 Oct 16
Puppet dashboard over passenger: The environment must be purely alphanumeric, not ''
Hello, I installed puppet-server, passenger and dashboard. I have tested every step in between to make sure all is running well and not errors are carrying forward. Dashboard worked well with my test in WEBrick. After configure the dashboard with passenger I got the message” The environment must be purely alphanumeric, not ''''” instead of the dashboard. I verified the
2013 Jun 21
IRB help
I''m new to Ruby. I installed Rails on Windows 8. When I type mkdir in IRB, I''m getting this. I tried running the IRB as administrator too, and still get the same result irb(main):001:0> mkdir lesson2 NameError: undefined local variable or method `lesson2'' for main:Object from (irb):1 from C:/RailsInstaller/Ruby1.9.3/bin/irb:12:in
2012 Oct 29
Newbie - deployment, hosting
Hello, So, after learning ruby on rails and building a great app on my local machine, I need to find a host, deploy, and of course maintain a (staging and) production environment. This all seems very confusing, and I''d like to learn this in an organized manner, step by step: I''ve come across the names: Unicorn, nginx/apache, capistrano, Thin/mongrel, Engine Yard, EC2, etc.,
2012 Aug 28
ArgumentError in HomeController#index
Hey guys, I''m new to ruby/rails and trying to sort something... I just created an app with composer, I used the command: rails new myapp -m I set up the rails server, and tried to load the app on localhost:3000 However, I end up with: ArgumentError in HomeController#index