Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "[PATCH] Vertical/Horizontal maximization in gtk-window-decorator"
2007 Aug 02
KDE Window decorator offset on maximized windows.
Any reason why this would happen that you can think of?
See the screenshot :)
2009 Oct 02
suggest enhancement to segments and arrows to facilitate horizontal and vertical segments
I suggest a simple enhancement to segments() and arrows() to
facilitate drawing horizontal and vertical segments --
set default values for the second x and y arguments equal to the first set.
This is handy, especially when the expressions for coordinates are long.
< function (x0, y0, x1 = x0, y1 = y0, col = par("fg"), lty = par("lty"),
> function
2007 Aug 13
Values in horizontal versus vertical position on 'y' axe
When I do a graph. the values on y axe are vertical position. How can I put
the values in horizontal position?
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2010 Jun 04
horizontal and vertical line with arrow in a plot
Hi r-users,
I would like to add a plot of vertical line segment with arrow from (77,.6) to (77,0) and also a horizontal line segment with arrow from (0,0.6) to (77,.6) . So far this is what I have:
plot(sq, cdf, type="l", lwd=4,col="blue",xaxs="i",yaxs="i", xlab= "Rainfall (mm)", ylab= "Random no.",
main="Random number and
2012 Feb 02
Vertical string with horizontal letters
I'm trying to format text on a plot such that the string is vertical but the letters are horizonal. I tried
text(1,1,label="output", srt=270)
This gives the string rotation I want, but that rotates the entire "output" so the letters are also rotated. I've also tried
text(1,1,label="output", srt=270, crt=270)
to no avail. par()$crt doesn't seem to affect
2010 Jun 29
transposing a data frame from horizontal to vertical (stacking)
Hello, everyone!
I have a very simple task - I have a data frame (see MyData below) and
I need to stack the data (see result below).
I wrote the syntax below - it's very basic and it does what I need.
But I am sure what I am trying to do is a very typical task and there
must be a much shorter/more elegant way of doing it.
Any advice?
Thank you very much!
2011 Aug 08
heatmap is producing unwanted horizontal and vertical lines?
I must start by saying that I am an R novice and am sorry if this is a no-brainer...
I have an csv file that contains a grid of 300x300 data points. Each point represents
a 1Km square on a map. Each point is either a floating point number or NA. I load the
data in with:
data <- read.csv("matrix.csv", sep=',')
Convert the data to a matrix with:
data_matrix <-
2008 May 02
A horizontal or vertical line draw on mosaic plot?
I want to have a horizontal line on a mosaic plot with "vcd" package.
This would give me an idea where is 0.5 proportion in a cell. Using
"mosaicplot" function of "graphics" package, I can draw a line using
"abline." But, with "mosaic" function of "vcd" package, I have tried
to use "abline" function, which complains
2020 Oct 05
S4 - inheritance changed by order of setClassUnion and setAs()
Dear colleagues,
there is a behaviour with S4 (virtual) classes that I find very hard to understand: Depending on the position
of setAs(), the tree of inheritance changes.
This is my baseline example that defines the classes "grandma", "mother", "daughter" and a virtual
class "mr_x". For a new instance if "daughter", "mr_x" is betweeen
2006 Sep 22
gnome-window-decorator -> gtk-window-decorator and some restructuring
The current name of gnome-window-decorator is wrong. There's nothing
gnome specific in that code. I'll go a head and change the name to
gtk-window-decorator later today.
I'm also going to split the gnome configure option into a gtk and a
gnome option as the only gnome specific code that exist in the tree is
the compiz-window-manager module which is used to integrate with the
2006 Nov 08
Solving a maximization problem using QUADPROD
here is an example from the manual. How to turn this minimization
problem into maximization problem, i.e. -(0 5 0) %*% b - 1/2 b^T b?
# Assume we want to minimize: -(0 5 0) %*% b + 1/2 b^T b
# under the constraints: A^T b >= b0
# with b0 = (-8,2,0)^T
# and (-4 2 0)
# A = (-3 1 -2)
# ( 0 0 1)
# we can use solve.QP.compact as follows:
Dmat <- matrix(0,3,3)
2004 Sep 13
maximization subject to constaint
I have been trying to program the following maximization problem and would
definitely welcome some help.
the target function: sum_{i} f(alpha, beta'X_{i}),
where alpha and beta are unknown d-dim parameter,
f is a known function an X_{i} are i.i.d. r.v.
I need to maximize the above sum, under the constaint that:
2008 May 27
R package to solve the following maximization problem
I would like to know if there's a package in R to solve the following
Let's consider a cloud of points in a n-dimensional space. Each point is
associated to a specific value Vi (a real that can be positive or negative).
I would like to find the n-dimensional hypercube that maximizes the sum of
Vi corresponding to the points inside of the hypercube.
How would you solve
2010 Sep 06
likelyhood maximization problem with polr
Dear community,
I am currently trying to fit an ordinal logistic regression model with the
polr function. I often get the same error message :
"attempt to find suitable starting values failed", for example with :
(I know the response variable Species should be nominal but I do as levels
2011 Oct 25
hi people,
I'm trying to maximize this function:
fn= function (x) {x[1]^2+5*x[2]^2}
with this restriction
fn1 = function (x) {x[1]+x[2] <=5}
Can someone help me how to procedure this?
I tried in the alabama and genoud package but i have problems with the
setting of constrains.
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2012 Jan 02
quadratic programming-maximization instead of minization
Hi, I need to maximize a quadratic function under constraints in R.
For minimization I used solve.QP but for maximization it is not useful since
the matrix D of the quadratic function
should be positive definite hence I cannot simply change the sign.
any suggestion ?
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2005 May 03
maximization help :
Given a vector : pvec=(p1,p2,.... p J) with sum(pvec)=1, all the
elements are non-negative, that is, they are probabilities
a matrix A ( N* J ), with the elements alpha(ij) are 0 or 1
RESULT= product( i=1, to N [ sum ( alpha(ij)* pj , j =1,to J
) ] )
thus, I need to get pvec. how should I do ?
for example
2008 Jul 25
Maximization under constraits
I''m looking for a R function which can maximise this logliklihood function,
under the constraits a>0 e b>0
b <-param[2]
))*(1-pnorm(-b/(2*sqrt(a)), mean=0, sd=1)))))}
I''ve tried maxlik constrOptim e donlp2 but without success.
Thanks so
2010 May 18
Maximization of quadratic forms
Dear R Help,
I am trying to fit a nonlinear model for a mean function $\mu(Data_i,
\beta)$ for a fixed covariance matrix where $\beta$ and $\mu$ are low-
dimensional. More specifically, for fixed variance-covariance matrices
$\Sigma_{z=0}$ and $\Sigma_{z=1}$ (according to a binary covariate $Z
$), I am trying to minimize:
$\sum_{i=1^n} (Y_i-\mu_(Data_i,\beta))' \Sigma_{z=z_i}^{-1} (Y_i-
2009 Feb 05
optimal control, maximization with several variables?
Dear all,
I would like to solve the following problem, which can be done with optimal control theory or dynamic programming:
max(x,y) a*u1+b*u2+c*f1(u2) s.t. 0<u1<x, 0<u2<f2(x,u2), x'=f3(u1,u2,x)
which can be rewritten if optimal control theory should be applied as
H=a*u1+b*u2+c*f1(u2)+lambda*(x') s.t. 0<u1<x, 0<u2<f2(x,u2)
The maximum principle