similar to: doubt on image_tag

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2013 Mar 09
Default image_tag folder
Hey, guys. In documentation i read: "By default, files are loaded from public/images". I add for example <%= image_tag "logo.gif" %> When i check html code in browser i see next: <img alt="Logo" src="/assets/public/images/logo.gif">. Why folder assets? The default should have been <img alt="Logo"
2010 Dec 22
image_tag and send_data
i''m storing images in database. i have this action in controller: def image begin item = StoredItem.find(:first, :conditions => {:id => params[:id]}) rescue return end return if item.nil? if item.image_binary.nil? render :nothing => true else send_data(item.image_binary, :type => item.image_datatype, :disposition =>
2009 May 21
[PATCH server] Updated look and feel for empty grid views
When empty grids are shown (ex: no VMs in this pool) a specific graphic, message and improved action button are shown. For Task views, the user will see the current filter and an explanation that no tasks match that filter. Signed-off-by: Jeremy Perry <jeremy.perry at> --- src/app/views/hardware/show_hosts.rhtml | 11 ++++------- src/app/views/hardware/show_storage.rhtml
2011 Aug 07
hello, i am trying to upload a image file ...using paperclip in rails 3 i did as follows 1. In gemfile => included gem paperclip 2.In config/environments /development.rb => Paperclip.options[:command_path] = "/usr/bin/" (convert path) 3.created a controller *picusers *and defined => def create @picuser = Picuser.create(params[:picuser]) end 4.created a model *picuser
2013 Jun 05
Link_to image_tag popup
Hello All, How can I add a popup in link_to image_tag? I am trying as :- <%= link_to image_tag(@user.avatar.url(:small)), ''/users/edit'', :popup=>[''original_image'', ''height=700,width=900''] %> It goes to the edit page. But it doesn''t opens popup. Is this the correct way to call a popup? How can I achieve this? Thanks,
2010 Sep 15
Hide an image in show.html.erb
I have the following "show.html.erb" script, and I get as an output TWO images since I use a method to draw an image. How can I HIDE the RESOURCE image? Thanks. Here is the script: <canvas id="line" height="512" width="512"> </canvas> <p id="notice"><%= notice %></p> <p> <b> Name </b> <%=
2011 May 25
Issues implementing jquery-form plugin for displaying image via an ajax call in my rails poc
Hello all, I am trying to implement a POC wherein I can post a message + image and get the same working via AJAX to display them both for each new entry without the page reloading. I am using a config of Ruby 1.8.7 and Rails 2.0.2 for project specific purposes.. I am also using a pretty old paperclip commit from github for this....I had to suit my proj config requirements mentioned previously..
2011 Sep 09
Captcha conception
Hi guys, the next problem: I create a controller, (/controllers/rmagick_controller.rb), which have aim to test an captcha Actions: def download # creates an captcha image def show # show the page where image took place def check # must check right captcha or wrong views/rmagick/show.html.erb: > <div id="captcha"> > <p><%= image_tag download_rmagick_path
2011 Mar 23
Implementing auto complete for more than one field in Rails
Hi, I have an app, which implements a group feature. Each group has n members. Also, each group has a group specific profile pic to it. I have been able to implement auto complete for the group feature keeping in mind the group name alone. I have referred to the following tutorial for the same:- I am using **ruby 1.8.7** and **rails 2.0.2** for
2011 Dec 26
Learning Ruby on Rails 3.1 - deployment - Error (cs.jpg isn't precompiled)
Hi guys, I''ve followed the Agile Web Development with Rails book and I''m up to deployment. I started a Ubuntu 10.1 LTS server on Amazon EC2 for testing, got Apache 2, mysql, rvm, ruby 1.9.2, rails 3.1 and phusion passenger up and running as per the book. When I come to running the actual site, it says "We''re sorry, but something went wrong." In
2011 Feb 02
Converting rails 2 to 3 remote_function error
I''m still very new to RoR and had built a site for a friend. I''m now trying to port it to version 3 and am having an issue with remote_function. Right now, in a layout file, I have an image_tag and for :onclick I am using the following: :onclick => remote_function(:url => { :controller => ''rcg'', :action => ''nav_click''}, :with
2011 May 06
Rails 3 Routing problems
I have an UploadsController and UsersController where Users'' has_many :uploads'' via polymorphic attachment in uploads.rb. Now we i navigate to http://localhost:3000/users/1/uploads I get re-routed to Uploads#index and rendered is called multiple times as shown below: Started GET "/users/1/uploads" for at 2011-05-06 22:00:38 +0100 Processing by
2005 Dec 16
Question: image_tag(source, options = {})
image_tag(source, options = {}) Ok, when I want to use an image I added the following code: <%= image_tag "dsf.jpg" options = {[align="right", style="padding-right: 10px; padding-top: 5px;"]} %> However, this doesn''t seem to work, it doesn''t like how I have the "options" part setup. I''m sure there is something very easy
2010 Feb 17
Paperclip and viewing images
I have two objects Task and Asset and I want to view image in show task. Here is my to models Task.rb has_many Assets :as => :attachable And Asset.rb has_attached_file :photo, :styles => { :large => "371*251>", :small => "72*72>"}, :url => "/assets/:id/", :path =>
2012 Mar 20
Multiple Paperclip Images on Index
Hi, I am working on a project that is using Paperclip to upload multiple images to an Asset model. my Post model has_many Assets. As per this tutorial/screencast...">> This all works fine and I can
2007 Aug 13
link_to image_tag puts a box round my image
I''ve got a rather long conditional statement that either displays a link_to(image_tag(blah)blah) or just an image_tag (i''ve edited it a bit to show the structure): <%= (article.score_from_user(:user_id => session[:user]) != -1) ? (link_to image_tag("/images/down_arrow_grey.jpg", :alt => "down"), :controller=>"article", :action =>
2008 Oct 17
link_to + image_tag
i want to integrated link_to with image_tag before i did link_to with image_tag like this <%=link_to image_tag(image.filename
2011 Aug 27
image override*
Hi Team, I have create one ruby on rails application ,i have one issue for that image upload ,the image will override the some user , so any can solve the issues ************************ contoller class PhotosController < ApplicationController # GET /photos # GET /photos.xml def index @photos = Photo.all respond_to do |format| format.html # index.html.erb
2009 Oct 25
Image_tag Positioning/Alignment
Hi: I searched the forum before posting and could not find any help on how to position an image using image_tag (''image_name''). I have an image in a div, and I need to move it to the right. How do I this? I have this code: <div id="mainDivright"><%= image_tag (''name.gif''), :options => {:align=>"right" } %></div> I
2006 Jul 03
image_tag refuses to work in email context
I have a model called ImageMailer derived from ActionMailer. It contains a method called sent that takes some args and send email to a recipient. Works fine. I am testing this in script/console. I now want to start sending HTML email. Content type is "text/html". I can successfully deliver HTML email using the template "sent.rhtml" thusly: