similar to: RoR - Search Forms with Checkboxes, display appropriate results

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "RoR - Search Forms with Checkboxes, display appropriate results"

2012 Apr 23
Searching and returning arrays
im a begginer in RoR and am using rails 3.2.3 and ruby 1.8.7 This forum has helped me to progress but I''m confused by one thing. My app is supposed to allow seaching for results depending on the check boxes that are checked. In my case, when the user checks a determined facility and clicks "search" the corresponding hotels with only those facilities should be returned. I can
2008 Aug 21
radio_button_tag - examining the selected value
Hi All I have four radio buttons created like this <%= radio_button_tag :answers, 1, false %> a <br/> <%= radio_button_tag :answers, 2, false %> b <br/> <%= radio_button_tag :answers, 3, false %> c <br/> <%= radio_button_tag :answers, 4, false %> d <br/> And then I have a link_to tag to invoke a controller function
2007 Oct 11
Hello I have a view which have 2 radio buttons : ... <td style="width:5%">Actuel</td> <td style="width:10%"><%= radio_button_tag(:actuel, value = "1", checked = false, options = {}) %> <td style="width:5%">Last</td> <td style="width:10%"><%= radio_button_tag(:last, value = "1", checked =
2006 Jan 27
radio_button_tag quirkiness...
...or my ineptitude? I found that the following is always checking the last ''things'' button regardless of the value of query.table: People:<%= radio_button_tag("query", "table", "P") %> Animals:<%= radio_button_tag("query", "table", "A") %> Things:<%= radio_button_tag("query",
2011 Aug 14
Puzzled with form on multiple table rows
I''ve got a table of events, and each event has a boolean attribute is_ten_event. On each row of the table is a chekbox to edit the value of is_ten_event, so that multiple rows can be edited with one submit. In order to allow boxes to be un-checked as well, the logic in the controller works like this get array of events from checkboxes that are ticked. make all events.is_ten_event =
2006 Mar 24
Radio Button Tag and hash @Params.
Hi, I''ve a little problem using the Radio Button Tag. I use the " @prove=MODEL.column_names() " to keep attribute names of a table. After i used this code to select a attribute subsets of them : <% i=''0''%> <% for @obj in @prove %> <% @key='':key''+i%> <%= radio_button_tag (@key,@obj) %> <%
2012 Jan 03
Can Arel handle UPPER and LIKE condition?
Hello all, I''ve recently been on a project where somewhere needs using case insensitive search(using UPPER(name) LIKE '''') and LIKE condition, I want to use arel and don''t use the old style string concatenation, can arel handle this? But I check on arel documentation, doesn''t seems have any upper/like operator, and check on arel source, under
2007 Feb 03
Interesting radio button behavior with "onclick"
Hello: I have radio buttons like this: <% fields_for :goalhist do |g| %> <table> <tr> <td align=left><%= radio_button_tag (''duedate'', 0, checked = false, options = {:onclick => ""}) %> &nbsp;&nbsp;Start now </td> </tr> <tr id="detailed" style="display: none"><td colspan=2>
2011 May 11
Issue with Arel::SelectManager and insert Method
Hello, Arel::SelectManager (arel 2.0.9) uses following statement to insert a new record: @engine.connection.insert im.to_sql, ''AREL'', primary_key_name, primary_key_value But in DatabaseStatements insert ist defined as: insert(sql, name = nil, pk = nil, id_value = nil, sequence_name = nil) Actually, Arel::SelectManager does not use the sequence name. This leads to issues
2011 Nov 22
A "strict Arel" mode for ActiveRecord to prevent SQL injection vulnerabilities
Hello rubyonrails-core, I’ve been looking into possible changes to ActiveRecord / Arel to make it easier to write Rails applications that are free of SQL injection vulnerabilities, and in particular do so in a way that makes it easy for a code reviewer to verify that the app is safe from such bugs. The concern: ----------------- With the ActiveRecord API as is, it’s relatively easy to write
2006 Jun 28
observe_field and radio button... does not work?
I try to catch click event on radio button, but nothing is executed.... Tested with RoR 1.1.2 and 1.1.3. What am I doing wrong? <%= radio_button_tag(:city, ''Dublin'') %> <%= observe_field(:citi, :frequency => 0.5, :on => ''click'', :with => "''city='' +
2008 Apr 09
form_tag and form_for cause #protect_from_forgery errors
Hey All, I''m trying to do a simple form_for (and I also get it with form_tag) and I''m getting the following error: ActionView::TemplateError (No :secret given to the #protect_from_forgery call. Set that or use a session store capable of generating its own keys (Cookie Session Store).) on line #2 of users/new.fbml.erb: 1: <h1>Welcome To Courses, Let''s Get
2007 Apr 03
In my logs I can see that end_form_tag is being deprecated. I wanted to make the switch now but cannot get the new end tag to work. THIS WORKS: <%= form_remote_tag :url =>{:action => "next_question", :kwiz_id =>, :position => @next_position} %> <% @question.choices.each do
2011 Apr 18
Arel - clone bug (and fix), feature requests
Hi all, I''ve been playing around with Arel this week (actually outside of Rails) and found an issue with the clone implementation. I''ve added a patch and a testcase here: and made a pull request against the rails/arel repo. I''ve also been playing around with support for ordering on
2008 May 16
radio button observe field only triggers once
Hi, If i add field observers to radio button fields they trigger once but then nothing after that. I have multiple fields in a form that i need to know if one of them changes and which spedific field. Below is an example of two foelds i tested and they trigger once with the alert but then nothing after that. I also tried individual observers for each field test_yes and test_no but with the same
2011 May 05
[threadsafe] Arel ToSql visitor is not threadsafe
Hey, We hit a bug today because Arel::Visitors::ToSql is not threadsafe. Here is what is happening: Arel::Visitors::ENGINE_VISITORS is a cache of visitors instances. These instances are not inherently threadsafe because it contains state ''@last_column'', ''@connection'' that is shared between threads. The other variables ''@pool'',
2013 Jun 18
How to Pass Jquery selected dropdown values and radio button values to controller
Hi, I have an advance search page and its code is as follows - I have written my code like this <div class="container"> <%= form_tag search_index_path, method: :get do %> <%= radio_button_tag ''user_type'', ''customer'' %><p>Customer</p> <%= radio_button_tag ''user_type'',
2009 Feb 26
beginners question
hi group, I am making a little rails app to experiment with rails. It consists of one model, item, that represents an item on a todo list. A todo item has a description, a state (finished or not) and a due date. After changing the scaffold screens a bit, I wanted to be able to have no due date. I tried to do this by making a radio button; if ''no date'' is selected, the date
2012 Mar 13
[Arel]Building query, but can't get a proper output
I have the following code: advertisements_arel = Advertisement.order(" DESC").arel @advertisements = (params[:website_id].present? ? advertisements_arel.where(:website_id => params[:website_id]) : advertisements_arel).to_a It returns a struct Arel::SelectManager::Row data But I''d like it to return an array of Advertisement objects (like it would
2011 Feb 08
Remove ActiveRecord::Relation#& alias for 'merge' ? (or at least only reference and not use in AR)
Would the core team be open to the removal of the ''&'' alias for ActiveRecord::Relation#merge? The reason is that in Ruby the ''&'' operator refers to an intersection of two sets of data, not a merge. (within the context of the Array class) Recently Arel added support for SQL Set Operators: 2-0-stable: