similar to: Collect users who posted items with ActsasTaggable on Tag in rails 3

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Collect users who posted items with ActsasTaggable on Tag in rails 3"

2010 Jan 05
Conditional named_scope chaining with params (Need help)
Hello there, I have a model that has more then one named_scope. In my action Index of the controller that handle this model I want to do this in a drier way: if params[:ownership] == "mine" @posts = Post.tagged_with(params[:tags], :on => :tags).owner( :all, :page => params[:page], :order => ''created_at DESC'' else
2006 Mar 03
How to use the sortable_element tagname option?
I''m having some difficulty adding drag-and-drop sorting to my application. I''m hoping that someone can help me figure out what I''m doing wrong: #view <table> ... <tbody id="item-list-body"> <tr id="view-item-<%= %>"....</tr> </tbody> ... <%= sortable_element(''item-list-body'',
2006 Jul 21
Abstract insertion question
Hi, In the following block of Prototype.js when will the catch() block run? I cannot create conditions in Opera where it will run. Thanks, Peter if (this.element.insertAdjacentHTML) { /* IE and Opera */ try { this.element.insertAdjacentHTML(this.adjacency, this.content); } catch (e) { // when will this run? can feature detection be used instead? var tagName =
2006 Apr 27
proposing $E & $T
Hey all, I''ve had these functions for some time now, and would like to offer them as two new dollar-sign functions - elements to be extended by Prototype geniuses. :-) makeText(string) as $T() - return text node element Does just what it says... I''m sure someone could extend it nicely when via Prototype. (example) var x = $T(''hello world'');
2006 Jun 25
Having Trouble Using ActsAsTaggable
I''ve installed the acts_as_taggable plugin and modifed it according to the tutorial form making it user specific ( ). I keep getting errors when I try to tag things, however, and have traced the problem to the line of the tag_with function that calls the find_or_create_by_name function. So I fired
2003 Feb 25
How to modify XML documents and save changes
Dear, I want to read XML documents, add child nodes to some elements and store everything back as an XML document. I've tryed the following: doc <- xmlTreeParse("file.xml") QTListNode<-xmlElementsByTagName(xmlRoot(doc)[[1]],"tagname") append.xmlNode(QTListNode[[1]],newXMLNode(name ="Norm", attrs = NULL)) saveXML(doc, file = "out.xml",
2001 Nov 13
I'm tryuing to get the RODBC package to work with a MS Sql database (Wonderware's InSQL). I'm able to connect to the database using the following: version _ platform i386-pc-mingw32 arch x86 os Win32 system x86, Win32 status Under development (unstable)
2010 Jan 15
Chaining queries in ActiveRecord
Hi all, Stuck at this problem for several days. Tried to use named_scope, scope_out, and plugin such as searchlogic, but no result. The problem is as follows: I have a pic table and tag table, and a join table called pic_tag (with only pic_id and tag_id) so that I can associate N pics to M tags. This is the tutorial way to set up a many- to-many association. I''m trying to implement a
2012 Jul 25
submenus and menu title
From *** QUOTE - BEGIN *** MENU BEGIN [tagname] MENU END Begin/end a submenu. The entries between MENU BEGIN and MENU END form a submenu, which is marked with a > mark on the right hand of the screen. Submenus inherit the properties of their parent menus, but can override them, and can thus have their own
2006 Apr 01
acts_as_taggable, wrong number of arguments
Hello, When I try: @tagged_items = Problem.find_tagged_with :all => ''kuba'' or @tagged_items = Problem.tags_count :limit => 100 I get this error: ArgumentError in Volume#index wrong number of arguments (2 for 3) RAILS_ROOT: script/../config/.. Application Trace | Framework Trace | Full Trace
2005 Dec 16
Bug in Draggable in 1.5
I have a Draggable object that contains a SELECT with some OPTION tags. When I select one of the OPTION tags, the entire Draggable acts as though it is being dragged. There is code in the Draggable object to stop this for Firefox: initDrag: function(event) { if(Event.isLeftClick(event)) { // abort on form elements, fixes a Firefox issue var src =
2007 Jul 26
Prototype bug, "too much recursion" line 1294
FYI, just tried to upgrade my prototype from 1.5.something to and when I did an ajax based form submission, I my browser pegged the CPU. FireBug tells me there is too much recursion online 1294: if (!element || !element.tagName || element.nodeType == 3 || I don''t have enough time to submit a proper bug report but wanted to let people know.
2007 Dec 04
patch for oggz-comment
Hi, It seems the oggz-comment on your computer has more features than the one you sent in August :-) Any chance you could send a more recent copy? In any case, I've updated the --help output for the -s option, and also added a manual page with the same info, in doc/oggz-comment.1.sgml (in changeset:3280). cheers, Conrad. On 07/11/2007, Kangyuan Niu
2005 Nov 07
question about Effect.Highlight and IE 5.5
I''ve recently begun testing some of the scriptaculous functionality in IE 5.5, since my company wants me to support as many browsers as possible. When I do an Effect.Highlight on a <tr>, it doesn''t quite work right. I''ve figured out a few things, but I''m not sure whether you want to change them or not. Here''s what I know: In
2008 Apr 18
element has no properties error.
Hey all, I''ve recently started messing around with Prototype again, so I thought I''d start small and write 5 lines of code that would check if all fields in a form are filled out. So I thought document.observe(''dom:loaded'', function() { $(''submNewUser'').disable(); new Form.Observer($(''newUser''), 0.3, function(e, val) {
2006 Mar 02
Modifying "Find" to always add a condition?
I''d like to always add a condition to any version of "find" (e.g. Thing.find(), Thing.find_by_name(), Thing.find_by_whatever) so that in addition to whatever conditions are set, an additional condition is set :conditions=>"user_id=#{}" I''d like to make sure that a user only sees/edits/creates entries in the database that have the user_id
2010 Jun 24
Using searchlogic with acts_as_taggable_on
Hi, i have 2 model, Merchant and Items and using acts_as_taggable_on Merchant has_many Items, and i try to find Merchant with search logic including the tags class Merchant < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_taggable has_many :items end class Item < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_taggable belongs_to :merchant end This works >> Merchant.tagged_with(''Tag 1'') but
2006 Jun 16
duplicate entry issue in acts_as_taggable gem
Hi, I am using the ''acts_as_taggable'' gem and have issues when I try to ''tag'' an entity with a ''tagname'' already defined. i.e 1) book[1].tag(''science'',''paperback'') --> works fine 2) book[2].tag(''roman'',''physics'',''paperback'') --> creates an
2011 Mar 15
Acts as taggable on ( tag ownership question )
From the acts as taggable doc I seeTag Ownership Tags can have owners: class User < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_tagger end class Photo < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_taggable_on :locations end @some_user.tag(@some_photo, :with => "paris, normandy", :on => :locations) @some_user.owned_taggings @some_user.owned_tags
2009 Jul 07
[PATCH server] Update app to work with rails 2.3.2
Note that this does not fix gettext for app, that will be done separately in another patch as F10/F11 require different setups for that. In the meantime gettext works if manually changed in environment.rb to gettext_rails instead of gettext/rails Signed-off-by: Jason Guiditta <jason.guiditt at> --- src/app/controllers/application.rb | 200 --------