Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "Parent id for find_or_create method"
2012 Feb 07
save method (create action) saves twice
Rails 3.1.3
I have changed a regular scaffold action a bit so that it can save using
All I needed to do was adding ":remote => true" in
<div id="script_new">
<%= form_for script, :remote => true do |f| %> <!-- HERE!!! -->
<%= f.hidden_field :video_id %>
<%= f.text_field :text %>
<%= f.submit "save" %>
2008 May 21
this.initialize has no properties error in Prototype Code
Hi All,
I''m a super newbie with Prototype and am trying to implement my first
solution using it.
This is my code:
var span = ''totalViews'' + video_id;
var params = ''video_id='' + video_id;
method: ''post'',
parameters: params,
onSuccess: function(transport)
2007 May 21
Spec''ing redirect with arbitrary parameters
I''ve got the following expectation:
response.should redirect_to(:action => "new", :video_id => "1",
:process_id => "2", :origin_id => "3")
that fails with this error message:
expected redirect to {:video_id=>"1", :process_id=>"2",
:origin_id=>"3", :action=>"new"}, got redirect to
2007 Nov 30
find_by_sql preformance problems when ordering data
I am bumping into a small problem I was hoping someone could send me in
the right direction on.
I''m counting votes from a votes table to try to find the top ten videos.
The following works really well, until I try to order it. It would seem
that the order by is adding a 26 second delay, which surprised me since
it was all done in sql. I revised the process to sort and publish on
2007 Feb 23
How can I spec this? The method gets passed a block...
I''m using Jim Weirich''s Builder library. The code I want to spec is
xml.video do
xml.id @video_id
xml.views @views
xml.date(@date.to_s) if @date
I''d like to mock it, rather than asserting that the XML is the right
string. I can do one spec:
specify "should create a video tag" do
2007 Feb 21
Rendering all the elements when calling Array#to_xml
When I call to_xml on an array, I want it to get the XML for all the
elements in it. I''ve defined to_xml in my class.
>> r.to_xml
=> "<video><id>1</id><views>2</views></video>"
>> a = [r]
=> [#<StatisticsReport:0x3259f38 @video_id=1, @views=2>]
>> a.to_xml
=> "<?xml version=\"1.0\"
2007 Mar 16
Polymorphic find_or_create bug
Today I just spent 3 hours (and before a demo!) trying to figure out
why my polymorphic association fields were breaking.
Turns out someone else put in a patch for this 6 months ago. I''m not
sure if its the same solution I''d use... I''d rather find_or_create
attempt to use AssociationProxy#build if its available and only
Base#new if we''re not on a proxy.
2006 Aug 02
ActiveRecord: find_or_create with has_and_belongs_to_many --
I am attempting to use find_or_create on a foreign table with a
has_and_belongs_to_many relationship with my current table. I am doing
the following:
term = school.terms.find_or_create_by_code("FALL06")
the queries in the log show the expected SELECT statement to query if
there is a join table record between the school and term with code
2009 Oct 11
Nested Attributes and find_or_create
I''m using the new Nested Attributes to edit my models. It''s a
complicated relationship between 5 different models which are subclassed
from a ''Metadata'' model. They all have has_and_belongs_to_many
relationships with the model I am trying to edit.
Unfortunately when I add a new nested attribute, it creates a new row in
the database. I need it to check up
2010 Jul 12
[Patch][Issue #5097] attributeless find_or_create/find_or_initialize
This patch relaxes DynamicFinderMatch to recognize find_or_create /
find_or_initialize without a trailing _by_attribute_list. I''ve found
this useful when the relevant attributes have already been built up
through a chain of associations or named scopes.
Please review, thank you!
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2012 Feb 24
Devise generates Mailer by its own?
Rails 3.1.3
Hi. I''m a little confused with Devise and ActionMailer.
It seems that Devise has its own way of sending mails through
Does it generate Mailer class when "rails g devise..." command is
Or do I need to do some special command in order to generate Mailer?
I have certainly set up a devise User table but there is no Mailer class
for it,
2007 Mar 28
Rails, REST and JSON
Hi everyone,
I''m writing a lightweight AJAX application using Rails on the server side as
a RESTful web service provider.
I need the web service to support both JSON and XML I/O. Outputting data in
XML and JSON is easy (using to_xml and to_json),
and it''s also easy to do XML input as Rails does it for you automatically.
Is it possible to somehow have the same
automatic parsing
2004 Jul 09
Can R read data from stdin?
Is there anyway I can write a script which feed input datasource from stdin
and let R process it (maybe frequency report) then output the report to
I can't seem to find much info on documentation or FAQ on this topic.
Soichi Hayashi
The information contained in this communication is
2007 Mar 30
Need help in running swfdec to watch youtube video
I am trying to use swfdec to watch youtube video.
As an example, I want to watch this video from this page:
>From the source of the above page, it has this link:
var fo = new SWFObject("/player2.swf?video_id=ot5DtISEceU&l=227&t=OEgsToPDskIAT_WivMUj76nGfdhAFBKN&sk=CdlGIc1WbGevkdd3KWQVRQC",
2012 Oct 13
Database design, working but looking for better ways
Rails 3.1.3
Hi. I have designed the database used for my travel plan application.
You should be able to look at the diagram in the link below, hopefully.
("belongs_to" is omitted since it''s obvious)
Basically, the application can list the destinations from a choice of
the departure.
Not mention that the departure_id (integer) and
2012 Nov 12
RSpec: controller POST create
Rails 3.1.3
rspec-rails (2.11.4)
rspec 2.11.1
I am new to rspec. I don''t quite understand tests for POST create part.
I have generated scaffold, and simultaneously it generated
controller_spec.rb as well.
it "assigns a newly created plan as @plan" do
post :create, {:plan => valid_attributes}, valid_session
assigns(:plan).should be_a(Plan)
2013 Jan 07
plot x-axis DateTime NOT evenly spaced
R-64 latest
Hi. I am trying to plot a set of csv data, which looks like
> head(interval)
date inteval
1 2012-07-01 00:57:54 +0900 156
2 2012-07-01 01:07:41 +0900 587
3 2012-07-01 01:09:31 +0900 110
4 2012-07-01 01:18:42 +0900 551
5 2012-07-01 01:39:01 +0900 1219
6 2012-07-01 01:40:40 +0900 99
as you can see, more than one event happens each day,
2013 Apr 27
required field for one, optional for another
rails 3.2.11
My app has User model, its one of the fields is entrepreneur:boolean.
So users have two types; one is normal users, the other is professional
For normal users, only emails and usernames are required and other
fields are optional.
For professional users, in addition to above, addresses and real names
are required.
Is there any Ruby way to set the requirement depending on the
2013 Mar 11
take two columns from a set of lists
say I have a matrix and lists like
x <- matrix(c(12.1, 3.44, 0.1, 3, 12, 33.1, 1.1, 23), nrow=2)
x.list <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(x)), function(i) x[i,])
if I want a column of the matrix x, I write
x[, 2]
for example.
But how can I do something similar for a set of lists, x.list, above?
> x.list
[1] 12.1 0.1 12.0 1.1
[1] 3.44 3.00 33.10 23.00
unlist(x.list)[,2] does
2004 Jul 21
Can R work on very large of data?
I am pretty new for R, but if I understand it correctly, when R read data by
doing something like "d <- read.table("/dev/stdin")", it read entire data
first then start processing..
Is there anyway I can tweak R around so that it will start processing as
data comes and not load everthing on memory at once? The reason for this is
because we have a case where