similar to: Rails 3: Route all POST to :update method for a specific namespace

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 80000 matches similar to: "Rails 3: Route all POST to :update method for a specific namespace"

2014 Mar 29
rails 4 link_to post method
I have a rails 4 app that has a link_to with a post method but I keep getting: No route matches [GET] "/payments/136330" <%= link_to("Buy Now", buy_path(list_item), :method => :post) %> Ideas?? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving
2010 Apr 18
Rails 3: new namespace inside nested resource?
Hi, Is there a way to use namespaces inside nested resources? For example, I have: resources :users do resources :tags end and I''d like to place the tags controller inside controllers/users, with the equivalent for templates. If I try this: resources :users do namespace :users do resources :tags end end I''ll get redundant route names: users_user_tags,
2010 Nov 10
rails "path_prefix" produces no correct verb route evaluation
Hi guys! ;) If you set "routes.rb" as: map.resources :pocoyo You have RESTful rails routes facilites. Ok, let''s focus on these two maps: "" [GET] is mapped to "pocoyo" controller and "index" action. "" [POST] is mapped to "pocoyo" controller and "create"
2012 Oct 16
Rails 3 + fb_graph how to get access token to post to my own Facebook page
I am using Rails 3 + fb_graph to post to my own Facebook page. I have code that works, but it uses an access token that only works for a couple of hours. And it is very annoying to refresh this access token a couple of times a day. So I registrated for a FB app. I now have: my_app ="App ID"); acc_tok = my_app.get_access_token("App Secret"); me =
2011 Jul 28
rails 3 routing error
Here''s the error: 1) SessionsController GET ''new'' should be successful Failure/Error: get :new ActionController::RoutingError: No route matches {:controller=>"sessions", :action=>"new"} # ./spec/controllers/sessions_controller_spec.rb:8:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'' 2) SessionsController GET
2012 Aug 07
how to do render partial on jquery ajax success method with rails 3
I''m using rails 3.2.1 with jquery for an ajax call. My juqery code is : jQuery.ajax({ url: "/org_pages", data: ''org_id=''+ org_id, type: "POST", success: function(result){ jQuery("#image_center").html("<%= escape_javascript(render(:partial =>
2010 Apr 27
undefined method 'each' in acts_as_taggable_on with rails 3 beta 3 and ruby 1.9
Hi I am trying to use acts_as_taggable_on in my new projects. But I got Error when I try to save tags. undefined method `each'' for "[]":String NoMethodError: undefined method `each'' for "":String from C:/Ruby19/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/ activerecord-3.0.0.beta3/lib/active_record/associations/ association_collection.rb:347:in `replace''
2010 Dec 21
Request for comment on post on SEO QuickStart for Rails
Hi, What do you think about this guys? I looked through the whole Internet ;) and found nothing simple that would suit my simple needs. So I did these things on my own and wrote about the process. Thanks for any comments! Regards, M&W. -- Posted via -- You received this message
2011 Oct 05
Rails 3 routes with same name, different param name based on constraint
Hello there fellow RoR enthusiasts, I have been wrestling with rails 3 routes for hours trying to accomplish the following: I want to use the *same url helper* (photo_url) in my views but have a different route match made depending on the format of the parameter I pass. Seems simple enough, right?? If the parameter looks like nn.nn.nnnnnn.whatever, I want the param passed to
2013 May 11
Jquery-Datatable-Rails Gem: Error on Update. PUT request automatically converting to a POST request.
Please checkout this link and help me out here. I guess the Gem has a Bug. It is working perfectly for Creating a User but while Editing User information it is giving a routing error: No route matches [POST] "/users/2" Here is the link: -- You received this
2010 Oct 25
Rails 3 -NoMethodError (undefined method `original_filename
Hello! I''m using Rails 3, Uploadify, to send images to S3. Right now all the images being uploaded to S3 have the MIME: application/octet-stream I''d like to fix that but I''m getting the following error: NoMethodError (undefined method `original_filename'' for #<ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess:0x107c81998>): app/models/photo.rb:29:in
2010 Dec 11
Rails 3 - Delayed_Job (collectiveidea), trying to Delay Mailers - Error: NoMethodError (undefined method `delay' for UserMailer:Class):
Hello, I have the following in an observer: UserMailer.delay.msg_notification(record) In user_mailer.rb class UserMailer < ActionMailer::Base ... def msg_notification(record) mail( :to => "#{}", :subject => "Notification" ) end .. end But this errors with: NoMethodError (undefined method `delay'' for
2010 Jun 25
Rails 3 data-method vs _method
Hi, I would like to know if and how new data-method attribute should work together with _method url parameter Please take a look at the following example: <a href="/players/13/logic_delete?_method=delete">Delete</a> A link to trigger action logic_delete and we should use REST delete method type. In Rails 3 with new UJS this will not work if javascript is enabled. To get
2010 Sep 06
how to call rails method from javascript method.
hi I wanna call rails method from the javascript method. It should be ajax call for rails method. please help me. -- Posted via -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to rubyonrails-talk-/JYPxA39Uh5TLH3MbocFF+G/ To unsubscribe
2011 Jul 06
undefined method `assigns' and undefined method `post'
Hi, I have an error of undefined method. can anyone help me to solve it. I follow the tutorial to practicing testing controller of rails, and now i got stuck with the error.. plz help error: undefined method `post'' for #<Spec::Example::ExampleGroup::Subclass_1:0xb7754114> undefined method `assigns'' for #<Spec::Example::ExampleGroup::Subclass_1:0xb785d1b4> Test file
2009 Dec 06
Route error to Admin namespace
Hi. I have some apps that i have "admin" areas to the clients manager the app. This "admin" is a directory on my controllers path, like this: my_site --> app -->-->controllers -->-->-->admin And my controllers in "admin", i use the correct namespace(example for clients_controller): class Admin::ClientsController < AdminController Only doing
2010 Jan 20
How to map a Named Route onto a namespaced resource?
I have a site, where I am currently adding a self-built shop. Among other stuff I have this construction in my route-file map.namespace :shop do |shop| shop.resources :categories do |categories| categories.resources :products end end I like the namespace, since it encapsulates the shop nicely inside my webapplication. Somehow I would like the url "" to
2011 Apr 07
[Rails 3] No route matches error using RSpec even though route DOES match
I''ve recently run into a really weird situation that I''m just not sure what''s going on here. I''m trying to write a route that will allow searches to be done via GET requests (generally a good idea since it''s just retrieving information, helps for links and SEO, etc.), and I have the route properly set up and can access it in development mode just fine,
2010 May 23
[Rails 3] Trouble with named routes and form_for
Hi guys, I''m having trouble getting named routes and form_for to play nicely in quite the way I would expect. Here''s a quick summary of what I''ve got going on: Named route: resources :thread, :class_name => "forum_thread" Controller name: forum_thread_controller Model object: forum_thread In both my new and edit actions I''m setting up an
2012 Feb 22
Collect users who posted items with ActsasTaggable on Tag in rails 3
I am using Rails 3 and Acts as taggable on in my application. I am fetching the articles associated with the tag by Article.tagged_with("tagname") and Blog.tagged_with("tagname") Now i would like to collect all the users from the above i.e.., people who are all posted articles and blogs with this tag Please suggest me.. -- Posted via -- You