similar to: Problem in testing with separate validation of :attachment_file_name

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "Problem in testing with separate validation of :attachment_file_name"

2009 Sep 03
paperclip is not saving the files
Hi all, I''ve installed paperclips but paperclip is not saving the files my model has has_attached_file :attachment,:styles => { :medium => "300x300>", :thumb => "100x100>" } and i have db migration as class AddAttachmentToPolicies < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up add_column :policies,
2007 May 05
have_one and have_present
>Comment By: Luis Lavena (luislavena) > Date: 2007-05-04 23:37 > describe "An Asset" do > before(:each) do > @asset = > end > > it { @asset.should have_one(:attachment) } > it { @asset.should have_present(:something) } > end Food for thought on these. I like have_one a lot. It speaks to me as a Rails developer and I think it speaks to
2012 Aug 09
validate_format_of message
I have validates_format_of :name, :with => *my regex*, :message => "That''s wrong" The validation works but the message does not get displayed when the user enters invalid data. Does anyone have any ideas how to fix it? Thanks. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send
2012 Aug 18
Paperclip images are not stored in my directory
It is my User.rb model, My images are not stored in my assets directory.. has_attached_file :photo, :styles => { :small => "100x100#", :large => "500x500>", :thumb => "60x60>" }, :url => "/assets/users/:id/:style/:basename.:extension", :path =>
2009 Aug 07
paperclip model fails while when updating with no attachment
Hi all, I have paperclip running in my rails environment. I setup a new model just for paperclip called Assets so that I could upload multiple files per item (even though I''m only using 1 attachment per item at the moment). Everything works except for the following: Updating an item record with no attachment in the form but having PREVIOUSLY attached an asset while creating or updating.
2014 Feb 18
How to Test Multimodel Paperclip attachments?
I'm using Rspec and FactoryGirl to create specs for multimodel paperclip attachments. From searching other questions, it seems like a single image attachment is more common. Car.rb class Car < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :uploads, dependent: :destroy validates :uploads, presence: { message: 'You must upload at least one image' }
2009 Jun 07
Missing Template when testing with the Brain Buster Captcha partial
When I run my functional tests, they throw an error with the following message: ActionView::TemplateError: Missing template /_captcha.erb in view path app/views:test/vendor/plugins/brain_buster/views/brain_busters On line #23 of app/views/contacts/_form.html.erb 20: <%= f.label :message %><br /> 21: <%= f.text_area :message %> 22:
2009 Nov 10
Model spec for file upload with paperclip and fastercsv
I just started my ImportsController and was this was really the way to go: ////////import.rb///////////////// class Import < ActiveRecord::Base has_attached_file :csv validates_attachment_presence :csv after_save :process_csv private def process_csv FasterCSV.foreach( csv.path) do |row| #TODO end end end /////////import_spec.rb///////////////// require
2011 Sep 05
undefined method `dependent' - rspec and shoulda
hello, Getting this error when using shoulda and rspec for model tests. my gemfile ... gem "shoulda-matchers" .. spec file .. it { should have_many(:balances).dependent(:destroy) } error: User shoulda validations Failure/Error: it { should have_many(:balances).dependent(:destroy) } NoMethodError: undefined method `dependent'' for
2011 Oct 15
shoulda installation troubles
I cannot manage to have shoulda working. I''m using rvm with rails 3.1 and ruby 1.9.2 I added group :test do gem "shoulda" end to the Gemfile, and then run bundle install, thus the gem is installed, and it is featured in the list running gem list --local. but whenever I add something like class ModelTest < Test::Unit::TestCase should_not
2011 Jul 28
RSpec, shoulda-matchers and Rails model attributes validations
I was trying out RSpec framework in a project and got stopped doing the unit test of a model. In particular, doing the test for the associations and the ActiveRecord validations. I started writing the validations but my tests didn''t look DRY at all. Before refactoring the tests checked out and look for other people solutions. I found out shoulda-matchers and Shoulda (which if I
2009 Mar 03
shoulda tested better
We''ve made quite a few contributions in our facebooker fork ( ), but unfortunately, one thing some of our contributions have in common with many others is the lack of testing. I want to change that. I''d like to help lead an effort to make the facebooker tests better. One thing that I think would help is a little better
2011 Sep 14
rspec and should have_many through
Hi, Anyone can help me with rspec shoulda validations please. I can''t get the syntax right for these validations. Please correct me it { should have_one :tradable, :through => :trade_order} it { should belong_to :source, :polymorphic => true } it { should have_many :transfers, :as => :source } this is for Rspec 2, rails 3.1, gem "rspec-rails" gem
2012 Dec 04
Empty test suite is run after every rake task
When I run rake db:migrate or rake -T I get these lines at the end: Finished in 0.000276 seconds. 0 tests, 0 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors My Gemfile is: source '''' gem ''rack'' gem ''rails'', ''3.0.9'' gem "acl9", ''0.12.0'' gem "fastercsv"#, :version =>
2011 Jun 30
How to play with shoulda with functional testing
Hi, I am new in rails testing, and now i try to use shoulda to test the functional section. can anyone give me some advice, example or recommend tutorial site to me.. thanks -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to rubyonrails-talk-/JYPxA39Uh5TLH3MbocFF+G/ To
2010 Jun 20
rspec-rails 2.0.0.beta.12 showing undefined method error for route_to
First of all, I''ve been trying to find an answer for this problem all over the internet without luck. The thing is that I am using RVM with ruby 1.9.2-head and I created a new empty gemset. Then I installed bundler gem with: gem bundler install That installed the library into the /Users/damselem/.rvm/gems/ ruby-1.9.2-head at rails3/gems directory. Then I went to my rails 3 app
2010 Dec 22
Shoulda issue: no more "should have_instance_methods" ?
I''m using Shoulda. After copying the code here.... .... into my test_helper file so I can test acts_as_list, I came across issues. For one I realized I had to get rid of the _ between the "should" and "have" in past cases, but here, I get this error when I run my unit test:
2009 Sep 26
how to pass value to method in controller
how to pass value to method in controller using button_to_remote button_to_remote ''check avaliability'', :url => { :action => ''check_for_unique_login'', :login => @user.login} above code is not working. -- Posted via
2011 May 04
rails mongoid
I have a strange problem. Suppose I have a user model with only name field. I can add a field with value by creating an instance in mongodb rails environment. Example: class User include Mongoid::Document field :name end Now in rails console, If you do user = user[:name] = "xxxx" user[:firstname] = "yyyy" The record gets created with name and
2006 Feb 20
I just replied to someone about using send_file and while I was testing my solution I figured out that the controllers "current working dir" appears to be the root of the app. Then I saw a reply that Ezra sent to someone where he used RAILS_ROOT and I thought "duh, I''ve seen that before... shoulda used that". But, when I had an action print out RAILS_ROOT