similar to: Observe field with jquery in Rails 3.1

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Observe field with jquery in Rails 3.1"

2011 May 30
rails habtm checkboxes with jquerymobile
Hi guys, I have a habtm association working properly. My application consists of both a desktop and a mobile version. My mobile version is made with jquerymobile and I would like my checkboxes in the edit form to look like the checkboxes shown in My desktop code is the following: <%= check_box_tag
2005 Jul 19
Nested drag and drop rendering issue with ie
First and foremost, excellent library - excellent work. Thank you. Now, here''s what I''m doing: <div id="wrapper"> <fieldset id="page_1"> <legend>Page</legend> <fieldset id="group_1"> Group </fieldset> <fieldset id="group_2"> Group </fieldset>
2006 Oct 11
Help please with observe_form - not working
My observe_form is basically totally limp. I think it should update without hitting submit button but even if I hit it , it doesn''t change (doesn''t seem to post the data). Can anyone please take a look and see if I"m doing something wrong. TIA Form: <% start_form_tag({:action => "livesearch"}, :id => "asearch") %>
2007 Apr 23
getElementsBySelector problem in IE
I''m having this problem with IE and getElementsBySelector, but am a relative js novice, so quite possible -- likely even -- that I''m doing something stupid. Either way, a fresh pair of eyes would help. Basically I''m duplicating a fieldset within a form (so you can upload more than one photo). [BTW, the fieldsets have a CSS id which relates to the object id of the
2008 Apr 16
non-bubbling mouseover/mouseout
First, I have only played with Prototype for about a month, so I don''t know it well. Second, I am more of a server-side programmer than a client-side programmer. In my page, I have a div that appears as a result of a link mouseover event. This div is nested within another div that houses everything (id = ''menuContainer''). I want the resulting div (which is a submenu)
2009 Feb 15
Collapsible Fieldset
Hey there, (First steps in Ruby and Rails...) I''m trying to make a fieldset collapsible, like they are, for example, on many Drupal pages. What I''ve figuared out is the following: <fieldset id="addressdata" class="collapsible collapsed"> <legend> <%= link_to_function("Show/Hide Addressdata") { |page| page[:
2007 Nov 06
Why is this view spec failing?
I can''t figure out why I am getting a failure. It renders out fine in the browser. <h1>New member</h1> <%= error_messages_for :member %> <% form_for(:member, :url => members_path) do |f| %> <fieldset> <legend>Member Info</legend> <p><label for="member[first_name]">First Name:</label> <%=
2007 Sep 06
semi-nube help request
just to show i''m not a complete dork: i receive emails from the list through gmail and i''ve already searched for the answer to this problem and since i''ve been a member i''ve not received an email about it. Google search results are mixed at best. so this is my problem: i have a form: <div id="container"
2010 Aug 17
[Form] Method POST & PUT problem
Hello, I have a form that should be a POST method, but Rails insist to put a hidden field "_method" that has the value "put" does anyone knows why? Thanks, David Sousa Controller: ------------------------------- def new @user = @current_user end ------------------------------------------- View: ------------------------------------- <% semantic_form_for @user,
2006 Oct 12
Help with observer_form , javascript error
I''ve set up an observer form, it is not working nor throwing error at least in loading the page. The Firefox javascript console is showing this error: Error: missing } after property list Source File: http://localhost:3000/ajaxsearch/list Line: 165, Column: 45 Source Code: hide(''roller'')}, parameters:''Form.serialize(''asearch'')='' +
2006 Jun 11
Finding a record and showing it -- how?
I''d like to prompt a user for the value of a Name field, then display the record. Rails tells me that it cannot do a find without an ID. I guess it must be that I''m not passing back properly the data from the view to the controller. Thanks for the help joshi The find_user.rhtml view: <div class="find-name-form"> <fieldset> <legend>Enter User
2011 Jul 07
Rails 3.1 + jQuery + jQuery UI = data is null
Trying to get jQuery UI to work with my rails 3.1 setup, but i keep getting errors that i cant see posted anywhere, this is driving my insane so please have a look => [application.js] // This is a manifest file that''ll be compiled into including all the files listed below. // Add new JavaScript/Coffee code in separate files in this directory and they''ll automatically // be
2010 Jun 02
Ajax with JQuery
I have used Ajax link and live validation in index.rhtml Ajax link requires JavaScript "prototype" and live validation requires "jquery". i got "element.dispatchEvent is not a function" on the firebug console when i used "prototype" and "jquery" in same page index.rhtml after i removed javascript "prototype" library, i got "Ajax is
2012 Nov 02
jquery error in production precompiled
In my rails project, for production precompile I do : rake assets:precompile RAILS_ENV=production But it not work for jquery. In my firegub console, I got the error “ReferenceError: JQuery is not defined “ at production.rb # Disable Rails''s static asset server (Apache or nginx will already do this) config.serve_static_assets = true # Compress JavaScripts and CSS
2011 Dec 19
Jquery Modal Dialog with Jquery DatePicker field strange behavior
Hi people. I need your help here, please. I have a rails 3.0.9 app, and I''m using Ajax to save some records to the database. To achieve this, I use a jquery modal form, but one of the fields is a datepicker, and if I click on it to display the calendar it doesn''t work. The thing is, I press submit without fill all the fields, so, my custom validations were shown, telling me
2007 Mar 19
jQuery Users...
Any jQuery users out there? I would like to learn more about incorporating jQuery with Rails as the performance seems to be the best of any library I''ve seen and it is great in separating the JScript from the HTML. Any suggestions on where to get started? I''ve read this ( prototype-play-nice-in-rails) but was looking into
2013 Jan 23
Need to change jquery version in my rails project
Hello everyone, Currently my rails 3.2.8 project loading jquery 1.9.0 In this jquery 1.9.0 live() method not working. How can i change loading jquery version? Please help. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to rubyonrails-talk-/JYPxA39Uh5TLH3MbocFF+G/
2012 Jan 05
js update partial missing template
PermissionsController def add_member ...snip... @permissions = Permission.all respond_to do |format| format.html { flash[:messages1] = + " has been given rights." } format.js end end app/views/permissions/add_member.js.erb $(''#privileges'').replaceWith("<%=
2010 Apr 09
dynamically linking to ajax.googleapis jquery
Hi I am using jquery and jqueryui in my application And in layout I use <%= javascript_include_tag ""%> <%= javascript_include_tag "" %> <%= stylesheet_link_tag
2011 Sep 07
jquery and ajax query in rails 3
hi people I don''t know much about ajax - jquery. And right now I need to use some functionality with them. In a form (sales model) I have the following code: <div> <%= f.label :product_id, "Product" %> <%= f.collection_select( :product_id, Product.all, :id, :name, options={} ) %> </div> <div> <%= f.label :price,