similar to: Asset Pipeline negated css auto width margins

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 30000 matches similar to: "Asset Pipeline negated css auto width margins"

2012 Feb 21
Asset Pipeline doubles my CSS refs?
Hi, I''m trying to properly reference a .css file. Unfortunately the asset pipeline is doubling my css references which disables my code. What gets rendered is: <link href="/assets/sincoraish-screen.css" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <link href="/assets/sincoraish-print.css" media="print"
2011 Aug 20
Asset Pipeline (Rails 3.1.0.rc4)
Hey all, I''ve got an issue trying to figure out this asset pipeline stuff... So in my application layout, I have: <%= stylesheet_link_tag "application" %> which translates the URL to /assets/application.css in the HTML output. The problem is that it can never find it -- I can see the file under app/assets/stylesheets/application.css . I''ve tried moving it
2012 Mar 15
Make Asset Pipeline compatible with Chrome DevTools Autosave doesn’t play nice with Asset Pipeline. The culprit of the problem is in the asset’s URLs. I cannot decipher a file path by its URL. For instance, /assets/main.css?body=1 could be either app/assets/stylesheets/main.css, lib/assets/stylesheets/main.css or vendor/stylesheets/main.css. To fix
2011 Sep 04
Linking failure in stylesheet_link_tag in production mode with asset pipeline enabled
Hey, in my `application.html.erb`, I have this line: <%= stylesheet_link_tag ''application'' %> which should compile through the asset pipeline and link to the application.css (which does a `require_tree .`). In development mode, I''d expect a <link ... href="/assets/application.css" /> This file is actually delivered by, for example, the
2011 Jul 22
Asset Pipeline and Sprockets
Ok I would love to work out how to use the new Raisl 3.1 Asset Pipeline with SCSS variables, mixins etc and being able to use the asset_path tag. What I have so far is this. Im my application.css.scss I have the following. *= require_self *= require layout *= require home This works fine with using the asset_path helper and variable within layout ie, // layout.css.scss.erb
2012 Mar 27
Offline apps and Asset pipeline Problem in rails3.2
I have a question about using rack-offline with asset pipeline in rails3.2.2. rack-offline creates application.manifest for local caching. This gem watches file modification then re-generate hash-key in manifest. I confuse offline apps with asset pipeline. asset pipeline provides variable paths file to assets/foo.js (actually app/assets/javascript/foo.js). I use `config.assets.debug = false`
2011 Sep 18
3.1 asset pipeline + Capistrano troubles
Hello, I''m having a bit of trouble with the asset pipeline and, I think, Capistrano. In my app layout I have: <%= stylesheet_link_tag "application", "bootstrap" %> And the relevant bits of the app dir structure are: app/assets/stylesheets/application.css.scss # Contains ''require_self'' and ''require_tree .'' as usual
2013 May 26
Ruby on Rails Asset pipeline - Pro and Cons
I was in chapter 5 of the Ruby on Rails, and I come across "Asset pipeline" when R-o-R detect and jam all css and js files into one. It''s true that Browser will have to make less requests, but at the same time, the browser will potentially have to process more code than it should? For example, I use a slider jquery plugin in gallery page, since R-o-R fuse the plugin with
2012 Jul 27
How to get asset pipeline host url in Grape Api
Hi All how can i get the asset pipeline host url in grape api to append to the image url in config/environments/development.rb ActionController::Base.asset_host = "" i have configured the asset url. How can i generate this image with asset host url in grape api -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails:
2012 Feb 26
Served asset /application.css - 304 Not Modified
Hi I am thinking to hide warning that is ”Served asset /application.css - 304 Not Modified”. How can I fix something if I change the settings? I''ve run that is less than server: rails new myapp cd myapp rake db:migrate rails s client: http://localhost:3000/books warning: Started GET "/assets/books.css?body=1" for at 2012-02-26 14:48:35 +0900 Served asset /books.css
2011 Aug 31
Issue with asset pipeline helper with Rails 3.1 final release.
Hi, I''ve just updated my app to the final 3.1 release and deployed it to the staging server after running tests but there is a problem with the precompiled assets. The precompiled assets are all in the public directory, like they were before, Capistrano doesn''t throw any error and running `rake assets:precompile` in the current directory work as expected. But the asset
2013 Apr 22
Using rack-offline with the asset pipeline (images not cached)
Hi, I''ve been trying to incorporate into my app. I followed the example in the readme that shows how to cache application.css and application.js files and that works. When I go to my browser in production mode, though, and turn off my network connection, then reload the app, the app is reloaded successfully, except for the images. I think I
2011 Nov 26
Asset pipeline giving me hard time. Please help !!! - (rails 3.1.3)
I am using rails 3.1.3. Inside config/ application -> config.assets.enabled = true Inside development.rb -> config.assets.compress = false Inside production.rb -> config.serve_static_assets = false; config.assets.compile = false I have images placed in assets/images. If i do localhost:3000/assets/ image I get the image in the browser, but unfortunately, on the browser i am
2012 Feb 19
Session id unavailable if assets pipeline enabled in Rails 3.2.1
I have a Rails 2.3.2 application I am upgrading to Rails 3.2.1. I am using ActiveRecord::SessionStore connected to an Oracle database using the oracle_enhanced_adapter. On my first attempt (creating a new, default Rails 3 application copying in the application code, and fiddling with routes etc) I found that most things could be made to work, but that: request.session_options[:id] returns
2012 Jan 29
AssetNotPrecompiledError for missing assets - really?
I migrated one of my projects to from Rails 3.0 to 3.2.1 which means I''m using the asset pipeline for the first time. As much as I like the ease of compressing and minifying my assets the more I''m annoyed about its behavior to raise an AssetNotPrecompiledError as soon as, well, there''s an asset that''s not precompiled. Can somebody explain me the reason why this
2012 Jan 05
assest pipeline how to exclude some css files?
In my assets I have intranet |_1.css.scss |_2.css.scss internet |_1.css.csss application.css application_internet.css application_intranet.css 1.css.scss 2.css.scss 3.css.scss intranet and internet are directories. In my layout I want to exclude the files under internet and intranet. I have created application_internet.css /* * application-internet.css * *= require_self *=
2012 Aug 04
Automatic asset paths prevent logical asset organization
In 2fe70c1 (last year), rails changed from a static list of assets.paths to automatically register any path under assets/*. (This was not reflected in Rails Guides so I pushed an update to docrails.) However, in my opinion, these automatic asset paths create confusion. The result is that the first-level directories under `(app|lib|vendor)/assets` get swallowed and if I put assets into a
2013 Jul 10
ActionView::Template::Error Not a directory vendor/assets/javascripts/ production
Hello, In production environment, I have this error ActionView::Template::Error Not a directory vendor/assets/javascripts/holder.js when in my template I have this line <%= image_tag "holder.js/150x200" %> My production.rb is : Libapp::Application.configure do # Settings specified here will take precedence over those in config/application.rb # Code is not reloaded
2011 Nov 28
CSS Problem.
Hi Everyone, I was going through the Rails tutorial from here: I was getting this exception on my WebRick server: Started GET "/assets/blueprint/print.css" for at 2011-11-28 14:43:00 +0530 Served asset /blueprint/print.css - 404 Not Found (0ms) ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches [GET]
2014 Apr 26
jquery_ujs.js 404
I am getting this annoying error which relates to jquery_ujs.js not being served. Any clues? This is the site link: GET 404 (Not Found) index:11 GET net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT rev.js:4 Error in event handler for (unknown): Cannot read property 'state' of