similar to: find_by_email dynamic method returning new

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 40000 matches similar to: "find_by_email dynamic method returning new"

2010 Nov 28
Dynamic find_by method returning nil in a class method
I have a user Model with a class method that I am using to do some authentication basically something like this class User < ActiveRecord::Base attr_accessor :password attr_accessible :first_name, :last_name, :email, :birth_date, :sex, :password, :password_confirmation email_regex = /\A[\w+\-.]+@[a-z\d\-.]+\.[a-z]+\z/i validates :first_name,
2011 May 06
Why returns nil?
Hi everyone, I''d like some help to understand this method: def self.authenticate(email, submitted_password) user = find_by_email(email) return nil if user.nil? return user if user.has_password?(submitted_password) # Don''t understand why it doesn''t return user instead of nil # since ''user = find_by_email(email)'' was the last
2013 May 28
AR's find_by_* limits return results. How to avoid id?
When I use find_by_name method I get LIMIT 1 result. > SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."age" = 25 LIMIT 1 But the "age" column is not unique in my table and its value may repeat. So I expect that an array of records where "age" is 25 will be returned. But AR limits the query by 1. How to avoid it? Or is it the default
2012 Sep 20
access controller's object attributes in view page
Hi, I am new to ROR and learning it. In my controller I have an admins record and I am passing that admin object to the admin''s view page to get the name of the admin. But when I try to access the name it is showing error as "undefined method `name'' for :current_admin:Symbol".. Please help.. Please find my code below Sessions Controller def create
2008 Feb 07
ActiveRecord 'find_or_initialize_by' dynamic finder bug? Ignoring conditions.
Hello all, I just ran into something that I think is a bug, and I would like to confirm with the core team whether this is expected/desired behavior or if this is a bug that I should file and develop failing tests for (I doubt I have the active record method_missing fu to actually patch it). Test Scenario: I would like to find or initialize a new user and base the find on the users email
2012 Feb 23
Undefined Method
Hi all, I am currently trying to get a bunch of links to to display all the related console records upon button click so e.g. If a user clicks on the Dreamcast link then I would like it to display all records that have Dreamcast stored as their console. I have the following example code in my index class: <%= link_to ''DREAMCAST'', games_path(:console =>
2012 May 12
before_save messing up
#user.rb ------> Model class User < ActiveRecord::Base attr_accessible :email, :name, :password, :password_confirmation has_secure_password before_save :create_remember_token . . . . . . . private def create_remember_token self.remember_token = SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64 end end #sessions_controller.rb ------->
2012 Feb 03
ruby on rails 3 tutorial book chapter9 Signin Failure
Hi I have problem trying to pass the signin failure test. This is the test code of the sessions_controller.rb def create user = User.authenticate(params[:session][:email], params[:session][:password]) if user.nil?[:error] = "Invalid email/password combination." @title = "Sign in" render
2013 Sep 26
Login Problem
Hello All, I am getting a problem while login for inactive users. While login I am getting - Processing by Devise::SessionsController#new as HTML User Load (0.7ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."id" = 2 LIMIT 1 Redirected to http://localhost:3000/ Filter chain halted as :require_no_authentication rendered or redirected. Inactive users
2010 Mar 10
Email section
Sir , I want to implement email section in ma web application.. so i found the method ''server_setting'' for it... Following is the method: config.action_mailer.server_settings = { :address => "" , :port => 25, :domain => "" , :authentication => :login, :user_name => "manish" , :password =>
2005 Dec 14
find_by_ issue
In the Agile RoR book, page 219 (softcover version) they talk about the fact you can use the methods: find_by_ and find_all_by_ and fill in the last piece with a valid column name. So I have a database table called "parts" and the following columns: id partname partnumber vendor I do the following: (connection to DB already established) class Part < ActiveRecord::Base end
2010 Feb 10
nil object - can anyone help?
Hi there, I''ve been looking for a while now and can''t seem to find where I''m going wrong.. I''m following a railscast tutorial to send invites out to people. there''s n invitation.rb page: class Invitation < ActiveRecord::Base #attr_accessible :sender_id, :recipient_email, :token, :sent_at belongs_to :sender, :class_name =>
2009 Apr 23
how to avoid (Net::SMTPFatalError) "555 5.5.2 Syntax error
Hi all, I have written code to send mails through action_mailer, where in I called MassNotifier.deliver_forward_review_link(current_user.profile.display_name,email,params[:notification][:message],params[:title],params[:designation],params[:company],params[:id],@invitation.invitation_code) this method , and in mass_notifier.rb I fave written def
2010 Sep 23
undefined method `protect_against_forgery?' for #<ActionView
Hi guys This is a pretty tricky one. I get a "undefined method `protect_against_forgery?'' for #<ActionView::Base:0x569a3d4>" error when trying to generate a partial from ''outside'' the web site. I do this as I have a rake task that checks for changes periodically in the background, and if it then sees a change it rebuilds the partial and posts the result
2008 May 22
Retrieving Mutliple Records using find_by_*
I was hoping that AR''s find_by_* magic methods would help me retrieve multiple items somewhat like the following: names_to_find = [''Larry'', ''Moe'', ''Curly''] found_people = Person.find_by_name(names_to_find) Is there a way to accomplish this using find_by_* (or even find(:all) using some sort of conditions) or must I resort to SQL
2011 Mar 09
ActiveRecord serialize method not returning YAML array in test environment.
Hello, I''ve got a problem with deserialization of AR "serialize" method ( in my tests. It just gives me pure String instead of my data Array. Example: User > AR::Base serialize :roles, Array end Console: u = u.roles = ["admin", "support"] # => true User.first.roles # =>
2011 Nov 19
undefined method `+@'
Any idea what might be wrong? ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `+@'' for #<ActionView::OutputBuffer:0x00000002e51580>): -- Posted via -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to
2010 Sep 27
Rails 3 - Creating a comment and then returning the Partial with JUST the new comment
Here''s the flow I have... First, jquery posts the new comment to the server: $.post(this.action,$(this).serialize(),null,''script''); Then in the comments controller: def create @comment = lots of stuff going on here but it works... if flash[:notice] = "Successfully created comment."
2013 Feb 18
How to clear ActiveRecord query cache on associations with dynamic table
In part of my application I''m using dynamic tables. I''m aware of the single thread conditions. I''ve tackled some caveats yet - will post a blog about it soon - but there''s one I need help with. Consider 2 models that are associated: Order and OrderLine where Order has many order_lines. Now we set the table names for them:
2011 Aug 31
undefined method `model_name' for NilClass:Class in rails 3.0.0
Hi, i got search which shows following error ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `model_name'' for NilClass:Class): 1: <%= form_for(@employee) do |e| %> 2: EMP ID<%= e.text_field :id %><br> 3: <%= e.submit ''search'', :controller => ''employees'', :action => ''search1'' %>