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Displaying 20 results from an estimated 90000 matches similar to: "(no subject)"

2007 Jun 13
Centos 5
Why isn't there a server ISO for Centos 5.0 Craig -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <>
2007 Jun 12
ARP Problem ???
Hi all, Does any one know if this is normal operating of ARP. Or where to start looking. I am seeing a lot of ARP requests for my router IP from the same IP within seconds. 21:04:41.112929 arp who-has IP tell MY ROUTERS IP 21:04:41.186354 arp who-has IP tell MY ROUTERS IP 21:04:41.372972 arp who-has IP tell MY ROUTERS IP 21:04:41.546921 arp who-has IP tell MY ROUTERS IP
2011 Nov 22
Newbie question but an Easy one
Our school needs to replace our Novell server. We have a collection of XP Pro computers and a few XP Home, Win98, Win95 and Win2000 computers. All we need is file sharing. Can Samba be setup so that all these computers can access a file share (F:\ or G:\) and run the program on the client pc? What would be the minimum HW required for Samba server? Greatly thankful I am! Craig
2008 Oct 22
: Parking Issue
HI all, I have a question, is call parking broken: When you park a call it says it will time out to a certain extension in a certain context, it never does it just calls the parker back. How do you get it to timeout to certain extension? -- Executing [40 at craigp:2] Park("SIP/testing-b7701418", "") in new stack == Parked SIP/testing-b7701418 on 700001 at
2011 Nov 22
Recommended Linux Distro and Windows Client
I've gotten some great suggestions about setting up a samba server for our Windows xp and 98 clients. Thanks! What Linux distro would you recommend to create the server and then put Samba on it? What client would I need to put on each windows workstation for them to have access to the linux file server? Craig
2016 May 12
Bug Report - Crash on imap with core dump - Alternate storage related
On 11.05.2016 22:45, Daniel van Ham Colchete wrote: > I can confirm that this bug also happens on the latest version available: > > root at dovecot:/# dovecot --version > 2.2.devel (ebf2e93) > root at dovecot:/# dpkg -l|grep dovecot > ii dovecot-core 2:2.2.24-1~auto+23 amd64 > secure POP3/IMAP server - core files > ii dovecot-dbg
2018 Apr 17
spamc scripts in IMAPSieve docs.
On 17.04.18 12:38, Aki Tuomi wrote: > > > > On 17.04.2018 12:36, Reio Remma wrote: >> Hello! >> >> I noticed SpamAssassin *spamc* usage has entered the documentation at >> >> >> I'm wondering if the -C (report) option in should >> use revoke instead of report for --ham
2006 Feb 23
Search Forms with Pagination
Hi there everyone, I''ve recently moved to RoR and am still struggling with the basics of what used to be second nature in php, so on with my question: I have a database with products, and I need to create a search form that paginates the results. What I have so far in my controller is: def list # If the values are nil, then set them, otherwise wrap them in % # Also,
2015 May 14
Alternate Storage altmove not working bug
Hello everyone! I would like to report a bug here. We are using dovecot's sdbox with alternate storage here. From time to time my SSD partition gets full and I always find users with lots of e-mails stuck there, and altmove just won't move them. It moves most of the e-mails correctly, but a few was getting stuck everyday. So, I think I have found the problem! When a user moves the
2012 Jan 06
ZFS + Dell MD1200's - MD3200 necessary?
We are looking at building a storage platform based on Dell HW + ZFS (likely Nexenta). Going Dell because they can provide solid HW support globally. Are any of you using the MD1200 JBOD with head units *without* an MD3200 in front? We are being told that the MD1200''s won''t "daisy chain" unless the MD3200 is involved. We would be looking to use some sort of
2018 Apr 17
spamc scripts in IMAPSieve docs.
Hello! I noticed SpamAssassin *spamc* usage has entered the documentation at I'm wondering if the -C (report) option in should use revoke instead of report for --ham messages? I started using imapsieve with spamc myself just a few weeks ago, but I haven't used the reporting ability yet. Reio -------------- next part
2020 Sep 20
At a loss with antispan and imap_sieve
Hi, It seems I can?t google my way out of this one. I?m trying to set up spam/ham learning but getting nowhere. I tried Johannes Berg Antispam plugin, and syslog shows: Sep 20 22:22:06 proefmail imap: antispam: running mailtrain backend program /usr/lib/dovecot/ Sep 20 22:22:06 proefmail imap: antispam: running mailtrain backend program /usr/lib/dovecot/ Sep 20 22:22:06
2005 Jul 25
Fritz PCI card in ptp mode with chan_misdn
Hello ! I would like to get working a Fritz PCI card using chan_misdn operating in ptp mode. Afer compiling mISDN into the kernel and building chan_misdn Asterisk stops loading with : [] => (Channel driver for mISDN Support (Bri/Pri)) == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/misdn.conf': Found UnLocking config_mutex == Registered channel type 'mISDN' (This driver enables
2004 Aug 07
multiple instances of NSD
I'm trying to set up a machine which will be running multiple instances of NSD to serve different sets of zones from different interfaces. What I'm running into is that I can't specify different PID files to refer to on the command line. Are there any shortcuts or do I need to go write a patch? Any other implications of multiple instances? --
2008 Oct 22
Sonicwall potentially causing long ping times to SIP phones
Hi, I'm having an issue where some phones behind a sonicwall are auto-congesting. The status on "sip show peer" shows ping times anywhere from 80ms all the way up to 1100ms. PCs behind the same firewall have a ping time of about 30ms to the PBX itself. Does anyone know if the sonicwall is inserting delay into the SIP signaling path and lagging the OPTIONS messages for qualify?
2012 Jan 25
login from Windows xp
So I've got Ubuntu and Samba servers up and running. I create a user in linux and on samba, both same username and password. I then follow the steps to create a share for that user. >From a WinXp SP3 workstation I double click the Ubuntu server name, I see the share, I double click and get a login prompt. I enter the samba/linux username and password but it fails to log me in. What
2009 Feb 24
Managing the spiralling costs
I have been using the inbound 800 services from vitelity. Slowly the usage has been rising and in the month of Jan the bill was for $650. I am currently on a 1.9 cents a minute plan. Am I paying too much ? Some suggestions my team generated to reduce the toll free incoming call bill were: 1. When people call in on the 800 number take the local number they are calling from and then call them back
2019 Nov 05
Trying to replace anti spam plugin with IMAPSieve; no joy
I?m trying to follow the instructions on the wiki to move from antispam to IMAPSieve, but it?s not working at all. A bit of a background: dovecot-core 2:2.3.8-4~buster dovecot-imapd 2:2.3.8-4~buster dovecot-lmtpd 2:2.3.8-4~buster dovecot-managesieved 2:2.3.8-4~buster dovecot-pgsql 2:2.3.8-4~buster dovecot-pop3d 2:2.3.8-4~buster
2013 Jun 19
Calling dovecot-lda from within Antispam pipe script (bash) seems to have no effect
Hello, I'm attempting to configure the Dovecot Antispam plug-in on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS with Dovecot 2.0.19. Everything seems to be in order with one considerable exception: when my pipe script (a simple Bash shell script) calls the dovecot-lda executable, absolutely nothing seems to result. If I copy/paste the exact same command into the terminal, the mail is delivered to the target mailbox,
2014 Aug 27
dnsbackend options question
I?ve been doing some testing on Ubuntu server 14.04 (Version 4.1.6-Ubuntu) over the last week or so. I found some fairly good guidance and configured a PDC using BIND9 as the dnsbackend without too much trouble. Configuring a BDC is proving to be a bit more of a challenge but I think I?m closing in on it (no cheating on AppArmor, permissions and such). I?m reading the wiki