similar to: same html elements rendering twice on page

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 9000 matches similar to: "same html elements rendering twice on page"

2007 Nov 10
Wrapper Helper Help Please
Hi all. I''m hoping this is a simple one that someone can put me right on. I have a view that ''wraps'' some div''s around a Page Header and Page Content, for formatting reasons: <div id="LHS"> <div class="Page"> <div class="PageHeader"> ''Header Here'' </div> <div
2006 Mar 28
simple output string
Hi! I am new to Rails and wanted to know how I can print an easy string-line. I wanted to generate a dynamic title for my blog articles made with "typo": The first part of the html-title stays the same: <title>softrockcookie</title> if it is not the mainpage ("softrockcookie") it shall add the page_title, so: <title>softrockcookie <%= page_title
2007 Sep 30
Outputing to the browser, how?
Hello, I''m writting some helper methods to write forms, so I have this working code: class TableFormBuilder < ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder ["file_field", "password_field", "text_field"].each do |name| define_method(name) do |label, *args| @template.content_tag(:tr, @template.content_tag(:td, @template.content_tag(:label,
2008 Jun 02
Looking for help on two issues with Rails 2.1 and RSpec 1.14
I have specs that ran fine in Rails 2.02/RSpec 1.13 that are failing on Rails 2.1/RSpec 1.14. There is one problem and one issue: problem: sometimes (but not always) I get a NoMethodError referencing a has_many association issue: in helper specs, instance variables don''t get set unless the HelperModule is included. Using the preferred helper.<method> I can''t seem to
2006 Feb 07
Newbie help ..
Hi .. I am new to Rails and it is not clear to me why I am getting the following error. Any help appreciated. -m. $cat app/views/admin/new.rhtml <% @page_title = "New member..." -%> <%= start_form_tag( :action => ''create'' ) %> <table> <tr> <td> First Name: </td> <td> <%= text_field(
2006 Jun 13
help with ''error_messages_for''
Greetings, I''m in the throws of deploying an app on site5, and I''m getting strange errors. I think I might need to understand how error_messages_for works. I get a pretty standard looking error: " You have a nil object when you didn''t expect it! You might have expected an instance of ActiveRecord::Base. The error occured while evaluating nil.errors Extracted
2006 Apr 11
content_tag can not work?
the tag helper "content_tag" can not work correnctedly on my enviroment: page.insert_html :bottom, ''body'', content_tag("div","id"=>"tag") then in body,i can only get "idtag" as the text! but if i use : content_tag("p","hello world") I can get it worked. From the rails 1.1 api document,i can find the
2010 Aug 17
Rails 3 flash message problems
The following code in my application_helper.rb class either eats the flash message or escapes it and does not display properly: # Outputs the corresponding flash message if any are set def flash_messages messages = [] %w(notice warning error).each do |msg| messages << content_tag(:div, content_tag(:p, html_escape(flash[msg.to_sym])), :class => "message
2006 Jun 19
content_tag question
Am trying to insert a link to delete via ajax in my RJS template. Can one use content_tag and link_to_remote like this in a RJS template? a = content_tag(''a'', link_to_remote("Delete", :update => "categories", :url => {:action => "delete", :name =>})) -Thanks. -- Posted via
2007 Jan 24
Removing empty class attribute from @template.content_tag
Hey all, I have a quick question regarding the @template.content_tag methos when creating a custom form builder. Currently have the following method in my AccessibleBuilder class: def datetime_select(field, options = {}) required = options.delete :required label = options.delete :label @template.content_tag("div", @template.content_tag( "span", Example Label ) +
2006 Jul 13
From the Agile book, page 144 regarding a div tag helper
Hi. in the Rails Agile book here''s what was happening: >>> module StoreHelper def hidden_div_if(condition, attributes = {}) if condition attributes["style" ] = "display: none" end attrs = tag_options(attributes.stringify_keys) "<div #{attrs}>" end # format_price method ... end Note that we cheated slightly here. We copied code from the Rails
2010 Aug 21
No route matches?
Hi all, I''m coming from the PHP world and I''m trying to learn Ruby and Rails. I''m having a problem where I keep getting the error "No route matches / home/view" even though I have it defined it. I''d appreciate any help on this. I''m using rails 3.0 and the setting for the environment is "development". # routes.rb
2006 Apr 27
HTML Title
Hi there, If I have an application.rhtml template what''s the best way to set the contents of title element in the html -> head area of the template to something set in the view for action in a controller. I want to just have one template which renders the basic layout for all pages and I''ve been scratching my head over this one for a couple of hours now. Any help
2010 Mar 24
flash error & fade away
this is my current code: #notice { border: solid 1px #99cc99; background-color: #e2f9e3; color: #006600; padding: 5px; margin-bottom: 5px; } #notice.error { border-color: #e2f9e3; background-color: #eeaaaa; color: #cc0000; } <% flash.each do |key, msg| %> <%= content_tag :div, flash[:error] || flash[:notice], :id => ''notice'', :class =>
2007 Jun 19
javascript_tag replacing whitespaces w/ '%20'
javascript_tag replacing whitespaces w/ ''%20'' Hello, I have a form that tests if a title has been changed since the page was loaded and the page has been submitted. If the page title has been changed then a confirm box will ask if the user wants to have the title changed. The problem is if the person hits cancel, all white spaces in the title get replaced w/
2008 Mar 31
Rails and Partials
Excuse my ignorance on partials but..... I am trying to use partials to create a uniform display box built with html tables. The only way I have thought about accomplishing this is to create two partials: _start_box.erb ---------------- <table id="box" width="<%= width %>"><tr><th><%= h(label_text) %></th></tr><tr><td>
2005 Dec 25
RJS not working?
I''ve been attempting to add a simple rjs ''delete'' method to my project. However, no matter what I try, it simply doesn''t work. Even the easy, easy stuff seems broken. (Yes, <%= javascript_include_tag :defaults %> is being included in the template.) For example, from: VIEW: <h1
2006 Apr 23
custom form builder
In the API docs I found this: "You can also build forms using a customized FormBuilder class. Subclass FormBuilder and override or define some more helpers, then use your custom builder " I couldn''t find any further documentation on this. Where can I read more about this formbuilder class? For starters, where would I define a subclass of this class? TIA, Jeroen --
2012 Mar 16
Rails tests failing if i write the test like this its working just fine it passes green [code] it "should have the right title" do get ''view'' response.should have_selector(''title'', :content => "View Snippets") end [/code] but for
2007 Dec 02
Better way for select list for belongs_to?
I''m currently doing all of this just to have a drop-down list of Courses for a particular student: ===== edit template ===== <%= :course, @courses, :selected => %> =================== ===== students controller ===== def edit @student = Student.find(params[:id]) @page_title = "Edit #{@student.full_name}" @courses =