similar to: How to set cell style using SimpleXlsx::Serializer

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "How to set cell style using SimpleXlsx::Serializer"

2010 May 01
Add custom root option to AR JSON Serializer
Hi, In short: I can do following: user.to_xml(:root => "xml_user" ) But not following: user.to_json(:root => "json_user") JSON serializer for AR doesn''t allow us to specify "root" option unlike XML serializer. JSON serializer always uses model name as the root if class attribute include_root_in_json is set to true. I''ve added a patch which
2012 Sep 10
How to calculate the number of points that fall inside each cell of a given raster using R
Hi everyone, Here is a summary of what I am trying to do. Please take a look and let me know how can i complete this below mentioned objective using R for a large dataset. ** - *Objective:* - To calculate the number of points that fall inside each cell of a given raster - *Inputs:* - Raster data – Geotiff, approximate size: 4000 rows x 4000 columns - Points data –
2011 Feb 02
Roo gem performance problems
I am getting unacceptable performace problems by using the roo gem for reading a file by using XLSX or XLS library from this gem. Someone may suggest me an alternative about how to parse an .XLSX file? <code> parsed_file =,false, :ignore) if (file_format.upcase == "XLS") parsed_file =,false, :ignore) if (file_format.upcase ==
2011 Jul 03
Error with package xlsx
Hi, Could anyone help me with this error? I have no idea what that is about... > file <- system.file("DADOSCASUMCCORMICK.xlsx", package = "xlsx") ­> data <- read.xlsx(file, 1) Error in .jnew("java/io/FileInputStream", file) : (No such file or directory) Thanks! -- Regards, || ------ || Sergio Henrique Bento de Mira
2012 May 29
RODBC, Excel, and data truncation when writing
Hi, I am hoping to use the RODBC package to write a dataframe to an Excel .xlsx file. The dataframe contains at least one field with character elements that exceed 255 bytes, which appears to be the cell width limit in Excel. Below is example code and the warning message received: library(RODBC) d <-
2011 Jan 28
Error using write.xlsx library(xlsx)
Dear Adrian, I would like to export a quite large matrix from R to Excel (40 columns, 257 597 rows). After 10 minutes of work, I get the following error message: Error in .jcall(row[[ir]], "Lorg/apache/poi/ss/usermodel/Cell;", "createCell", : Java Exception <no description because toString() failed> This is the code I used: write.xlsx(wvs19812008hm,
2013 Jul 16
Importing data by odbcConnectExcel in 64 bit
I have probably an old question. I have R.3.0.1 installed in 64 bit windows 7. The odbcConnectExcel in RODBC library does not work. Tried odbcConnectExcel2007 still does not work. Any ideas. Thanks Melissa<-sqlFetch(odbcConnectExcel2007("F:\\Cotton2012\\validation.xlsx"),sqtable = "Sheet3", + na.strings = "NA", = TRUE) Error in
2011 Mar 28
xlsx problem
Dear list, I'm running windows xp with R 2.12.0. I'm trying to load a excel spreadsheet into R using the xlsx package. I posted my code below with the error I get. > res <- read.xlsx("Copy of test_excel_input_data.xlsx", 6) Error in .jcall("RJavaTools", "Ljava/lang/Object;", "invokeMethod", cl, : java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot get
2012 Mar 27
matrix(unlist(strsplit(""))) 'missing value' issue
*I'm still a R noob, just had a couple of lectures about it in our research master. There is a Deal or no deal experiment where I have to write some code for. Someone wrote a website to gather the data and write it in a .xlsx file. These are seperate files for seperate participants so first I have to import the seperate datafiles. I do that like this: # Merge the xlsx files into one dataframe
2007 Jun 26
[1082] trunk/wxruby2/doc/textile/hyperlinkctrl.txtl: Added HyperlinkCtrl and HyperlinkEvent documentation
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /><style type="text/css"><!-- #msg dl { border: 1px #006 solid; background: #369; padding:
2017 Aug 30
Converting character to numeric using the package "XLConnect"
> On Aug 30, 2017, at 12:24 PM, Nelly Reduan <nell.redu at> wrote: > > Hello, > > From an Excel file imported into R where each cell contains characters, I would like to convert some characters to numeric. However, my code doesn?t work. When I write data to worksheets in an Excel file, some numbers in the cells are stored as text (instead of numeric). Here is my
2017 Aug 30
Converting character to numeric using the package "XLConnect"
Hello, >From an Excel file imported into R where each cell contains characters, I would like to convert some characters to numeric. However, my code doesn?t work. When I write data to worksheets in an Excel file, some numbers in the cells are stored as text (instead of numeric). Here is my code (the Excel file is attached): rm(list=ls(all=TRUE)) library(XLConnect) tab <-
2013 Apr 05
problems with indexing xlsx files
Hello, I have a number of Excel .xlsx files that aren't indexed properly. To illustrate, I have a file called "this is a test.xlsx". It consists of four cells: | this | | is | | a | | test | It gets indexed but I am unable to search for it. I was able to determine the index number and use delve to see the term list: #delve users -r 16496 Term List for record #16496:
2017 Aug 30
Converting character to numeric using the package "XLConnect"
The Excel file can be found from this link:!Apkg2VlgfYyDgQ_mcJ8F4CaXV_Nh []<!Apkg2VlgfYyDgQ_mcJ8F4CaXV_Nh> File.xlsx<!Apkg2VlgfYyDgQ_mcJ8F4CaXV_Nh> Partag? via OneDrive Thanks very much for your help. Nell ________________________________ De : David Winsemius
2017 Apr 24
Crash after (wrongly) applying product operator on object from LIMMA package
Hi January, I believe the root of the xlsx issue has been identified and a fix suggested by Tomas Kalibera (see In a nutshell, Oracle Java on Linux modifies the stack in a way that makes it smaller and and the same time makes it impossible for R to detect this change, leading to segfaults. It is not clear to me that the same problem would occur on Mac,
2012 Sep 18
Appending many different and separate Excel files using R
Hello, This is the sort of question that could interess others, so you should have CCed it to the list. As for the question, from the package vignette, section 3.3.6: "writeWorksheetToFile() is a wrapper function, calling loadWorkbook(), createSheet() and saveWorkbook() functions subsequently. It therefore allows for writing data into worksheets of an Excel file in one call." To
2009 Apr 27
RODBC - XLSX files - dropping/clearing sheets
Hi! I'm manipulating XLSX data using RODBC, however a limitation which appears to be driver based is that you can't clear or drop sheets from the XLSX files, as per the following example: > library(RODBC) > xlsx<-odbcDriverConnect("DRIVER=Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls, *.xlsx, *.xlsm, *.xlsb);DBQ=c:\\documents and settings\\desktop\\testxlsx.xlsx; ReadOnly=False") >
2003 Sep 23
FW: RE: iaxtel and iax.conf (HTML CONTENT, FYI)
I hate to post HTML to the list, but I refuse to respond to this, and I would like to say that whomever is using this service is kinda stupid for subscribing an email address to the list using this service. I hope they learn a lesson by us, the list users, NOT responding to this, and eventually, after not receiving any list mail, they?ll wonder ?hmm why is this list so dead?? Just my .02.
2010 Sep 06
Help on write.xlsx library(xlsx)
Hi Adrian, dat=data.frame(matrix(0,3,3)) write.xlsx(dat,"z:/dat.xlsx",sheetName="sheet1",append=F) write.xlsx(dat,"z:/dat.xlsx",sheetName="sheet2",append=F) The above code works and creates new worksheets. But if I want to append to an existing worksheet I seem to get an error.
2009 Jan 10
Hmisc-xtable label
Dear all: Does anybody know about label conflicts between xtable and Hmisc? I found a couple of e-mails similar to this problem but is not clear to me how to get around the label problem. The first table(longtable below) is generated with the latex function from Hmisc but for some reason when I try to hyperlink to it,it takes me to the top of the document. The second table created with the xtable