similar to: has_many :through, collection<<(object) and duplicates.

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "has_many :through, collection<<(object) and duplicates."

2009 Nov 12
Problem with has_many :through, :uniq => true with polymorph
Didn''t have quite enough space to describe it there...basically i''m having a problem with the :uniq option in my tags. I''m using acts_as_taggable_on_steroid which adds these associations to my Resource class: Resource has_many :taggings, :as => :taggable, :dependent => :destroy, :include => :tag has_many :tags, :through => :taggings, :uniq => true
2006 Apr 21
polymorphic,has_many through can not work?
Josh Susser tells in his blog that the opposite direction of polymorphic will get into trouble together with has_many through. This is the url: I do that according to Josh Susser''s procedure: class Tagging < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :tag belongs_to :taggable, :polymorphic => true belongs_to
2011 May 31
How do you test a module that extends ActiveSupport::Concern?
I have a module that extends ActiveSupport::Concern. Here is the `included` block: included do after_save :save_tags has_many :taggings, :as => :taggable has_many :tags, :through => :taggings end How can I stub out these calls? I have tried a few ways, but Ruby complains that these methods don''t exist when I try and test the module in isolation. Thanks!
2007 Feb 04
Per activerecord object callbacks (aka: should I have gone to bed hours ago?)
First of all, I should have gone to bed a long time, so please be forgiving with regards to what will follow :) So I''ve been working all day on a rails project that needs to go out soon, and I thought I would try to refactor a has_many relationship to a has_and_belongs_to_many relationship (using has_many :through). However, I then realized that I would loose a lot of the simple beauty
2006 Apr 06
How to use polymorphic in a beautiful way in such a case?
class User<ActiveRecord::Base has_many :taggings, :as=>:taggable,:dependent=>true has_many :tags,:through=>:taggings end class Article<ActiveRecord::Base has_many :taggings, :as=>:taggable,:dependent=>true has_many :tags,:through=>:taggings end class Tagging<ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :tag belongs_to :taggable,:polymorphic=>true end class Tag<ActiveRecord::Base
2007 Oct 18
Getting the through items from a has_many :through :uniq relationship
Getting the through items from a has_many :through :uniq relationship In a nutshell, I have been using the has_many :through :uniq relationship, and I want a DRY way to list the join model objects. Currently, my objects include taxon objects, toxin objects, data_object objects, and taxon_toxin_citation objects ("citation" is another word for data_object). A taxon has many data objects,
2006 Aug 11
Avoiding adding duplicates to has_many collection?
Since there''s no ''exists?'' method for a has_many collection, is there an easier way to avoid adding duplicates to a collection? (I assume obj.items << item would add duplicates if repeatedly called.) Right now I do: category = Category.find_or_create_by_name(category_name) directory.categories << [ category ] if directory.categories.find(:first,
2010 Jan 27
has_many, through with nested models?
First the data model: class Forum < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :topics, :dependent => :destroy, :order => ''created_at desc'' end class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :topics, :dependent => :destroy has_many :comments, :dependent => :destroy has_many :replies, :dependent => :destroy end class Topic < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to
2006 Jul 04
has_many working correctly only on reload!
I have this code that is using svn externals with rails EDGE working fine for the past couple of months. A couple of days ago, this code died. Even after deleting vendor/rails, this code doesnt work: class Tag < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :taggings has_many :events, :through => :taggings has_many :users, :through => :taggings end class User < ActiveRecord::Base # Virtual
2009 Apr 12
rails 2.3 nested forms with has_many through checkboxes
I was wondering if anyone knew of a way to combine the new nested forms in rails 2.3 with a has_many through relationship via checkboxes. Basically I have a page model, a page_category model and a category_items join table. Pages have many page categories through category items. The category_items table is polymorphic so i can use it for other models who need categories (maybe this is
2006 Jun 13
question about saving associations when using has_many :through
I''ve got a User model and a Book model. A user is required to submit books each month to be reviewed by other users. I have the following relationships defined: # the join model book_review.rb belongs_to :user belongs_to :book end book.rb # each book is reviewed by many users. This allows us to get the BookReview # objects associated with this book has_many :book_reviews,
2007 Nov 22
has_many :through questions
I''ve created the following associations using :through: class Person < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :attendees, :dependent => :destroy has_many :events, :through => :attendees, :uniq => true end class Event < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :attendees, :dependent => :destroy has_many :people, :through => :attendees, :uniq => true
2006 Feb 16
[PATCH] acts_as_taggable plugin
hi, I started today to use the acts as taggable plugin and it''s working as expected. I added a method find_tagged_with_all since I needed to find the elements tagged with all the items in a list while find_tagged_with finds all the elements tagged with any of the list terms. Attached to this mail there''s a patch which adds the find_tagged_with_all method and which solves a
2013 May 22
rails 4, active record: appending to has_many :through does not create join model anymore?
hi folks. on rails 4, can somebody confirm that pushing model instances onto a has_many :through relation does not create the necessary join model anymore? class Reader < AR::Base belongs_to :post belongs_to :person end class Post < AR::Base has_many :readers has_many :people, through: :readers end @post.people << so,
2008 Apr 24
Dynamic finders in has_many associations
I have these 3 models. class Ivr < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :klusterings, :dependent => :destroy has_many :klusters, :through => :klusterings, :uniq => true end class Kluster < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :klusterings, :dependent => :destroy has_many :ivrs, :through => :klusterings, :uniq => true end class Klustering < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :kluster
2007 Nov 29
has_many_polymorphs for user owned tags
Hi all, I''m trying to extend the tagging functionality of has_many_polymorphs to work with user owned tags - ie, putting belongs_to :user in the Tagging model. So I changed the index in the generated migration, and added user_id to the taggings table. Then I added belongs_to :user in the Tagging model. In the lib/tagging_extensions.rb file I added a new function: def
2007 Mar 04
multiple has_many :through
hi, simplifying I''ve this: user -> membership -> group -> grant -> right user has_many group through membership and group has_many right through grant. I can fetch the groups'' rights well, doing some console stuff like @user.groups.each do |group| ;; group.rights.each do |right| ;; puts ;; end ;; end etc. it would be very powerful to be able to do
2006 Dec 05
has_many with :uniq not working for me
Hi all, I have a relationship (no really!) class RiskMatrix < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :severities, :order => :position, :uniq => true end class RiskFactor < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :risk_matrix validates_presence_of :descriptor, :example validates_uniqueness_of :descriptor, :example, :scope=> :risk_matrix_id end class Severity < RiskFactor
2006 May 10
has_many :through scope on join attribute
Hi I have a has_many :through. It''s a basic mapping of Project id .... User id .... TeamMembers project_id user_id role What I would like to do is have different roles so I can have in the project model has_many :core_members, :through => :team_members, :source => :user but I would like to limit this to only those with the "core" role in the team members table for
2006 Mar 08
Need some brainstorming help: acts_as_taggable_list?
I''m trying to figure out the best way to set this data model up. I''m still pretty new to Rails, but hopefully I could turn this into something useful to others as well. Here are the basics: User has_many items items are taggable (items habtm taggings, tags habtm taggings) I also want users to be able to order their tagged items. So if I''ve tagged 5 items as