Displaying 20 results from an estimated 9000 matches similar to: "openSuSE 10.3 compiz loads with white screen for 1 user"
2009 Aug 18
8.2 behaving weird on openSuSE 10.3 & 11.0
I installed 8.2 on opensuse 10.3 from the opensuse XGL repository to replace
7.6. Compiz works with the nvidia 8600 GT card (512M of GDDR3) on the box, but
the ctrl+alt <- -> switching behavior is really bad.
In 7.6, the ctrl+alt <- -> desktop switching changed desktops crisply with
just the slightest hint of the cube detected during the very short and nice
2007 Oct 27
Cube Size Changes?
Interesting difference in size. The cube now seems to have grown in
size during rotate. See the differences:
Is there a setting that controls this?
David C. Rankin, J.D., P.E.
Rankin Law Firm, PLLC
510 Ochiltree Street
2010 May 19
Compiz 8.6 on openSuSE 11.0 -- Success! But need help with a few issues.
Dominique, cc: compiz,
Dominique, you wanted the feedback, and List, I need your help. I have
installed and fully configured (kicked the tires) on compiz 8.6 on openSuSE 11.0
and on balance it is great. There are a few weird things going on. Most notably,
the number of options in ccsm that now uncheck themselves. In the past (compiz
0.5.6 - 0.8.2) there may have been one or two that would stick
2008 Jan 29
Slow Scrolling in Compiz
Hopefully this is a compiz only question. Using the mouse wheel to
scroll down web pages seems to be much slower in compiz than in kde. It
also affects scrolling through long directories in konqueror (ex:
/usr/share/doc/packages) but to a lesser extent than web content.
Is there any setting, fix or workaround that might help?
David C. Rankin, J.D., P.E.
Rankin Law Firm, PLLC
2008 Jan 26
White Cube of Death - fglrx_7_1_0_SUSE103-8.452.1-1
Listmates (only posting to one list)
Compiz has been running great with the 8.433 driver except for the
libGL SONAME lockup on exit.
see: https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=344135
I just built and installed the 8.452 driver. Compiz would not start
with the normal fusion-icon approach that I have been using with the
8.433 driver. This is on my Toshiba P35 laptop with an ATI
2008 May 13
Can't Turn OFF compiz autostart since 0.7.4.x
Devs, compiz listmates:
Why can't I turn off compiz autostart on openSuSE 10.3 i386? Compiz just
decided to start automatically with KDE login ever since I upgraded to the
first 0.7.4.x release from the openSuSE build service. I have tried to disable
it by creating the file "disable-compiz" in ~/.config/compiz but compiz still
starts at login. Even if I switch to kwin before
2008 Jan 28
ATI 8.452 driver, Compiz: Frozen Alt+F2 Run Command Dialog
I am experiencing some quirks with the new ATI 8.1 (8.452) driver and
compiz-fusion on 10.3. Of note are:
(1) Invoking the run command with Alt+F2 correctly opens the run
dialog, but the cursor is frozen and will not take any input _until_ the
"Options" button is clicked or activated with Alt+o. Then the cursor
begins blinking normally and input is possible. If the
2010 May 18
Compiz 8.6 - suse 11.0 1-2 rows pixilation at top of screen on kbd rotate
This is no biggie, 8.6 is working well so far. However, I do notice 1-2 lines
of pixelization at the top of the screen on keyboard rotate. I know this hasn't
been there since the 0.5.6-0.6 days when compiz was first released for opensuse
years ago. It wasn't there up through 8.2. The gpu is the radeon X1200 using the
fglrx-legacy driver.
Looking at the screenshot it actually
2008 Jan 27
Why doesn't compiz honor special window settings?
I have a problem with compiz not honoring the special window settings
in kde for xterm. In kde, I have the position and size of the xterm
window set to a usable default. In KDE, the window opens to the proper
size and location. In compiz, it is about 1/2 the size and never opens
where it is set to open.
Is there a way to have compiz read the default window settings for xterm?
2008 Jan 26
error - Annotate Plugin (Unable to choose colors)
I have run across an error with the annotate plugin. I am unable to
select a new color for the Fill or Stroke color and the Stoke color
doesn't seem to do anything. Here is a screenshot showing the problem.
Let me know if I can send anything else. Thanks.
David C. Rankin, J.D., P.E.
Rankin Law
2008 Jan 24
Compiz - Extreme difficulty with MSI nVidia 8600GT
I have a fresh openSuSE 10.3 install with all updates installed, the
video card is a MSI nVidia 8600GT (pci-e 16). After following the
openSuSE nVidia install and the Compiz Fusion install (and after log
outs and reboots) compiz refused to start. As shown on the openSuSE
Compiz page he file .config/compiz/compiz-manager was created with:
2009 May 13
Emerald Theme Editor Windows Squished?
On archlinux with emerald 0.8.2-1, the emerald theme editor windows are next
to unusable. For some reason, the button edit 'Places' and 'Name' window
areas are scrunched/squished way too small. Here is a screenshot:
I have tried to resize them and either I don't know how, or
2008 Jun 04
Many thanks for compiz-0.7.6, but 1 box now experiences WSOD
Danny, All
Thanks for a great compiz-0.7.6. The cylinder takes a little warming up to,
but is really cool. Of all the boxes I have updated, I have one that now
experiences the White Screen of Death (WSOD) when compiz is started. Killing X
with ctrl+alt+backspace or ssh from remote and kill compiz and emerald is the
only way out.
The box was working fine with fglrx_7_1_0_SUSE103-8.476-1 and
2007 Dec 07
compiz-fusion-kde-0.6.2-3.1 Window Decoration Crash?
SuSE 10.3, compiz-fusion-kde-0.6.2-3.1, fglrxG01-8.43.3-0.1, xorg 7.2.
I just experienced a complete window decoration crash where all window
decorations disappeared. kwin --replace followed by a emerald --replace
cured the problem. This is the first crash since installing 6.2-3.1
about 12 hours ago. Is there anything helpful I can post that might
identify the cause of the problem?
2010 May 31
Skydome suggestion for 9.0 or other future release
One thing that could be improved with skydome when it is animated is to have it
'centered' behind desktop 1 when you initiate rotation or show the desktop wall,
etc. Many times when you want to take a screenshot, you naturally will want to
have the central feature of your skydome in view. If you have cubecaps, then the
orientation of the cubecaps gets all messed up when you rotate
2007 Oct 29
Compiz - vista like Right Side Panel
Guys (and girls)
I have seen screenshots of compiz with a vista like right side panel
holding the clock, calendar, system stats, etc. that I would love to
add. The problem is that (1) I don't know what it is called or (2) where
to look to get it. I have looked at kasbar, ksim and universal sidebar
under KDE, but those are not what I've seen. Anyone else have any other
2007 Oct 29
compiz autostart with AIGLX
I have a feeling my no autostart problem is related to the following
tests in compiz-manager. Is there a way I can "step" through the script
on openSuSE 10.3 while it is running to find out where the script dies?
Or do I basically have to insert error returns throughout the script to
capture that info?
# if we run under Xgl, we can skip some tests here
if ! check_xgl; then
# if
2007 Oct 27
Possible Bug in multiple Compiz 1-Click Install
There was no rhyme or reason why another /usr/lib/libIndirectGL.so.1
got installed on my system, but it did:
[root Rankin-P35a/home/david] # l /usr/lib/libIn*?
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 440676 2007-09-21 20:34
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 20 2007-10-12 03:00
/usr/lib/libIndirectGL.so.1.old -> libIndirectGL.so.1.2*?
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 20
2009 Jun 19
kde 4.3 beta 2, compiz 8.2 - panel pager doesn't work until plasma crash and restart
Woking with compiz 8.2 on kde 4.3 beta 2 on Archlinux, the plasma "kicker"
pager widget does not work correctly after compiz 8.2 is started. Before
compiz is started you see the 4 small desktop representations stacked 2x2.
After you start compiz, the panel only shows a single large pane 'Desktop 1'
no matter what desktop you are on.
The strange part is that
2009 May 08
Will radeon or radeonhd work with compiz?
Sam, Danny, J., all
I am working with the radeon and radeonhd drivers seeing if I can get them to
work with compiz on my radeon x1200 laptop. My xorg .conf is:
Section "Device"
BoardName "RV350 NP"
# Driver "radeon"
Driver "radeonhd"
Identifier "Device[0]"
VendorName "ATI"
I have tried