similar to: MultiparameterAssignmentErrors

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 90 matches similar to: "MultiparameterAssignmentErrors"

2005 May 31
Form Dates and MultiparameterAssignmentErrors
I''m using the date_select form helper for a date_of_birth field on an ActiveRecord object. When I try to save a date earlier than 1 Jan 1970, ActionController punts with ActiveRecord::MultiparameterAssignmentErrors. The message it gives is "1 error(s) on assignment of multiparameter attributes". I was able to catch the exception and look at it, and it is certainly complaining
2006 Jul 13
date_helper megapatch and MultiparameterAssignmentErrors
Hello all, There''s a great patch in trac that fixes a lof of issues with the date helpers. I''m afraid it hasn''t had any attention yet. This fixes all the little date_helper problems, except one: When you choose an invalid date ActiveRecord throws an ActiveRecord::MultiparameterAssignmentErrors. This used to work in 1.0,
2012 Aug 17
Rails doesn't validate create_model or build_model (has_one association)
I''ve got User has_one Shop. Rails is not validating when I tried create_shop or build_shop, neither in the browser nor the rails console. My code: class Shop < ActiveRecord::Base attr_protected :user_id belongs_to :user validates_presence_of :name, :primary_address, :city, :country_code, :currency end class ShopsController < ApplicationController before_filter
2008 Jun 09
Rails 2.1 and ddatetime_select
I''ve updated to 2.1 and am continuing to have issues with datetime_select helpers which worked fine previously. Example: <% form_remote_tag(:url => { :controller => ''notes'', :action => :add_booking_note_ajax, :id => @booking},
2006 Mar 06
form_tag error -- not found, 404 -- action DOES exist!
Hi -- I''ve got a very strange error. I have an action called ''commit_input'' on a controller called ''SiteVisitController''. This definately exists, and is called from the functional test for it, and passes fine. My problem is with the form that is supposed to call this action. The form tag is: <%=
2010 Mar 09
I have installed time picker in my application using the below url. ruby script/plugin install <%=time_picker(, {:time_format => ''12'', :minute_step => 30})%> when i use like above in my list.rhtml file , i get error like below undefined method `leading_zero_on_single_digits'' for
2008 Feb 24
1 error(s) on assignment of multiparameter attributes
I am trying to create a form for processing credit cards. For the credit card expiration date, I would like to leave the day field out of the form for obvious reasons. However, the following code is producing an error for me. Any ideas? Thanks! <p><label for="email">Expiration</label><br/> <input type="hidden" id="user_card_expiration_3i"
2006 Mar 21
Getting a time select input
I''m having trouble workign out which ActionView DateHelpers to display a time input for an ActiveRecord field of type :time. I just want an hours input and a minuites input. I can get these with time_select helper using :field_name and :prefix but it gives both hours and miniutes the same name. <%= select_time(, :prefix => "search", :field_name =>
2006 Sep 26
Bug or Feature?
Hello, I know this came up before hand, but I haven''t seen a conclusive answer. This is with regards to the MultiparameterAssignmentErrors and select_date when submitting an invalid date (September 31st for example). It seems that when an invalid date is submitted, the date value should be set to nil as opposed to throw an exception that seems a bit hard to catch elegantly and then
2012 Sep 26
StartonRails 27/09/2012 na [:koshtech]
Convido-os para o StartonRails de 27/09/2012. Seguem a descrição, endereço e horários: O StartOnRails é o caminho mais curto entre migrar para Ruby On Rails e já ter migrado para Ruby On Rails. Não daremos cursos de Ruby ou de Rails aqui, mas temos a ideia de em pouco tempo ter um portal de apoio onde os cursos podem ser online. O que queremos, é dar uma boa noção do que é Ruby, On Rails,
2008 Apr 14
datetime_select custom input fields
by default datetime_select allows the user to input any date and time they want. Is there a way it can only allow a user to select an hour between 8AM and 6PM and only allow them to choose the top of the hour (:00) and the half hour (:30) for the minute? --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on
2006 Jun 17
problem with select_date
In my form I have these items: <%= select_year, :start_year => Schoolyear.get_startdate.year, :end_year => Schoolyear.get_enddate.year %> <%= select_month %> No matter what I do, in my controller I can''t seem to access the selected year and month. I have tried params[:month].to_s and also
2006 Feb 04
Can you see an obvious reason why this date_select code is failing? The parameters from the form - *Parameters*: {"commit"=>"Save All Changes", "campaign_id"=>"1", "campaign"=>{"name"=>"fdsfas", "end_date(3i)"=>"26", "start_date(1i)"=>"2006",
2007 Nov 18
Trouble overriding default accessor/mutator
I have a database column storing a duration value as a number of seconds, but I''d like users to be able to see it and edit it as a time value. I am trying to override the default accessor/mutator for the attribute and do the conversions there, using something that looks like: def duration[:duration].to_i).getutc end def duration=(value) self[:duration] = value.to_i
2007 May 12
help, 1 error(s) on assignment of multiparameter attributes
Hi everyone! I just started learning Ruby on Rails about a week ago for a school project, and can''t seem to find a solution for something. I have this inside the form inside of edit_albums.rhtml: <%= start_form_tag :action=>''proccess_edit_album'', :id=> %> .... Release Date: <%= datetime_select(:album, :release_date, :start_year => 1960)
2007 Nov 14
Problem time_select with fields_for
Hi, I''m using fields_for and a time_select but he isn''t saving the time in the db just 00:00:00 All the other fields are fine, but the time_field isn''t working:s This is my code: <% form_for :activity, @activity,:url => {:action => "create"} do |activity_form| %> <td><%= activity_form.time_select :datum_1_twrak_van, :order =>[ :hour,
2005 Dec 01
Problem using a date helper
Hi, I''m having trouble getting a date helper working. I was pointed to this by Sean Allen, and it resides at It''s meant to fix the bug in Rails which doesn''t allow datetime_select to properly discard the year. So, I''m trying to use the helper''s time_select function. date_helper.rb
2013 Mar 14
[Rails 3.2] accepts_nested_attributes_for and time_select
Hi, I am upgrading a Rails application from Rails 3.1.11 to 3.2.12, but have a problem with ` accepts_nested_attributes_for` in conjunction with multipart attributes. The app is used to manage oral exams, so there is a model `Exam`, which has many `Examdate`s. When creating an exam, I can also create the examdates, consisting of a date, a start time and an end time. While the date field is
2007 Aug 07
Newbie: Want to use time_select to partial fill a datetime field
Hello Our Database schema, and hence Our Model has a few datetime columns/ fields. But when entering new instances, We only want to present time (i.e. HH:MM) in in our HTML views to the user. The time_select looks useful, because it has an attractive minute_select: =>15, so the user can enter 1/4 hours increments. The idea being that we would default the Date part of Datetime attribute to
2006 Jul 07
datetime/date problems w/ Oracle
I am "script\generate scaffold"ing w/ Oracle. The CRUD controls for DATE columns in _form.rhtml are generated as datetime_select, rather than date_select . This is understandable, as Oracle uses a DATETIME data type for DATE columns. I''m also not too bothered by the fact that I have to manually replace "datetime_select" w/ "date_select" for all