similar to: uninitialized constant

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "uninitialized constant"

2012 Mar 01
help stylesheet_link_tag
I was reading the book "Agile Web Development with Rails 4th Edition". In Chapter 11, Iteration C2: Adding a Page Layout 1 <!DOCTYPE html> - <html> - <head> - <title>Pragprog Books Online Store</title> 5 <%= stylesheet_link_tag "scaffold" %> - <%= stylesheet_link_tag "depot", :media => "all" %> - <%=
2012 Sep 16
“Routing Error No route matches {}” when omniauth failed on registration
(Original question was asked here: ) I am using omniauth-identity and configure its "fail on registration". My files: config/initializers/omniauth.rb OmniAuth.config.logger = Rails.logger Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do #... provider
2011 Nov 26
ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches [GET] "/image.jpg"):
I am using rails 3.1.3. Inside config/ application -> config.assets.enabled = true Inside development.rb -> config.assets.compress = false Inside production.rb -> config.serve_static_assets = false; config.assets.compile = false I have images placed in assets/images. If i do localhost:3000/assets/ image I get the image in the browser, but unfortunately, on the browser i am
2011 Nov 26
Asset pipeline giving me hard time. Please help !!! - (rails 3.1.3)
I am using rails 3.1.3. Inside config/ application -> config.assets.enabled = true Inside development.rb -> config.assets.compress = false Inside production.rb -> config.serve_static_assets = false; config.assets.compile = false I have images placed in assets/images. If i do localhost:3000/assets/ image I get the image in the browser, but unfortunately, on the browser i am
2012 Jul 23
uninitialized constant ActionController::Flash::FlashHash [NameError])
My application, a very simple general ledger, that worked very well until June 26 does not work any longer. It is used under Ubuntu 12.04 and I believe there was a Ruby update after that. What happens? When I try to start the appIication I get the following output in my web browser: ActionDispatch::Session::SessionRestoreError Session contains objects whose class definition isn''t
2013 Oct 29
rake db:migrate debacle
Hi there - I''m a ruby newbie and am stuck on the Getting Started with Rails app. See output below. Problem arose when I ran the rake db:migrate command. I also tried the ''rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=development'' command which may be obvious. Any ideas on how to fix this? Many thanks!! $ ruby -v ruby 1.9.3p392 (2013-02-22 revision 39386) [x86_64-darwin10.8.0]
2010 Sep 17
ruby's oauth2 grant_type
Hi, i started using oauth2 gem by intridea ( and don''t know how to fix this problem. I have developed both client and server and on request for access_token i see no grant_type parameter. My code from client callback controller class CallbackController < Devise::OauthCallbacksController def accounts access_token =
2010 Aug 13
Link to remote and the equivalent in Rails 3
Hi WOW! Is Rails 3 another interesting learning curve. Just when I think I have a general working knowledge of Rails 2 ... things change. I''m trying to replicate the following in Rails 3: <%= link_to_remote image_tag("creditcard.png", :border => 0), :url => {:action => :make_payment, :type => "Credit", :id => },
2014 Feb 18
Compiled assets are not found in production mode run locally
I have a strange behaviour with compiled assets when running a simple draft app locally: RAILS_ENV=production rake assets:precompile The aove command generated some css and js with finger printed values: i.e. application-43dcf2bdff355d2c3053e2aade23881a.css application-c67be452a576850d0c11559f908180e3.js etc. Run in production: rails s -e production There are no CSS fiound ! When
2012 Jun 18
Problem with exists? method
Hi, I have a DB with table TABLENAME, column COLUMN and an active resource client trying to connect to the DB. When i do Tablename.find(:all) => i get all the entries from the table But Tablename.exists?(:column => value) always returns false I verified that the above command works from rails console. Dont understand why it always returns false even when there are valid records. And in
2010 Dec 31
WickedPDF - wrong number of arguments
I''m trying to get this plugin to work for me. I''m having the following issue when I try to render a pdf (/fancy_things/45.pdf ).. Any suggestions? Thanks! ERROR: Started GET "/fancy_things/45.pdf" for at Fri Dec 31 10:59:07 -0500 2010 Processing by OrdersController#show as PDF Parameters: {"id"=>"45"}
2012 Jun 26
Error with rake command
I am using Rails 2.3.8 application and when I enter rake command it gives following error : ms@ms-HP:~/OpenStreetView$ rake WARNING: ''require ''rake/rdoctask'''' is deprecated. Please use ''require ''rdoc/task'' (in RDoc 2.4.2+)'' instead. at /home/ms/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p194@global/gems/rake- rake
2012 Oct 01
active_model_serializers, more than one level deep of associations, specifying serializers per association
I am assuming this an appropriate place to discuss this, but if it isn''t my apologies- just let me know. Just a Rails 4-ish thing. Am attempting to pull AMS (active_model_serializers), strong_parameters, and the "permitter" strategy that Adam Hawkins is using: Code so far is here (in the
2011 Jul 14
rails 3.0.9 ArgumentError (redundant UTF-8 sequence):
Hi guys, I have a simple controller def gmap @intentsearches = Intentsearch.all @intentsearches respond_to do |format| format.html {render :gmap} format.xml {render :xml => @intentsearches } format.json { render :json => @intentsearches } end end and want a json response, but i do get the following error Completed 500 Internal
2012 Sep 18
undefined method `to_sym' for nil:NilClass
Hi all, I am trying to upgrade my rails 2 app to 3 and am getting this error when trying to login: NoMethodError in AuthenticateController#authenticate undefined method `to_sym'' for nil:NilClass The stack trace is: activerecord (3.2.2) lib/active_record/validations/uniqueness.rb:26:in `validate_each'' activemodel (3.2.2) lib/active_model/validator.rb:153:in
2011 Jan 15
respond_with javascript
My ajax stopped working when I switched to using respond_with. For my Votes, I have the create action and the corresponding create.js.erb, and respond_to :html, :js, :xml in the controller. Heres the log when I try and create a vote: Started POST "/stories/3-asdfasdf1111/votes" for at Fri Jan 14 20:46:36 -0800 2011 Processing by VotesController#create as */* Parameters:
2012 Jan 23
Problem loading modules through ActiveSupport on_load
Working with modules to group certain methods. Currently I have this set up and it works: **# app/models/a.rb** class A has_history end **# lib/history.rb** module History module Model def self.included(base) base.send :extend, ClassMethods end module ClassMethods def has_history(options = {}) send :include,
2011 May 24
Rails hates my recursive function
I''m trying to create a function that will take input in the form "a12345678" and output text in the form "a12-34-5678" if and only if the input text is * not* in the form "adam smith" The goal is to allow my users to enter either names separated by a space, or the student id number into a single search field and have the results be returned based on the
2014 Apr 23
Something went wrong Not sure why all of a sudden I am getting this error message when I try to save a new user - Here is the log file: C:\rails_projects\store4>heroku logs 2014-04-23T21:35:54.918695+00:00 app[web.1]: vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/act ivesupport-4.1.0/lib/active_support/callbacks.rb:113:in `call' 2014-04-23T21:35:54.918698+00:00
2010 Dec 10
Encoding issues when uploading files
Hello everybody, I have some troubles with uploading files in my Rails project. I use Rails 3, Ruby 1.9.2, rack 1.2.1, and both webrick / passenger on apache I was investigating and have isolated the strange behaviour on a simple empty project: view: <% form_tag({:action => ''upload''}, :multipart => true) do %> <%=text_field_tag :desc %>