similar to: ActionView::Template::Error (Cannot modify SafeBuffer in place):

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 700 matches similar to: "ActionView::Template::Error (Cannot modify SafeBuffer in place):"

2010 May 26
Safebuffer with rails 2.3.8
Hi there! I''ve just migrated from rails 2.3.5 to 2.3.8 and now I have a lot (and I mean a lot!) of deprecation warnings like this one: "DEPRECATION WARNING: ActionView::SafeBuffer is deprecated! Use ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer instead." But I don''t understand how to remove this. I searched through installed plugins, and there is no reference to SafeBuffer :( Any
2011 Jun 08
Cannot modify SafeBuffer in place
Upgraded from rails 3.0.7.rc1 to 3.0.8 today and ran into a problem when rendering haml: TypeError in Pages#home Cannot modify SafeBuffer in place Full Trace: activesupport (3.0.8) lib/active_support/core_ext/string/output_safety.rb:122:in `gsub!'' haml (3.1.1) lib/haml/compiler.rb:382:in `block in build_attributes'' haml (3.1.1) lib/haml/compiler.rb:358:in `each'' haml
2010 Nov 05
[patch] Let's use <%== %> instead of <%= raw() %>
I''ve submitted a small patch to make Rails behave properly with the Erubis <%== %> construct. For some reason the current behaviour of that tag in Rails 3 is to escape the contents _twice_ which is probably a bug. I offer three suggestions why this is a good idea: - The syntax is cleaner. It can avoid a lot of .html_safe and raw in your views. I especially like the conciseness of
2011 Sep 13
Accessing Rails helper method with_output_buffer
Hi all, I cannot figure out how to correctly use the with_output_buffer helper method (located in ActionView::Helpers::CaptureHelper) inside a custom FormBuilder. Below follows a simplified example. I''m trying to achieve the following behavior in an ERB as suggested in the form_for helper docs in the Rails source: ========== <%= form_for @object, :builder => MyFormBuilder do
2011 Jul 15
Ruby variable that embeds html tags
This seems very simple, but I can''t quite get it. Probably because I''m just starting out with RoR. My view has a slew of labels and text fields; many are "required": <%= f.text_field :screen_name %> <span class="required_field">Required field</span> (The "required_field" class turns the text red and smaller.) I''d like to
2012 Sep 30
How to escape a forward slash with gsub, also does interpolation work with gsub?
I am trying this: I want to replace all the text in between java comments: /* start */ replace this text here /* end */ I''m trying: text.gsub(//* start */(.*)/* end *//im, replace_with) But i''m getting errors relating to expecting keyword_end. How should I be escaping /* and */ ? Also, does string interpolation work in gsub regex? Say I had variables like: start_tag =
2008 Feb 12
button_to problem http://localhost:3000/art/151470;edi
hi all, now i am facing problem with button_to , it shows the path like http://localhost:3000/art/151470;edit instead of http://localhost:3000/art/edit/151470 the path is not displaying problem, so i got the error , no route found. in application_helper : def button_to(name, options = {}, html_options = nil) html_options = html_options.stringify_keys
2007 Mar 09
different mouse event when using link_to_remote
Anybody a have better method for having an onmouseover (or any event). This is the method used but its not as pretty and has to be done for every mouse event. def link_to_remote_mover(name, options = {}, html_options = {}) link_to_function_mover(name, remote_function(options), html_options) end def link_to_function_mover(name, *args, &block) html_options =
2007 Mar 09
link_to_remote with onmouseover event
Anyone have a better method for having the onmouseover event (or any other mouse event) instead of onclick when using link_to_remote: This is what I did, but I''d i have to create one for every mouse event, can''t figure out how to call a mouse event via an argument . anyone else run into this problem. Thanks def link_to_remote_mover(name, options = {}, html_options
2006 Feb 27
Example code for select_from_db (a.k.a. combo box)
I''m not asking for help this time! :) :) In almost every Rails project I create, I find that I want a select() popup menu that is pre-populated by data from the database. Also, I want an "Other..." option that presents a text_field_tag to input another (not presented) option (basically a combo-box). In an attempt to be as DRY as possible, I''ve come up with
2005 Nov 29
undefined method `link_to'
Hi, all I''m trying call link_to from another helper but got this error: undefined method `link_to'' for module `UserHelper'' how can I get access to helper from another helper? this is my users_helper.rb: module UsersHelper alias ink_to_original link_to alias link_to link_to_permission def link_to_permission(name, options = {}, html_options = nil,
2006 Jun 01
html_options and select()
I am trying to add html_options to select(): <%=select(:user, :id,[[''me'',1],[''myself'',2],[''and I'',3]], :select => {},:html_options => {"size" => 5, "multiple" => true})%> This does not work... How do I get the html_options to work? ActionView::Helpers::FormOptionsHelper -- Posted via
2010 May 17
Should an blank string be html_safe?
Just trying to implement a simple helper over the past few days had me really confused. messages = '''' messages << content_tag(:p, ''dave'') #=> &lt;p&gt;dave&lt;\p%;gt; Eventually I realised the original empty string was not html_safe message = ''''.html_safe message << content_tag(:p, ''dave'') #=>
2006 Jul 08
A rant about parameters
Guys, I''ve been chasing a problem with country_select for the past few hours now. My intention was pretty simple...use the following line in a form: <p><label for="country_region">Country</label> <%= f.country_select :country_region, "United States" %></p> However, for the life of me, I couldn''t get it to work. I kept getting
2018 Jun 22
[PATCH] drm/nouveau/secboot/acr: Remove VLA usage
On Thu, May 24, 2018 at 7:24 PM, Kees Cook <keescook at> wrote: > In the quest to remove all stack VLA usage from the kernel[1], this > allocates the working buffers before starting the writing so it won't > abort in the middle. This needs an initial walk of the lists to figure > out how large the buffer should be. > > [1]
2010 Oct 06
List of html_options available
I''ve noticed lots of people online complain about not good documentation for Rails. I''m a PHP programmer but I''m a newbie on Rails. I''m creating a form with a drop-down menu. I finally got to do it. I noticed there is a html_options parameter for select. I was curious as to what other html_options are available but couldn''t find a list of options. I
2006 Jan 25
Using ''GET''-method in Forms
Hi all, I''m using a selection-list / dropdown-list to choose an element in a number of grouped elements. Is there a way of passing an element_id to the form AND using the HTTP-''get''-method? I found that the <% start_tag %> has a :method-switch as an option, but it passes the arguments on like "/controller/action/?action=1". I would need something like
2010 Aug 03
rails 2.3.8 and html_safe
Hi, Can somebody update me on the state of html_safe strings in rails 2.3.8? I know rails 2.3.6 and 2.3.7 broke a lot of code because strings were being escaped when they shouldn''t have been and I thought this was all fixed in 2.3.8. I''m upgrading an app from 2.3.5 to 2.3.8 and there are many spots where previous code was output correctly and now it expects html_safe method
2007 May 28
helper with block compile error
HI, i''m trying to write a helper that replaces link_to_remote that accepts a block but it gets a compile error in the template: I don''t know what I''m doing wrong... TIA # application_helper.rb def link_block_to_remote( options = {}, html_options = {}, &block) concat(link_to_remote(capture(&block), options, html_options), block.binding) end # in
2011 Aug 31
ERB and binding in template
How to get current binding in a partial (to use helpers and local variables in erb script)? When I invoke result whithout binding, ="script").result.html_safe all work (without vars are needed), but when I write ="script").result(binding).html_safe (in HAML HTML partial), THE PARTIAL''S REST OF OUTPUT IS CLEAR. What is the problem? -- Posted