similar to: undefined method `name' for “SystemTimer”:String

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "undefined method `name' for “SystemTimer”:String"

2010 Sep 27
having some issues with factory_girl and bundler...
Hi All Need some brilliants minds here :) I''m using Rails 2.3.8 & ruby 1.8 (I know, I know... ) I''ve move my gems from .gems to Bundler, but I''m having some issues with Factory_girl when I rake spec "uninitialized constant Factory" I''m following the instructions from Basically: - grab all config.gem and place
2011 Oct 18
rspec 1.3.2, Rails 2.3.14 - plugins not loading
Hi there I have a weird situation. I have inherited a project in Rails 1.2.3 that has been upgraded to Rails 2.3.14 (and is running). I have installed Cucumber and Rspec to start to write features/tests for the new code that needs to be written. In my Gemfile, these Gems are loaded: group :test do gem ''rspec-rails'', ''~> 1.3.4'', :require =>
2011 Oct 21
Windows RailsInstaller for 2.3.x ?
Can anyone tell me which RailsInstaller version was the last one that provided Rails 2.3.x ? The release notes are a bit skimpy :-) but I need to help someone on Windows get set up to work on a legacy app. TIA, -- Hassan Schroeder ------------------------ twitter: @hassan -- You received this message
2010 Mar 30
SystemTimer not installing correctly
Here is the output when I try to install the gem: Building native extensions. This could take a while... Successfully installed SystemTimer-1.2 1 gem installed Installing ri documentation for SystemTimer-1.2... Updating ri class cache with 6252 classes... /Users/chabgood/.gem/ruby/1.8/gems/rdoc-2.4.3/lib/rdoc/ri/driver.rb: 818: [BUG] Bus Error ruby 1.8.7 (2010-01-10 patchlevel 249)
2011 Dec 17
How does bundler know whether Gemfile has changed?
I am trying to understand how bundler works. Looking at the manual [1] it says "If a Gemfile.lock does exist, and you have not updated your Gemfile(5), bundler will fetch all remote sources, but use the dependencies specified in the Gemfile.lock instead of resolving dependencies." The question is how does it know whether Gemfile has been updated? I expected to find something in
2010 Mar 03
Memcached: "no such file to load -- memcache-client" when running script/console
Hi folks. I''ve started down the memcached path and everything was running grand until I decided to start up my console. I have manually installed libevent 1.4.13 and memcached 1.4.4 into /usr/local, following which I sudo gem installed memcache-client and SystemTimer. development.rb has been modified to do caching with the mem_cache_store. The memcached process seems to work and my
2011 Jan 12
gem and rails3: LoadError
Hi everybody, I''m trying to use the prawn gem into a new rails3 application on debian. What I did: As root: - install rubygems, from - gem install rails - gem install prawn - gem install pdf-reader - gem list | grep prawn => prawn (0.8.4) prawn-core (0.8.4) prawn-layout (0.8.4)
2010 Feb 25
Rails problems running rake and other tasks - undefined method `action_controller'
I suddenly have a major problem in all my Rails 3 apps: $ rake db:migrate --trace rake aborted! Don''t know how to build task ''db:migrate'' /Users/kristianconsult/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.1-p378/gems/rake-0.8.7/lib/ rake.rb:1728:in `[]'' /Users/kristianconsult/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.1-p378/gems/rake-0.8.7/lib/ rake.rb:2050:in `invoke_task''
2010 Jun 20
rspec-rails 2.0.0.beta.12 showing undefined method error for route_to
First of all, I''ve been trying to find an answer for this problem all over the internet without luck. The thing is that I am using RVM with ruby 1.9.2-head and I created a new empty gemset. Then I installed bundler gem with: gem bundler install That installed the library into the /Users/damselem/.rvm/gems/ ruby-1.9.2-head at rails3/gems directory. Then I went to my rails 3 app
2012 Feb 25
Seems I'm missing some kind of library?
When I run "rake db:create --trace" in my rails directory, or if I attempt a "bundle install" I get the same error around missing "rubygems/format". I am new, but I am really hoping there is some way that I can discover which package this "rubygems/format" belongs in. I did a locate on "format" | grep gem and I didn''t find any
2009 Jul 10
Problem installing system_timer in windows
Hi, I recently started working on an existing Ruby On Rails application which production environment is linux. However we are trying to create a dev. platform with Eclipse in Windows and everything was working fine until one of our classes was trying to import system_timer. The initial error I got is: no such file to load -- system_timer Application Trace:
2011 May 25
can't load hpricot gem in rails 3
This is in windows .. So from irb, I can load hpricot ok. (ruby 1.8.7) C:\Users\Laurence\rails-play\plug-test>irb irb(main):001:0> require ''hpricot'' LoadError: no such file to load -- hpricot from (irb):1:in `require'' from (irb):1 irb(main):002:0> require ''rubygems'' => true irb(main):003:0> require
2013 Mar 01
Why so many worker threads?
Hello! Can anyone explain why my Unicorn installation (for RoR site) have so many worker threads? * screenshot: * unicorn.rb: Thanks!
2006 Apr 18
undefined method `stringify_keys!'' for "Tue Apr 18 11:26:00 India Standard Time 2006":String
hi all i am submitting form and i take valu from two text fields. my controller code is like that def saleinsert @verkaufsliste = Verkaufsliste.create(params[:bestandsliste]) @listes = Verkaufsliste.create(params[:verkaufsliste.to_s]) @verkaufsliste=Verkaufsliste.create(@listes.vkdatum.to_s) if redirect_to :action => ''list'' else
2006 Apr 25
undefined method `to_url'' for "This is my weblog":String
Hi, In my application I cant use "to_url" method on any of strings. What should I do if i want to use this method? Is there any plugin needed to download for this "to_url". In my application now when I am trying to use this methos I am getting following error:- ======================================== undefined method `to_url'' for "This is my
2010 Feb 14
undefined method `camelize' for "app":String
Hi, trying to use rails to create an app, and get the following error message :- $ rails testapp undefined method `camelize'' for "app":String I have the following setup/versions :- * Windows 7 * Cygwin - GNU bash, version 3.2.49(23)-release (i686-pc-cygwin) Versions via Cygwin :- * ruby 1.9.1p376 (2009-12-07 revision 26041) [i386-cygwin] * Rails 2.3.5 * gem : 1.3.5 I
2008 Dec 17
My first rspec reports "undefined method `key?' for #<String:0x46b1df0>"
this my first rspec test, it is very simple ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + ''/../spec_helper'') describe Doc do fixtures :docs before(:each) do @doc=docs(:yjn_bjy) end it "should create a new instance
2008 May 29
NoMethodError: undefined method `configuration' for #<String inside railties?
I''m in the middle of upgrading an application to rails 2.0.2 from 1.2.5 and on startup I see this message printed out: #<NoMethodError: undefined method `configuration'' for #<String: 0x1145040>> After some hacking I''ve figured out it emanates from plugin.rb in railties (railties/lib/rails/plugin.rb) in the following block: def evaluate_init_rb(initializer)
2006 Nov 20
undefined method `stringify_keys!' for "4":String - Meaning of this?
Hi, I have the following on a view <% for evaluation in @evaluations %> <td><%=h evaluation[0].name %></td> <td><%=evaluation[1].object_id %></td> <td><%= link_to( "Start", :action =>''evaluatie'', :id => evaluation[1].object_id) %></td> <%end%> When I click on the link, I can see that
2007 Sep 20
undefined method `request' for "products":String ?
Since updated edge yesturday i have had a series of errors related to undefinded methods for "products":String. I do have these controllers namespaced. ==== Errors example 1: undefined method `request'' for "products":String Extracted source (around line #2): view: <tbody> <%= render :partial => ''admin/products/product'',