Displaying 20 results from an estimated 9000 matches similar to: "Can't dump File ... when uploading files"
2011 May 16
Cannot get multipart => true , running well in my form when using remote => true
I have a simple form , with a file field
= form_for (Clip.new), :html => {:multipart => true} , :remote =>
true , do |f|
= f.hidden_field :user_id, {:value => current_user.id}
= f.text_field :name
= f.text_area :description
= f.file_field :image
= f.submit I18n.t(:add)
generating the html code
<form accept-charset="UTF-8"
2011 Mar 11
A file-upload suddenly seems to be nil
Hi there,
I posted this issue
the carrierwave-group, but I''m beginning to think this rather is a
rails-issue than a problem with carrierwave. The problem''s this:
I have 2 models, ''article'' and ''upload''. article has_many :uploads. In my
article_controller i
2011 Oct 20
Rails 3.1.1 why public/system content is not transferred upon deployment
Testing locally I uploaded files into public/system/... folders
( default for Paperclip)
Upon deployment ( capistrano) on the remote server, I can see a
symlink from public/system to the shared/system/ but the content
( all images ) is not transferred.... I had to do it myself via
ftp ..
Is it a standard behavior ? or did I miss adding a task in the
deployment ?
thanks for your feedback
2010 Mar 23
redirection in format.json ...
I have presently a render :json which modify the current page
if @request.save
format.html { redirect_to(@request) }
format.json { render :json => { :result => ''success'', :request
=> request_path(@request) } }
but I would like rather to redirect to an index page
I wrote this but it doesn''t redirect ...
format.json {
2008 Dec 13
how to import a dump .sql file in a rake task
I have a dump of some tables to be filled when the app is setup
I would like to execute a task similar to the >mysql source
like :
ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("source #{path};") (which
doesn''t run fine, of course....
is it possible in a rake task ? if yes, any suggestion ?
2012 Jun 08
[Rails 3.2.5] Rails: unit test fixture_path : fixture_file_upload cannot find the file ...
I am trying to perform a test unit, using FactoryGirl
include ActionDispatch::TestProcess
FactoryGirl.define do
factory :article do
photo { fixture_file_upload ''/files/test.jpg'', ''image/jpg'' }
IN mt test_helper.rb I defined the fixture_path
def fixture_path
File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/fixtures/" #
2011 Aug 17
file uploading controller
how to upload a video,document and a audio (of any format) within the
same controller and within the same form?
is it possible to do that?
if not then what is the solution?
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2012 Oct 16
<form> tag is self-closing before input fields .. (HAML generator used)
The form is inside a table, enclosing a <tr>
= form_tag admins_backoffice_dashboards_path, :remote =>"true" do
%th= link_to t(:clear), "#", :id => :clearFilter
%th= select_tag :role,
options_from_collection_for_select(Role.global, :id, :name, :selected
=> @role_id )
%th= text_field_tag :email, nil, :value
2010 Aug 12
[Rails 3] How to test routes urls in console
I tried require ''url_writer''
but this is not the trick
what should be required/included to test the routes urls ?
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2011 Jun 01
desperate, errors with file upload
i implementing a file upload using paperclip plugin. i getting the
following error [1] when uploading a file. I''m using the gems rails
v2.3.8 and paperclip v2.1.6. the parameter hash looks like [2], the
model like [3].
Interesting is that i get two different errors, on the localhost with
webrick it says:
Status: 500 Internal Server Error
no marshal_dump is defined for class
2010 Dec 17
flash[;notice] not display after redirection
I read all previous posts about the same subject in Devise group but
couldn''t find any answer, so iy may not be related to Devise , so
I debugged it ..
class Users::RegistrationsController <
# POST /resource/sign_up
def create
if resource.save
if resource.active?
set_flash_message :notice, :signed_up
2011 Feb 27
How to store the same key multi times in a Hash ?
given an Arra tags[]
I need to produce a resulting Hash as following ..
{ "$in" => [tags[0]], "$in" =>[tags[1], ...}
in which the key should be always the same and the value being an
I tried this :
myHash = {}
tags.each do |tag|
h = {"$in" => [tag]}
but the merge! is only
2012 Nov 09
method conditional option pattern
When I have this pattern
sign_me(@user, :event => :authentication, :subdomain => subdomain)
how can I write it to avoid sending the :subdomain option if subdomain.nil?
( if possible ..)
sign_me(@user, :event => :authentication #?, :subdomain =>
subdomain unless subdomain.nil? )
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2009 Feb 09
dynamic constant assignment
I have a constant set up like that :
=> {"it"=>"Italian", "fr"=>"Français", "de"=>"Deutsch", "en-
GB"=>"English (UK)", "es"=>"Español (España)", "pt-PT"=>"Português",
"pl"=>"Polski", "en-US"=>"English
2012 Mar 26
render :json not sending any data back ...
[rails 3.2.2]
I perform an ajax call :
url: " /backoffice/expenses/rate"
type: "GET"
dataType: "json"
project_id: $(''#project_id'').val()
code: $(this).val()
success: (result) ->
alert result
2010 Aug 18
[Rails 3] remote_function ?
Is the remote_function still valid in Rails 3 as it seems many of the
Prototype helpers have been replaced ? (link_to_remote, ...)
where can I find any link on it ? not in the standard doc I guess ..
thanks for you feedback
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2011 Nov 15
Need some guidance on running shell commands from my app..
During execution in my Rails web app, I need to create a virtual host
config on my Linux server, but I don''t know what would be the best way
to do it , here are the steps ( my_domain.com is fixed, only
my_subdomain is changing dynamically
1- create: /var/www/vhosts/my_domain.com/subdomains/my_subdomain/conf/
ServerName mysubdomain.mydomain.com
.. content is always the
2011 Jul 24
Downloading files not stored in database?
Hello list,
I am trying to add functionality to my application that will allow users
to download files that are not stored in a database.
All the examples I have found find the file by ID. which I can not do.
Here is my code from the view:
<h1>Browse files for download</h1>
<% form_for(:download, :url=>{ :controller=>"download",
2012 Dec 04
[Rails 3.2] validation on create not working
class Place < ActiveRecord::Base
validates :description, :presence => true
validates :description, :uniqueness => {:case_sensitive => true, :on =>
:create }
# also tried
# validates :description, :uniqueness => {:case_sensitive => true }, :on
=> :create
On update ( in form fields, updated label, same description )
2011 Jan 07
Task with a legacy schema nightmare.
I have a the great task of migrating the backend of a large multi
client application to Rails!
I''m pumped for the opportunity to drop PHP, but a LOT of table schemas
have a very "non-rails" setup. The main hangup is any image urls for
the site live in a large monolithic table with a column to designate
the other tables name and it''s primary key that has an image.