Displaying 20 results from an estimated 90000 matches similar to: "mobile backend question"
2011 Apr 18
Mobile application / Ruby on rails development
I have 20 years experience in software industry with focus in Open
Source Platforms, Frameworks and Tools Development, Web based
development using J2EE and Open Source Platforms,.Net Based Product(s)
Development and Mobile System and Application Development.
Currently I am involved in the development of mobile integration of
Issue tracker running on GitHib using Rhomobile platform. This is an
2010 Jul 21
[Jobs] RoR Developer Needed - BarZ Adventures (Austin, TX)
BarZ Adventures is an Austin-based start-up company that creates
location-aware tour technology. We are looking for a software
developer to work on our Ruby-on-Rails web application. The
application also serves mobile clients such as iPhone, Android through
web services. We have built a platform for creating location-based
applications. It will be a part-time contract position with
2012 Aug 31
Ruby on rails Developer-Golden CO
We are looking for a strong Ruby on Rails developer in Golden, CO. Post
your resumes to *pradeept at hrgiants.com* or call me at *510 870 2315. PDT*
Join our agile team of Ruby on Rails developers building wireless home
automation services in Golden, Colorado. We''re developing with leading-edge
technologies for a global market, and are looking for bright, capable web
2010 Feb 16
[JOBS] Unique Developer Opportunity at Anideo (Singapore)
Anideo, a Singapore and US based web products company founded by 3
Harvard graduates, one of whom started Facebook.com is currently
hiring!. You will be creating, coding, and building cutting-edge web
applications that will be used by millions of people. Anideo retains
its Silicon Valley start-up culture with flexible work schedules, a
relaxed office environment and unique hacker perks.
The 3
2011 Aug 31
CiteSearcher: a Google Scholar front-end for iOS and Android mobile devices
CiteSearcher v1.2search%20results.png
Google Scholar on your iPod, iPhone, iPad, and Android based mobile
CiteSearcher is a Google Scholar front-end for iOS and Android mobile
devices. With it, you can easily search Google Scholar for an author's
work, his/her Hirsch index (H-index,
2011 Aug 31
CiteSearcher: a Google Scholar front-end for iOS and Android mobile devices
CiteSearcher v1.2search%20results.png
Google Scholar on your iPod, iPhone, iPad, and Android based mobile
CiteSearcher is a Google Scholar front-end for iOS and Android mobile
devices. With it, you can easily search Google Scholar for an author's
work, his/her Hirsch index (H-index,
2011 Oct 26
MeetUp at UC Berkeley ("Other People's Code) - Opensource and Coding
Topic: Other People''s Code | Best Practices +
Developing apps from scratch is often unrealistic and finding other
people''s code to integrate into your application can often be much
more time effective.
We have an all star lineup of speakers from UC Berkeley, Citrix
Online, and Mobile Developer Solutions to explain best practices,
implementations, and how to approach solution
2009 Feb 07
R on Mobile Devices (All)
I have been considering use of R on Windows Operating system and the market
leader Symbiosis.
I want to log on to my remote pc using remote desktop securely using the
username and password, then run R as if I was in front of the PC itself ( PC
got more RAM than Mobile ..still). Ditto for the Android and Ipod ( I mean
I then would like to mail the output using both Google Docs as
2010 Feb 19
Problem with assert_redirected_to
I have taken over some old Rails code and am trying to get the tests to run.
In the functional test every time the assertion ''assert_redirected_to'' is
called I get the following error:
NoMethodError: undefined method `[]'' for
2011 May 21
request.format = :mobile causes error "undefined method `ref' for nil:NilClass"
I have a strange problem with setting request.format = :mobile
I can reproduce this problem on a completely fresh Rails 3.0.7 app
with no special gems. This seemed to work well in Rails 2 but for some
reason is hiccuping here, not sure what''s different in Rails 3 that
makes this hiccup. If you look at the stack track, it doesn''t even
pass through my app stack once -- weird --
2010 Nov 27
Long elaboration
my problem is that after form post, I have to do a long elaboration.
So, my page remain stuck for a long time....
I would like to display an intermediate page after post (thank for your
collaboration..blah, blah, blah.....)
so that the visitor knows whats going on.
Any suggestion?
Thanks in advance...
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
You received this message because you
2010 Apr 30
Friday 12 Noon EDT: Media5fone Mobile SIP Client Symbian S60 & iPhone
If I was going to post this as an iPhone-only SIP client, I'd expect
loud booing and hissing, but Media5 mobile SIP client is available for
the Symbian S60 platform, too, or will be shortly. Interested? To join
us and hear about Media5 form Pascal Dore, see http://vuc.me
Speaking of mobile, if any of you know the people who are developing
the SIP client for Android, we'd love to
2012 Jul 24
Ruby on Rails, iOS, Android and ninjas with 2+ years experience who are willing to learn Rails!
Hi There,
SourcePad is looking for RoR Ninjas!
We are a stable, rapidly growing company. Our environment is full of
passionate, creative and intelligent people who want to create the
next generation of interactive software and application!
We currently have more RoR projects than we can handle and need to
grow our team!
We offer an exceptional growth opportunity and get to work with smart
2024 Nov 06
Status app for mobile
Is there an app in existence that can view status of an samba server (and
it's shares)? I am running my samba servers as vm's inside proxmox pve, and
the official PVE app is great, but it only shows the vm's itself, not the
more important information as the running services inside the vm.
Android or iPhone.
2010 Jun 04
Ajax post from a mobile app
I''m a trying to create a user using Ajax from a mobile app with
javascript and I''m struggling!!!
Here is what I''m trying:
user = {username:''plop'', password:''plip'', password_confirmation:''plip''};
new Ajax.Updater(''all'', HOST + ''users/create'',{
method: ''POST'',
2010 Aug 03
curl works when testing JSON response but the functional and integration tests do not work.
I am trying to test an action which is supposed to give a json
response The url goes something line /blah/model.json
When I POST to that URL using curl like this
curl -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Accept:appn/json" -d
"data" http://localhost:3000/blah/model.json it works just fine.
In my test functional test I have this method
def post_json (data)
2010 Nov 29
session active_record_store
There doesn''t seem to be any previous posts about this problem, I must
setting things up wrongly at very basics...
Firstly, the problem... I can''t get session[] to persist with
active_record_store. I enabled (config.action_controller.session_store =
:active_record_store) in environment.rb and created the sessions table
at my MySQL database. When I do a session[:blah] =
2011 May 11
Constructing an array of stuff (to send multiple apple push notifications)
I''m using this gem https://github.com/justintv/APNS to send push
notifications to an iPhone app and amazingly it works for single
notifications, such that I can do...
APNS.send_notification(Device.first.device_token,''test message'')
Works great...
Now it should be a simple task (as per the docs to send multiple
Gem says like this...
device_token =
2014 Nov 17
Opus complexity and VOIP for mobile devices
Anyone could provide more information on the level of complexity (OPUS_SET_COMPLEXITY(x) , x between 0 and 10 ?) which is recommended for generic Android devices ? How about the iPhone devices ??Is there a way to choose this complexity level according to the device model ? Any hints ?
We've seen they set 5 in webrtc :http://code.google.com/p/webrtc/issues/detail?id=3093Freeswitch is
2010 May 21
Multiple Models one form and validations ... no transactions(mongo)
I am trying to setup a sigup form thats pretty much just like the
basecamp form. https://signup.37signals.com/basecamp/Plus/signup/new
I want to create
a User
a Studio
and a Subscription(chargify)
a Subscription belongs to a Studio and not to a User. User gets tagged
onto a Studio via an admin array.
Is there any way to do this all in one form and still get back
validation errors etc without