similar to: Rake 0.8.7 issue on Rails 3, ruby 1.9.2 and Windows 7

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2011 Apr 20
rake db:create fails
Hello folks, I´m here trying to find the way to solve my problem. When i try to run rake db:create or rake db:create:all the process stops and the databases are not created. I change the directives, putting --trace before the rake db:create and the steps are C:\appws\cookbook>rake db:create --trace (in C:/appws/cookbook) ** Invoke db:create (first_time) ** Invoke db:load_config (first_time)
2006 Feb 23
rake error
I installed at least one gem since I thought I actually once was able to run ''rake appdoc'' command since there is an api for my models and the ez_where plugin that I installed earlier. I wanted to see the api for pdf-writer which is the gem that I installed most recently. (no, I haven''t given up the issue of ''looping'' that Kevin and some others replied
2006 Aug 14
rake test:units -> table already exists
Hi! When I run test:units, rails complains about the tables already being present. They had to be present so I could run individual unit tests. So why doesn''t rails just drop the tables if they exist? Any ideas?? Jeroen debug oupt below: >rake test:units --trace (in ...) ** Invoke test:units (first_time) ** Invoke db:test:prepare (first_time) ** Invoke environment (first_time)
2008 Nov 06
anyone able to explain logic behind "rake spec" startup (e.g. db:test:prepare => abort_if_pending_migration => invoke environment => etc etc)
anyone able to explain logic behind "rake spec" startup? i.e. the below steps & why things occur when they do Macintosh-2:myequity greg$ rake spec --trace (in /Users/greg/source/myequity) ** Invoke spec (first_time) ** Invoke db:test:prepare (first_time) ** Invoke db:abort_if_pending_migrations (first_time) ** Invoke environment (first_time) ** Execute environment ** Execute
2006 Jun 13
rake migrate working but not working
Hi All I got this migration to work the first time I tried it, dropped the table and not the migration won''t create the table but does not show any errors. Here is the trace on the execution of the rake migrate: my-computer:~/forms lars$ rake migrate --trace (in /Users/lars/forms) ** Invoke migrate (first_time) ** Invoke db:migrate (first_time) ** Invoke environment (first_time) **
2006 Jul 04
MySQL error when running rake migrate
Running rails 1.1 and MySQL 5 on Kubuntu. I moved the same rails project from one machine to another. To set up the database I try to run `rake migrate` but I am greeted with the error/stack trace below. Any idea why this could be? It doesn''t seem to be a permissions problem--I can login to the database as my application just fine. I tried downgrading MySQL to v4.1 because that is
2010 Jan 20
Rake Aborted wont Migrate mysql
Hello all, I''ve been trying to get ruby on rails to work with my local install of mysql(its with wamp). Windows XP, Ruby 1.8.6, rails 2.3.5, rubygems 1.3.5, mysql 5.2 something I believe. I have ruby installed in: C:\Ruby and my mysql is installed in: C:\wamp\bin\mysql\mysql5.1.30\bin I''ve attempted to change my database.yml file to include the port 80, and port 3036, the
2013 May 07
Rake db:migrate
Hello, I''m trying to use command rake db:migrate, but in MySQL I continuous get an empty set and I do know why. #/db/seeds.rb User.create(username: "lorenz", password: "mypass", admin: true) When I run: rake db:seed RAILS_ENV=development --trace I received: ** Invoke db:seed (first_time) ** Execute db:seed ** Invoke db:abort_if_pending_migrations (first_time) **
2006 Jun 21
rake migrate says table already exists
Hi all, I used the generate script to make a bunch of table migrations, resulting in files like 002_bookmarks.rb, 003_tags.rb, etc. When I did the ''rake migrate'', the db was set up but more migration files appeared, now called 009_create_bookmarks.rb, 010_create_tags.rb, etc. Now when I want to change the database (add a table or column, alter the schema) I do
2006 May 25
rake migrate VERSION=0 doesn''t appear to execute
All, I''ve decided to jump into Migrations before I get too far along on the DB side of things. I already have some tables built, and I went ahead and built the migration that would have created them from scratch, and I made sure that there was a self.down section to drop them. I wanted to verify that I could roll back so I figured I would use rake to drop these pre-existing tables
2006 Feb 13
postgres and rake
am in a bit of a quandry... I have asked postgresql-users list and haven''t gotten anything to work with... > > How do I change the owner of a schema? > > > > ALTER SCHEMA "public" OWNER to "some_user"; #? > > > > The docs explain this very situation. HTML
2007 Dec 11
RoR Error When Doing: rake db:schema:load
Hey, I am new to this and I thought I had finally set up everything perfectly after three days of trying to configure it. However I run this command: rake db:schema:load and I get an error "syntax error on line 23, col 11: `''". The error however is now with the schema it''s with the ruby install itself as you can see with the trace I ran:
2006 Aug 08
rake migrate the first time - uses more than schema_info?
All, I have two migration files, file 1 and file 2. For reasons that I don''t want to go into unless I must, I want to only run file 2 on my production database (file 1 contains a bunch of table creation stuff for already existing tables). I figured if I created a schema_info table and set the version in it to 1, then I could just run rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production and just
2008 Jan 31
never have been able to run rake doc:app
Perhaps it''s just a Fedora thing but it would be nice to generate my application''s API $ rake doc:app --trace (in /home/storage/users/craig/svn/th-db/branches/phase5) ** Invoke doc:app (first_time) ** Invoke doc/app/index.html (first_time) rake aborted! Don''t know how to build task ''doc/README_FOR_APP''
2010 Mar 18
rake db:migrate -> uninitialized constant
Hi-- I''m trying to do a first migration (2.3.5). I generated a model "Video", but when I try to migrate I get "uninitialized constant Videos". Why is it trying to find a plural class name? Here''s more complete output: trans@logisys:models$ rake db:migrate --trace ** Invoke db:migrate (first_time) ** Invoke environment (first_time) ** Execute environment **
2010 Apr 11
rake db:create uninitialized constant Mysql::Error
I have yet to find a solution for this issue I have tried multiple things that I have found on google, but yet have i found a solution. If someone could help me and point me in the right direction I would be much appreciated. Thanks. rake aborted! uninitialized constant Mysql::Error ** Invoke db:create (first_time) ** Invoke db:load_config (first_time) ** Invoke rails_env (first_time) **
2010 Feb 25
Rails problems running rake and other tasks - undefined method `action_controller'
I suddenly have a major problem in all my Rails 3 apps: $ rake db:migrate --trace rake aborted! Don''t know how to build task ''db:migrate'' /Users/kristianconsult/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.1-p378/gems/rake-0.8.7/lib/ rake.rb:1728:in `[]'' /Users/kristianconsult/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.1-p378/gems/rake-0.8.7/lib/ rake.rb:2050:in `invoke_task''
2012 Sep 18
NoMethodError with rake db:migrate
Hi! First of all, this is my first application on Rails, and i''m stuck at a migration. i created a demo app (the demo_app from michael hartl''s tutorial) as usual: rails new demo_app, rails generate scaffold User name:string email:string, and when i do rake db:migrate, this stack appears: rake db:migrate --trace ** Invoke db:migrate (first_time) ** Invoke environment
2010 May 28
Beginner Facing Problem with rake db:migrate
I am beginner for this Rails from the past 2 days I am working hard to fix the following error C:\Murali Rubby\demo\library>rake db:migrate --trace (in C:/Murali Rubby/demo/library) ** Invoke db:migrate (first_time) ** Invoke environment (first_time) ** Execute environment ** Execute db:migrate == CreateBooks: migrating ==================================================== --
2009 Nov 07
wrong argument type Mysql (expected Struct) running rake with Ruby 1.9 / Rails 2.3.3
I''m use Ruby 1.9 via rvm and Rails 2.3.3. I''m on OS X 10.5 and I have the mysql 2.8.1 gem installed. When I run rake on my rails app, I get the error "wrong argument type Mysql (expected Struct)". I can run the app fine with script/server and script/console fine. Is anyone else having this problem or know what might cause this problem? Here''s the stack