similar to: acts_as_commentable validations

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "acts_as_commentable validations"

2012 Aug 14
validates_format_of :message not working, validates_length_of :message is working
I''m using validates_format_of and the validation I want to do works, but I can''t get an error message to be displayed if the data is invalid: validates_format_of :mobile, :with => /\A[\+0-9]+\Z/, :message => " - Wrong" I have another validation some where else that does display the error message: " - Name is too long" validates_length_of :name,
2006 May 15
acts_as_commentable release
I now have the acts_as_commentable plugin up on RubyForge. This plugin will allow you to add comments to any active_record object in your Rails application. So far the directions are simple, and there are only a few features: To install: ruby script/plugin install svn:// In the readme there is a sample migration you will need to use, with
2006 Mar 17
validations using acts_as_taggable
Can anyone provide me an example of how they are displaying validation errors when saving a tag using Demetrius''s (not DHH''s) act_as_taggable plugin? For example, the tag model has a :validates_length_of :name, :in => 1..30, :too_long => "Tag name too long - max 30 characters", :too_short => "Tag must have a name" If a user inputs a tag longer than
2006 Jul 16
Problems with validates_lenght_of
I''m building a login system, and I want users to be able to update their password, first name and last name after signing up. So, when signing up password can''t be nil, and it must be between 6..20 characters long. However, on update, the user can choose to leave the password field empty (but fill in other stuff, like first name) and then I want the User model to not update
2008 Aug 30
acts_as_commentable: find Post by date of comment
Hello, I am using acts_as_commentable (related to Post) and I would like to know how to get the list the posts ordered by date of comment (i.e. post with recent comment first). in addition if a post has no comment, i would it to be inserted based on its creation date. Thanks for your help Nicolas --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are
2006 Mar 16
validating presence of a tag
Hi, I''m using acts_as_taggable. I have a form that asks for a question and a tag for that question, something like: <% form_tag -%> <%= text_area("question", "question_text") %> <%= text_field("tag", "name") %> <%= submit_tag %> <% end_form_tag %> The question is one model. Tag is another. My problem is that I
2009 Jan 02
Very odd NoMethodError/stack overflow....
I''m getting this very weird error and I can''t figure out what the problem is. I''m using acts_as_commentable. Basically, I have a partial with this code in it: <div id="<%= ''#{comment.commentable_type}_comment_# {comment.commentable_id}'' %>" class="comment"> <dl> <dt><%= link_to comment.user.login,
2011 Feb 28
(2.3.5) removing validations
Today I tried to remove (actually overwrite) a validation from a model, from within a plugin. This was the original validation: validates_length_of :login, :maximum => 30 This was the only code I could come up with to replace it: def self.included(base) base.class_eval do @validate_callbacks.delete_if { |callback| begin # Sorry, only way to remove
2006 Jun 26
How can I dynamiclly generate models?
I am trying to write a plugin, ''acts_as_commentable'', for my models - Image, Book, Music and so on, I do not want to use polymorphic association, so very model should have its own comment class. Here is my code acts_as_commentable.rb module Commentable def self.included(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) end module ClassMethods def
2009 Dec 27
Difficulties in understanding Rail-Plugins in depth
Hi, i try to understand how plugins work in detail. Often you see stuff like: class Post < ActiveRecord::Base   acts_as_commentable end I wonder what''s happen all there. What kind of language-feature is behind this call "acts_as_commentable" ? In my opinion you need some kind of extend or include to extend the functionality of a model. And exactly this is which i found
2007 Feb 20
counter caching with acts_as_commentable
I find that my app is doing a lot of db queries to get comment counts for various objects, as I reference these counts frequenly in my views. This is using acts_as_commentable. Anyone have any tips for adding counter caching to acts_as_commentable? I assume this is possible with polymorphic associations? Thanks! -- Posted via
2007 Sep 23
Code reviews: my dumb use of acts_as_commentable (newbie)
With the help of several heroes here yesterday I beat my way into a working solution to adding comments to one or more models in my application using acts_as_comentable. Great plugin, but my implementation is lame. I need enlightenment. I have users who log in. For several views I want to let them add comments. Enter act_as_commentable which does just this -- it''s polymorphic, so you
2006 Jan 25
Schemas and Migrations
Hello- I''m new to the ruby-based schemas and migrations. As I''m looking over examples and such online, I see that many of them don''t make use of schema-enforced attributes. For example, instead of: t.column "post_id", :integer, :default => 0, :null => false They do: t.column "post_id", :integer So I''m wondering -- is this
2007 Mar 29
validates_length_of not working with :if ?
Hello, I''m trying to cut down the errors if the guy already getting the empty nickname, so he doesn''t get anything about the nickname is short. validates_presence_of :nickname This below is not working ? validates_length_of :nickname, :within => 4..40, :if => { |user| user.nickname.length > 1 } nor this one below? validates_length_of :nickname, :within
2007 Oct 13
Chapter 9
Hello, I''m currently stunk on this issue for few days and I do not know how to get it fixed. The system always raises this error message : order is closed and here is my order.rb: class Order < ActiveRecord::Base include ActiveMerchant::Billing before_validation :set_status attr_protected :id, :customer_ip, :status, :error_message, :updated_at, :created_at attr_accessor
2005 Jan 17
how to override rails errors messages?
hi, how can i override rails errors mesages (that are in english) to display them in an other language? thanks hangon
2006 May 11
acts_as_commentable plugin
I''ve just about finished up work on a plugin similar to acts_as_taggable, but for comments instead which would allow you to attach comments (possibly even a threaded discussion if conbined with acts_as_tree) to any object. Is there anyone that would be interested in it? I don''t want to go throug the trouble of finding some way to distribute it unless I know that there is a
2009 Sep 19
validations on a field
hi, i have a model with 2 validations on a field example: validates_presence_of :email validates_length_of :email, :within => 6..100 #r@a.wk validates_uniqueness_of :email validates_format_of :email, :with => Authentication.email_regex if i do the submit of form for a new object of the model with a blank mail i receive 4 errors. In this case i want receive
2006 Aug 08
validate data
Can anyone help me?? I validate a form-field: protected def validate errors.add(:name, "should be longer than 2 chars") unless name.length <= 2 end I want to check the variable name. It should have a size over 2 characters. But my function "validate" doesn''t run! Why ??? -- Posted via
2006 Jun 12
conditional validation
Hi how can I validate a field only if another field is set to a specific value? I tried to use validates_length_of :fieldname, :maximum => 100, :if => :otherfieldname == ''myvalue'' But doesn''t work Thanks Paolo