Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "Delayed_job: how to raise and log exceptions"
2011 May 20
delayed_job - Undefined method error even with Mongrel
Any delayed_job gurus out there? This is a known issue on the wiki as
described at the bottom here:
However, even when running Mongrel (on Rails 3.0.3, ruby 1.9.2, Win7)
after replacing Webrick) I am still getting this issue. My delayed_job
handlers read:
--- !ruby/struct:Delayed::PerformableMailer
object: !ruby/object:Class
2011 May 25
indentify delayed_job with display_name
I just found this solution for identifying a job in the job table:
They are using this code:
class MyJob < Struct.new(:user_id);
def perform
# ...
def display_name
return "MyJob-User-#{user_id}"
# store reference to a User
my_job =
2009 Aug 29
Delayed_Jobs Failed: Where to Check Logs/Errors?
I am using delayed_job. It generally works but on one method I am
calling the job always fails.
I checked my rails logs and that does not show anything. The action is
simply completed.
Are there logs or someway to check details on what is happening with
I know when I send it normally/synchronously, it completes successful.
However, when I use delayed_jobs, it fails.
Code Sample:
2010 Dec 11
Rails 3 - Delayed_Job (collectiveidea), trying to Delay Mailers - Error: NoMethodError (undefined method `delay' for UserMailer:Class):
Hello, I have the following in an observer:
In user_mailer.rb
class UserMailer < ActionMailer::Base
def msg_notification(record)
:to => "#{record.user.email}",
:subject => "Notification"
But this errors with:
NoMethodError (undefined method `delay'' for
2011 Aug 15
Delayed_Job: code working fine without .delay / with .delay it fails. Why?
Hi all,
I wrote a simple code to set up the "pit_id" from a village table from
1 to 2, from 2 to 3 and so on.
It works fine without .delay . But i need it so whats wrong with that
def post_info
@village = Village.find(params[:id])
flash[:notice] = "Upgrading"
redirect_to village_url(@village)
2010 Aug 02
delayed)_job gem installation issue
here is my environment.rb
config.gem ''collectiveidea-delayed_job'', :source => ''http://
>>gem list | grep coll
collectiveidea-delayed_job (1.8.2)
The gem infact got installed via rake gems:install. but now when I
start my app, it doesn''t recognize the gem being installed. Please
script/generate delayed_job
2010 Aug 09
Logging form delayed job class
I have asked this before without any luck, trying again.
this is what I have in my dj.rb initializer
Delayed::Worker.backend = :active_record
Delayed::Worker.logger = Rails.logger
#Delayed::Worker.logger = ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger.new("log/
##{Rails.env}_delayed_jobs.log", Rails.logger.level)
class Delayed::Job
def logger
2010 Sep 30
upgrade to Rails3 question
After upgrading to Rails3 and the latest plugins, two of the plugins:
delayed_job and oauth_plugin don''t work.
They display a similar problem, I am not able to use methods they
provide. In delayed_job''s case I can''t use Model.delay.method
(undefined method) and with oauth_plugin adding oauthenticate in the
controller returns undefined method too.
Could I have
2012 Jun 08
MySQL settings for puppet dashboard
Hello Group,
I have a problem with pending tasks in puppet-dashboard after I set the
MySQL parameter autocommit = 0 and sql_mode = TRADITIONAL. Does the
dashboard need autocommit to be enabled?
Workers are running:
env RAILS_ENV=production script/delayed_job status
delayed_job: running [pid 4995]
delayed_job: running [pid 5019]
Regards Kai
You received this message because you
2012 Mar 06
Issue with pe-dashboard-workers
I''ve almost gotten PE running --
Based on tips from a recent Webinar, I''ve started on a minimal RHEL 6
system, and have installed the PE 2.03 packages. Once I set up /etc/
hosts (DNS will come later), I started the PE services. Given past
problems (possibly just me), I was pleasantly surprised that the
puppet-enterprise-updater script was so accommodating as I remembered
2011 May 17
uninitialized constant Delayed::Job (NameError)
hi I am implementing delayed_job in my rails app.
*my code is:*
file name is: my_worker.rb
require "delayed_job"
require "rubygems"
class MyClass
def perform
while true do
puts "I am in My class!!!"
sleep 2
Delayed::Job.enqueue( MyClass.new )
when i am executing this(ruby my_worker.rb ) file it gives me error
2011 Jul 13
puppet-dashboard delayed workers
I have just installed puppet dashboard from git.
everything seems to load ok except it seems as though background tasks
are not being run.
According to the code README:
running: # env CPUS=4 RAILS_ENV=production /.../script/delayed_job -p
dashboard -n $CPUS -m start
will start the worker.
however it seems as though it is not running (or if it is how can I check?)
and the back ground
2011 Jul 11
stuck with permissions in using FileUtils
Even if I am using PaperClip & Delayed_job, I guess the issue maybe
solved by FileUtisl gurus ...
here is the case :
I am testing a delayed video format transcoding , transcoding works
perfectly but I get an issue -trying to write back the transcoded
video from a tmp directory into the PaperClip path
the original uploaded video file is stored into the :url => "/system/
2011 Feb 15
Question on Paperclip paths/urls
Note that if I use the default Paperclip :path (i.e. not setting this
attribute and files going to public/system), everything is fine. This
question is to do with setting an alternative path.
I have a model using paperclip for a file with a custom path:
has_attached_file :tu_raw_bill_csv,
:path =>
2012 Dec 17
puppet-dashboard install not generating 'dashboard' cert
I''m trying to get puppet-dashboard installed on a CentOS 6.3 machine
running puppet v3.0.1.
I''m following the puppet-dashboard documentation here:
In the documentation page linked above, it says:
Puppet uses SSL certificates to control who can make requests to the puppet
> master, so Dashboard has
2012 Jul 06
ActionMailer::Base.deliveries returns array with duplicated elements in production env
Hello, I am testing for email sending from my app and I have a scenario
that passes in test env but not in production. When I make dump of
ActionMailer::Base.deliveries I saw that it returns array with duplicated
elements in production env but not in test env. I am using sqlite3 for test
env and mysql for production. Also I use delayed_job. Does anyone had the
same issue? Thanks in advance :)
2015 Sep 17
(?) Mailman VERY slow with IPv6 (with work-around)
I recently stood up an EL7 box with Mailman for a few lists I run for
some friends. My old install, on an EL6 system, ran with no issues for
several years but I was induced to upgrade by a "hardware casualty" on
the old system. I was going to have to rebuild anyway, so why not take
it as an opportunity to try EL7?
The build went fine and I was able to migrate the lists over with no
2013 Oct 04
Puppet dashboard stuck pending jobs - MySql Error: Incorrect string value
Hi have add issues with stuck pending jobs on my puppet dashboard.
Here is the error message from my delayed_job.log file in
/usr/share/puppet-dashboard/log directory.
Report.create_from_yaml_file failed with ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid:
Mysql::Error: Incorrect string value: ''\x96 $bas...'' for column ''details''
at row 1: INSERT INTO `delayed_job_failures`
2015 Sep 17
(?) Mailman VERY slow with IPv6 (with work-around)
Hash: SHA1
On 17/09/15 04:16, Jay Leafey wrote:
> I recently stood up an EL7 box with Mailman for a few lists I run
> for some friends. My old install, on an EL6 system, ran with no
> issues for several years but I was induced to upgrade by a
> "hardware casualty" on the old system. I was going to have to
> rebuild anyway, so why not
2004 Aug 06
a new directory service
>> The Number of listeners *has* to remain in, it's up to the directory
>> server to do whatever they want with it.
>I disagree. It's fundamentally a different kind of data. It's
>time-dependent. All the other information is not.
I'd just like to say that time-dependent information is very important to a
listener. Removing it from the directory would be