Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "upload file, read first 10 lines."
2012 Nov 26
why functional test does not get failure?
The test:
test "should get new" do
get :new, :room_id => @room.name
the template new does not exists but the test does not get failure.
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2011 Jan 08
Even reading the documentation I can not figure out what is the
select_tag difference between this:
<% = select_tag (bags [], "options_for_select (bags.collect @ {| bb |
[bb.bag_type, bb.id]},
ruser.bags.collect @ {| ub | ub.id}), {: multiple => true,: id =>
and this:
<% = select_tag "bags [], " options_for_select (bags.collect @ {| bb
2011 Nov 12
complex form with dynamic fields.
I''ve seen http://railscasts.com/episodes/73-complex-forms-part-1,
part2 and part3.
It seems to be my case.
I have:
has_many :documents
has_many :tenders, :through..........
belongs_to :company
has_many :companies, :through..........
I want to insert documents and tenerds on company creation.
If documents are more than one the user can click "add
2011 Feb 23
validates, what's wrong?
class Category < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :sector
has_and_belongs_to_many :suppliers
validates :sector, :name, :presence => true
As you see I have validates :sector, :presence => true.
When I create a new Category, if I don''t select a sector I have an
error page with the message:
Couldn''t find Sector with ID=
But there is the validates, why I don''t
2011 May 25
rake task: uninitialized constant
I have this rake taks:
CUSTOM_MONTHS = [nil, "GEN", "FEB", "MAR", "APR", "MAG", "GIU", "LUG",
"AGO", "SET", "OTT", "NOV", "DIC"]
def parse_date_string(date_string)
day, month, year = date_string.split("-")
Time.mktime(year, CUSTOM_MONTHS.index(month),
2009 Nov 10
Model spec for file upload with paperclip and fastercsv
I just started my ImportsController and was this was really the way to
class Import < ActiveRecord::Base
has_attached_file :csv
validates_attachment_presence :csv
after_save :process_csv
def process_csv
FasterCSV.foreach( csv.path) do |row|
2008 May 01
Strategy for importing temporary .csv file?
For some reason, I''ve posted this question to this forum 4 times now
and it never appears in the daily consolidated email I get daily?
I''ve written a routine allowing the client user to declare where
their .csv import file resides and then send it to the server to
import the many rows into an existing model table, and then throw it
I''ve imported many graphic files
2009 Sep 18
streaming server on a virtual machine.
I need to installa a streaming server for live videos and for video on demand.
My choice is red5.
Do you think I can use a xen virtual machine to run a streaming service?
Or it is better not to virtualize?
Sorry for my bad english.
Xen-users mailing list
2009 Jun 17
FasterCVS and Rails
Hello all,
I''m trying to import some csv data (that has latin characters) using
faster csv but I keep getting a MalformedCSVError:
"Unclosed quoted field on line 1."
I''ve tested the same code outside of the Rails application an it works
Can anyone help me?
Here is
2010 Dec 25
undefined local variable or method?
I have:
<%= form_for(@supplier) do |f| %>
<%= render ''sector_categories'', :locals => {:f => f} %>
in _sector_categories partial I have:
<div class="field">
<div id="category_update">
<% for category in @categories %>
<%= f.check_box :category_ids[], category.id,
2006 Jul 26
Upload File
I got this error:
NoMethodError in PictureController#new
You have a nil object when you didn''t expect it!
The error occured while evaluating nil.uploaded_file=
and the line code is here:
@picture.uploaded_file = @params[''picture_file'']
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
2006 May 17
newbie wants to know..FasterCSV or just CSV?
I''m trying to grab a CSV file from a user and let them upload it
directly to my database, but doing some minor checks on the data before
saving. Which is the easier way to implement this? CSV or FasterCSV? I
saw that perhaps there were some issues with FasterCSV and csv files
created from Mac versions of Excel.
Anyone have any experience with this and can recommend a newbie friendly
2011 Jun 15
rails 3.0.9
Today was expected the new stable rails release 3.0.9 with some fixed,
among all the problem with escape_javascript.
It seems that it see that has not been released, unfortunately.
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2012 May 10
Is it suitable using STI?
I have problems on a simple design problem.
I have many companies. Each company have one or more commercial activity.
Activities types are: ecommerce, local unit, television, automatic
vending machines, and so on.
Company may have one or more ecommerce activity or one or more local
unit activity, one ormore vending machines, etc.
How can I model this scenario?
Company has_many ecommerce has_many
2010 Oct 01
If a model doesn''t pass validation the field in the view is put under
a <div class="field_with_errors">.
But who create that div? field_text helper do it?
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2007 Jul 25
FasterCSV load file to table
Hello Guys,
May be it is simply but any way.... fasterCSV 1.2.0
how to load data from file to table :( I have tried this:
file has just one line 1,2,3
data = FCSV.read("C:\\temp_file.csv")
table = FCSV.parse(data, :headers => true)
puts "data overview"
puts data
puts "table overview"
puts table
but got very strange error:
undefined method
2011 Jun 19
validates_numercality_of with allow_nil.
In the model I have:
validates :square_meters_public_land, :barrier_meters, :numericality
=> { :greater_than_or_equal_to => 0 }, :allow_nil => true
but if, in the field, on create, I don''t insert a value I have the
error "field is not a number".
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group.
2011 Sep 26
how to convert from xen .cfg files to libvirt xml?
I have a .cfg configuration file for a xen virtual machine.
I need to convert it in xml format to use with libvirt.
So I run virsh domxml-from-native xen-xm backupsrv.cfg but I have an error:
error: Unknown failure.
How can I investigate about the error?
2011 Jan 11
Can I omit respond_with.
If I don''t want xml results but only html can I omit respond_with in
some actions?
For example index from:
respond_with(@sectors = Sector.all)
becomes only
@sectors = Sector.all
isn''t it?
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2012 May 03
inheritance with rails.
I''ve read about examples on inheritance with rails.
Here is an example:
The way is to add a type field in the table.
So if I have an Animal class with an attribute name, I can inherit
from this class like:
Dog < Animal, Cat < Animal, and so on.
With the type field in the table I can do Dog.all,