similar to: Member route error

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2010 Dec 29
Beginer: Question about routing on Rails 3
I bought this book about rails for beginers (head first Rails) and its quite simple and good for someone who has no clue about Rails (or any other language) On chapter two it talks about routing but unfortunately the book is for rails 2 and i have rails 3 installed on my mac. The line i have to enter in the config/routes.rb of my application is: map.connect ''/ads/:id'',
2011 Apr 07
[Rails 3] No route matches error using RSpec even though route DOES match
I''ve recently run into a really weird situation that I''m just not sure what''s going on here. I''m trying to write a route that will allow searches to be done via GET requests (generally a good idea since it''s just retrieving information, helps for links and SEO, etc.), and I have the route properly set up and can access it in development mode just fine,
2012 Feb 07
nested route not receiving :id parameter within controller spec
I''ve got a share method in my controller, and I have the following spec: describe PostsController do describe "#share" do it "doesn''t blow up" do post :share, :id => end # ... etc And... It blows up! Failures: 1) PostsController#share shares Failure/Error: post :share
2011 Jul 14
RoutingError with RSpec Controller test on Scoped Route
So I have a route that looks like this: scope "4" do scope "public" do scope ":apikey" do resources :shops end end end And a bunch of controller specs, an example of which looks like this: describe ShopsController do describe "when responding to a GET" do context "#new" do it "should create a new instance
2012 Feb 05
Rspec and restful routes
Hi all, I''m trying to test that my users show page renders. The resource has the route /users/:id How would I code that for an Rspec test? So far I''ve tried these four ways: it "should have a users show path" do get user_path(:action => ''show'') end it "should have a users show path" do get user_show_path end it "should have
2012 Sep 16
“Routing Error No route matches {}” when omniauth failed on registration
(Original question was asked here: ) I am using omniauth-identity and configure its "fail on registration". My files: config/initializers/omniauth.rb OmniAuth.config.logger = Rails.logger Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do #... provider
2005 Dec 08
SwitchTower, Apache, and Routing Errors
Hello, I deployed a Rails App using Switchtower and now I''m getting a Routing Error to my Javascript and Stylesheet files. Has anybody else had this issue? Here is the log file. > ActionController::RoutingError (Recognition failed for > "/javascripts/prototype.js"): > /vendor/rails/actionpack/lib/action_controller/routing.rb:470:in >
2011 Nov 26
ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches [GET] "/image.jpg"):
I am using rails 3.1.3. Inside config/ application -> config.assets.enabled = true Inside development.rb -> config.assets.compress = false Inside production.rb -> config.serve_static_assets = false; config.assets.compile = false I have images placed in assets/images. If i do localhost:3000/assets/ image I get the image in the browser, but unfortunately, on the browser i am
2008 May 29
Resource routing error with the route equipment/new
I''m having an issue with resource routing after running a "ruby script/generate scaffold equipment" command. I did not make any changes to the equipment model/controller/views after running this. The full command I ran (all one line) ... ruby script/generate scaffold equipment name:string description:text contact:text keywords:string created_at:datetime created_by:integer
2010 Jun 21
Failing Routes in deployment
I have an app that has the following in the routes file: namespace "admin" do # ADMINISTRATIVE ROUTES ONLY root :to => ''home#index'' resources :comments do member do get :approve get :reject end end resources :users do member do get :block get :unblock end end end When browing to
2009 May 02
Problem verifying routing error
Hi, When upgrading to rspec/rspec-rails 1.2.6 gem (from 1.1.12), I''m having a new problem verifying routes that should not exist. This is to support something like this in routes.rb: map.resources :orders do |orders| orders.resources :items, :except => [:index,:show] end I used to use lambda {}.should_raise( routing error ), but it stopped detecting any raised error.
2010 Feb 20
Rails 3 possible bug in Routing
Hi, I just ran into this ActionController::RoutingError and just wanted to check if someone can confirm this as a bug in the Rails 3 beta gem. config/routes.rb contains: get ''login'' => ''session#new'' post ''login'' => ''session#create'', :as => :login GET /login works fine: Started GET
2008 Jun 11
Resourse route in namespace with prefix error
Ok so I have this route map.namespace :trades do |trades| trades.resources :buys, :path_prefix => ''/trades/:contract_id'' end I want the contract_id variable to filter a list of buys then I try to open this route http://localhost:3000/trades/1/buys I get a strange error: ActionController::RoutingError in Trades/buys#index Showing trades/buys/index.html.erb where line
2010 Jun 15
hi, can anyone help me. i want to create an url to invoke create action of a controller. routes.rb has the routes. But i am getting error at line 23. i have @user variable. user_contact_path( I want generate url as : users/3/contacts to invoke contacts controller''s create action ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2006 Feb 14
routing failures
probably something really simple but I don''t understand. Shifting to Apache to w/ fastcgi (definitely feels faster than webrick) Anyway, I set the default route in routes.rb to be map.connect '''', :controller => "placements", :action => ''list'' which worked once I figured out apache... Anyway, now that I have done that, all attempts
2009 Dec 25
rescue_from ActionController::RoutingError II
OK ... so I''m not supposed to use it but ... Why doesn''t rescue_from ActionController::RoutingError work witht he code from class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base helper :all # include all helpers, all the time # See ActionController::RequestForgeryProtection for details
2006 Feb 16
rescue_action_in_public question
I''m using the rescue_action_in_public example from the Agile book to handle errors and email serious ones to me. In my application.rb controller: def rescue_action_in_public(exception) logger.error("rescue_action_in_public executed") case exception when ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound, ActionController::RoutingError, ActionController::UnknownAction
2007 Nov 02
RSpec, RESTful nested routes and :path_prefix
Dear list, In the app we are making we have a rout something like this: map.resources :projects do |projects| projects.resources :pages, :controller =>"Wiki::Pages", :path_prefix => "/projects/:project_id/ wiki", :name_prefix => "project_wiki_" end But I can''t get RSpec(I''m very new to it) to accept this. It keeps throwing errors:
2008 Apr 30
rescue_from issue with AWS - uninitialized constant
The new rescue_from in edge rails seems to conflict with ActionWebService, which I need for various other purposes. When I define, for example (with AWS gem installed): <b>rescue_from ActionController::RoutingError, :with => :page_not_found</b> I get the exception: <b>uninitialized constant ActionWebService::Dispatcher::ActionController::Base</b> OK, so AWS
2007 Sep 18
rSpec / Nested Routes / Mocks
I''m having a terrible time trying to test a nested route with rSpec. I can''t seem to tell rSpec to expect the call @item.user. The following error message plagues me not matter how I try to fuss with the mock: Spec::Mocks::MockExpectationError in ''ItemsController handling POST / items should redirect to the new course on successful save'' Mock