similar to: Arel: misunderstanding with intersections

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Arel: misunderstanding with intersections"

2011 Apr 10
Arel Union does not support #order or #limit
I just posted this ticket in Lighthouse, but thought perhaps some discussion here would help point me in the right direction toward a solution. Here is a description of the problem (from the ticket - : > If we take two `ActiveRecord::Relations` and join them via `union`:
2010 May 12
OT? Using Arel to generate table names in multiple self join query
Firstly I''m sorry if this is off-topic but I think it''s a question that won''t be answered without good core knowledge. I have written a multiple self join query something like this: Person.find :all, :select => ''children_people_3.*'', :joins => { :children => { :children => :children } }, :conditions => { :people => { :name
2012 Dec 18
Arel limit Where if fields are present
I trying to create a select using Arel but I''m passing three parameters, I want to include the parameters only if they are different to nil or blank. Here is my method: def self.advsearch(summary_description, specialties, place) User.joins(:experience,:summary,:information) .where(Information.arel_table[:business].eq(false))
2006 Apr 09
Join using :THROUGH - SQL is wrong even when using :SOURCE
Here''s a join table for an educational institution: create_table "student_appointments", :force => true do |t| t.column "supervisor_id", :integer, :default => 0, :null => false t.column "student_id", :integer, :default => 0, :null => false t.column "course_id", :integer, :default => 0, :null => false [other columns
2009 Feb 19
ActiveRecord-2.2.2, association preloading, joins and order parameter weirdness
Hello RoR Groupies, I''m seeing some weird ActiveRecord-2.2.2 SQL generation when doing eager association/preloading and using joins and ordering by said join table. Here''s an example: class Photo < ActiveRecord::Base end class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_one :headshot, :class_name => "Photo" end class Mail < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :user end
2012 Jan 03
Can Arel handle UPPER and LIKE condition?
Hello all, I''ve recently been on a project where somewhere needs using case insensitive search(using UPPER(name) LIKE '''') and LIKE condition, I want to use arel and don''t use the old style string concatenation, can arel handle this? But I check on arel documentation, doesn''t seems have any upper/like operator, and check on arel source, under
2010 Jun 20
ActiveRecord and ARel: correlated subqueries?
I''m trying to figure out how to use ActiveRecord in conjunction with ARel. In particular, I''d like to replace my residual literal SQL with ARel, if only I could see how. Let''s take Article with multiple Versions as an example. With ARel alone, I can find articles with their latest versions like this articles = Article.arel_table versions = Article.arel_table
2011 Jun 04
Rails 3.1 : Complex database query with Arel 2
Hi, I''ve search for documentations on queries with Arel 2 but there is pretty nothing and all I''ve found is for Arel 1 so I''ve run into NoMethodError: undefined method `[]'' for #<Arel::SelectManager:0x00000003f1b820> errors with join syntax. My query is barely simple but involve nesting queries. I have 4 tables. Assets, Deposits, Orders and OrderLines
2011 May 11
Issue with Arel::SelectManager and insert Method
Hello, Arel::SelectManager (arel 2.0.9) uses following statement to insert a new record: @engine.connection.insert im.to_sql, ''AREL'', primary_key_name, primary_key_value But in DatabaseStatements insert ist defined as: insert(sql, name = nil, pk = nil, id_value = nil, sequence_name = nil) Actually, Arel::SelectManager does not use the sequence name. This leads to issues
2010 Nov 24
Surprise in (delete_all | clear | destroy_all) on association
Hi, I was very surprised by difference of delete_all on association vs model(delegated to relation). Given TaskFilter.has_many(:qualifiers, :class_name=>''TaskFilterQualifier'') TaskFilter.delete_all => one DELETE statement Without :dependent option on "qualifiers" association TaskFilter.first.qualifiers.delete_all => SELECT `task_filter_qualifiers`.* FROM
2011 Nov 22
A "strict Arel" mode for ActiveRecord to prevent SQL injection vulnerabilities
Hello rubyonrails-core, I’ve been looking into possible changes to ActiveRecord / Arel to make it easier to write Rails applications that are free of SQL injection vulnerabilities, and in particular do so in a way that makes it easy for a code reviewer to verify that the app is safe from such bugs. The concern: ----------------- With the ActiveRecord API as is, it’s relatively easy to write
2006 May 28
Self-referential has_many :through relationship
Hi, I have a self-referential has_many :through relationship setup to track relationships between users. Basically relationships are modeled as a join table with an extra column ''relation''. create table relationships ( user_id integer unsigned not null, friend_id integer unsigned not null, relation char(1) not null, ) --- relations --- f = friend r = request to
2006 Jan 06
Re: Some advice on DB modeling
I have more or less the same problem. I''m trying to build a system where users can enter their friends. But the solutions seems not to work for me. I used same sql: CREATE TABLE `friends` ( `user_id` int(11) NOT NULL default ''0'', `friend_id` int(11) NOT NULL default ''0'', KEY `user_id` (`user_id`), KEY `friend_id` (`friend_id`),
2012 Mar 13
[Arel]Building query, but can't get a proper output
I have the following code: advertisements_arel = Advertisement.order(" DESC").arel @advertisements = (params[:website_id].present? ? advertisements_arel.where(:website_id => params[:website_id]) : advertisements_arel).to_a It returns a struct Arel::SelectManager::Row data But I''d like it to return an array of Advertisement objects (like it would
2011 Jul 25
Arel quiz: complex queries with associations
I have a real-world application with some complex queries that I want to convert to Arel (as part of an upgrade to Rails 3.1). So that I can understand what I''m doing before I flail around in my real app, I wrote a little sample app (just the models) with some similar associations -- one table joined with itself and more tables that join to another table, so there are some queries that
2011 Apr 14
arel engine
I want to write an arel engine to run an arel-based client against a RESTful back-end. I''ve seen people talk about it, but haven''t seen it actually done. Is it possible? What is the best place to find info/examples on how to do it? tx, Andy -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this
2006 Jul 15
How bad is it to have 7 joins in my find_by_sql?
My question is whether there''s a more idiomatic rails way of structuring this query or of redoing the underlying models. First, the ugly find_by_sql code, which is the method to generate an atom feed: def atom items_per_feed = 15 sql_query = "SELECT activities.*, users.real_name AS real_name, accounts.last_scraped_at AS last_scraped_at,
2006 Mar 25
Self-Referential Many-To-Many relationships where the relationship itself has data.
Trying to model a bunch of users that have friends that are other users. clearly a job for has_and_belongs_to_many, but the trick is, they have ratings for their friends. I have gone through the Rails Recipes book, and it seems like I''m trying to combine the self-referential many-to-many recipe (12) and the many to many relationships where the relationship itself has data recipe (16). So
2011 Feb 26
How to manage the form of a model that has two foreign keys
Hi, Basically I have two models: User and Godfather. The godfather table has three columns: - user_id (FK --> User) - user_godfather_id (FK --> User) - description (text) Inside each model class, I am adding the following associations: class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :godfathers # for user_id has_many :godfathers, :foreign_key =>
2010 Oct 11
Nooby Stuck - "has_and_belongs_to_many" relationship
trying to set up a "has_and_belongs_to_many" relationship would very much appreciate the help, not sure what im doing wrong at all. Scheme.rb class Scheme < ActiveRecord::Base validates :schemename, :presence => true belongs_to :user has_many :levels, :dependent => :destroy has_and_belongs_to_many :works end Work.rb class Work < ActiveRecord::Base