similar to: ActionMailer::Base.default_url_options

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "ActionMailer::Base.default_url_options"

2014 Feb 17
Need help -FATAL: database "catarse_development" does not exist
Hi i try to run this rake db:migrate How i fix this i get this [root@localhost catarse]# rake db:migrate /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p484/gems/activesupport-4.0.2/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:229:in `block in require': iconv will be deprecated in the future, use String#encode instead. You no longer need to have jasmine.rake in your project, as it is now automatically
2011 Mar 07
has_one :dependent => :destroy error (in `configure_dependency_for_has_one': compile error (SyntaxError))
Hi I''m getting the following error : /Users/nikosd/.rvm/rubies/ree-1.8.7-2011.02/bin/ruby -e $stdout.sync=true;$stderr.sync=true;load($0=ARGV.shift) /Users/nikosd/.rvm/gems/ree-1.8.7-2011.02@.../bin/rake test Testing started at 12:00 PM ... (in /Users/nikosd/Work/.../.../...)
2008 Sep 02
Unable to set default_url_options[:host] for Action Mailer
I am attempting to provide ActionMailer with the request host needed to generate a url. Here is my code: In config/environments/development.rb config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { :host => "" } and in config/environments/production.rb config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { :host => "" } When I run the above code
2010 Nov 12
wrong number of arguments (0 for 1) (ArgumentError)
if i run rails serve i am fa C:\forex>rails server => Booting WEBrick => Rails 3.0.0 application starting in development on => Call with -d to detach => Ctrl-C to shutdown server Exiting C:/Ruby192/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/activesupport-3.0.0/lib/active_support/cache/file_store.rb:17:in `initialize'': wrong number of arguments (0 for 1) (ArgumentError)
2012 Jun 26
no such file load errors - md5
Dear All , I have a problem with : this error messasge " No Such File Load error - md5 " I can only use with development section.(rails s) I can''t use with production . ( rails s -e production). I use this command, the error message is like this Exiting /opt/local/lib/ruby1.9/gems/1.9.1/gems/activesupport-3.2.2/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:317:in `rescue in
2012 Feb 20
Cannot start rails server: Please install the adapter: `gem install activerecord--adapter`
My app was working sublime ''till this morning when I noticed this strange error when running rails server: $ rails s => Booting WEBrick => Rails 3.2.1 application starting in development on => Call with -d to detach => Ctrl-C to shutdown server Exiting /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/activesupport-3.2.1/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:251:in
2013 Apr 09
Getting Started
So far I''m disappointed with what I see as red flags. I follow along what seems like foolproof instructions. I install everything, rails new /some/new/app cd to the directory and rails server and my worst fears cryptic useless stack I copy the top line, search for stuff on this sqllite3 adaptor to fix it, I type the gem install command it mentions (gem install
2011 Aug 11
JRuby + Rails3 + Unit Tests = "Log" issue?
Hey all, I am working on a Rails 3.0.7 application that is using JRuby 1.6.3, running on Debian. I keep encountering an error regarding a missing "Log" file when I am trying to run some Unit tests (among various other activities). The cryptic error in question: LoadError: No such file to load -- Log Has anyone seen anything like this before? I am baffled as to where to even begin to
2010 Dec 15
Having trouble testing :( "superclass mismatch" and can't load "test_helper"
I''m having trouble testing my Rails 3 application. Unit testing doesn''t work. If I try ruby article_test.rb directly, I get a "no such file to load" error, and if I try rake test:units or ruby unit/ article_test.rb I get this odd "superclass mismatch for class ArticlesController" error! I''m hoping I can get this settled... My test files were
2010 Dec 15
ORA-12514: TNS:listener d oes not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor (OCIEr
Hi I am a new to ROR and learning this framework from various tutorials. I have my new application and had the rails generate scaffold get going but after this when I first ran the rake db:migrate I got this ERROR! ORA-12514: TNS:listener d oes not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor (OCIError) I''m using database which is on a server and have used the tnsnames.ora
2012 Feb 06
Error ActiveRecord::ConnectionNotEstablished
Hello, this morning I was trying to access my app on my computer, but, when I initialize the server and access localhost:3000, this message shows up: ActiveRecord::ConnectionNotEstablished So, I try to access via rails console, but again, another error: felipe@Felipe:~/rails_projects/simple_cms$ rails console
2011 Dec 07
Errors when running the local server
Hi all, I''m running an application on my localhost, but the command "rails server" behaves very inconsistently. About an hour ago it ran well on another app, but got errors now. According to the errors it seemed that the server began to run but the there is something missing in the library. But I''m very new to Rails so cannot figure out what do these lines mean:
2011 Feb 09
Mysql2::Error: SAVEPOINT active_record_1 does not exist
Hi, I''m switching the database of a rails 3 app I have developed from postgres to mysql so that I can avail of amazon''s rds. Before I make the change I have been running my test code using mysql on my dev machine with the mysql2 adaptor . My test code is throwing up some errors that I haven''t quite been able to get to the bottom of yet. Basically I have a model that is
2011 Mar 03
Does RSpec interfere with Pathname#dirname or Pathname#realpath ?
Hi, I starting a new project, and have run into behavior I cannot replicate in irb, (i.e. outside of using rspec) when the directory? returns true, so I thought I''d ask here, in case any one has seen this badhavior. ruby-1.9.2-p136 rspec (2.5.0) rspec-core (2.5.1) rspec-expectations (2.5.0) rspec-mocks (2.5.0) When I try to run this spec: require Pathname(__FILE__).ascend { |d|
2013 Nov 13
Cannot receive from specified address Unauthenticated senders not allowed
On trying to run a rake task via crontab, I''m getting the following error: rake aborted! 550 Cannot receive from specified address <>: Unauthenticated senders not allowed /mnt/voylla-production/shared/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/mail-2.3.3/lib/mail/network/delivery_methods/smtp.rb:129:in `block in deliver!''
2011 Apr 12
OS X - `require': no such file to load -- sqlite3/sqlite3_native
I''ve searched and search, tried a number of things like unstalling sqlite3 and reinstalling. Reinstalling Rails, building sqlite3 from source, etc. Nothing seems to work. When I try to start up my server I get the following: MacBook-Pro:splash Ross$ rails server /Volumes/Macintosh HD/Users/Ross/rails_projects/splash/json/ruby/1.9.1/gems/sqlite3-1.3.3/lib/sqlite3.rb:6:in
2012 Jan 26
Problem while creating new resource on ActiveAdmin
HI All, I have installed the Active Admin successfully, but facing the following error while restarting the server after generating an resource. *rails generate active_admin:resource item* /home/logs/Desktop/training/RAILS/courier/app/admin/items.rb:1:in `<top (required)>'': uninitialized constant Item (NameError) from
2011 Feb 06
Controller Testing + Devise = boom (undefined @controller, request)
Here I am, trying to learn TDD and BDD. Getting start, most simple case, and the world is falling apart: My test code: it "should respond with success" do puts ''hi'' # get :new # response.should be_success end My stack trace: $ rspec spec "controller: nil" F Failures: 1) VideosController new exposes request and response before and
2011 May 02
Change from 3.0.6 => Rails 3.0.7 "no such file to load -- action_mailer/railtie"
In my application.rb, I have this: #require "rails/all" require "action_controller/railtie" require "action_mailer/railtie" require "active_resource/railtie" require "active_model/railtie" (I didn''t want ActiveRecord) This worked fine up to 3.0.6, but now fails with: /Users/jeffdeville/Documents/code/ruby/wg/config/application.rb:6:in
2012 Jun 27
config.cache_classes true or false in test environment?
Hello, since two days I have problem with a scenario that started to fails with the error that there is a missing link. I narrowed the problem to config/environments/test.rb and config.cache_classes and I change the value now the scenario is passing with config.cache_classes = true. Here is my full test.rb: RbpCm::Application.configure do config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { :host