Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1100 matches similar to: "Ignore attr_accessible in seed file"
2012 Sep 25
Proposal for a new ActiveModel::Errors structure
There are few issues with the current ActiveModel::Errors class.
Firstly, when an error is added to ActiveModel::Errors class via #add
its translation is added. It should not be translated when being added, but
only when being read.
The second issue is a bit bigger. We''d like to create
2012 Apr 13
Scoped attr_accessible not working?
Please refer to the ActiveModel MassAssignmentSecurity api<http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveModel/MassAssignmentSecurity/ClassMethods.html>for this.
I''m on Rails3.2.3/Ruby1.9.3 and trying to use that technique in the
controller as described. It is supposed to dynamically restrict the
attributes that can be mass assigned. However, sanitize_for_mass_assignment
is ignoring
2011 Apr 27
Can not create model instance via params on specific model but can on others....
Anyone have an idea on this? Got a weird situation where on a specific model
I can not create an instance using params, yet it works fine on other
models. The model which does not work is a stock model, there is no logic in
it. Ruby 1.8.7/Rails 3.0.5.
Does not work:
(rdb:1) PaymentTransaction.create(:purchase_id => 3)
#<PaymentTransaction id: 2, purchase_id: nil, action: nil, amount: nil,
2011 Jun 11
after initialize blowing up---help
Can anyone see what''s happening here?
================== migration =======================
class CreateGreetings < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
create_table :greetings do |t|
t.string :greet
t.string :language
t.integer :count
def self.down
drop_table :greetings
================== greeting.rb
2011 Jan 06
Not able to insert value in rails console
I am using authlogic for authentication in rails 3.0.3 with ruby 1.9.2
Using activerecord-sqlserver-adapter (3.0.5)
windows with sqlserver database
when i create user details in rails console, i am getting below error,
2012 Apr 27
Can't mass-assign protected attributes even if I use attr_accessible
I''m working on a Rails 3.2.2 application which has JSON APIs and I use a
CLI client for inserting some data. It works fine except for the Author
model. When I try to create a new post (Post belongs_to :author and
Author has_many :posts) I get the following error :
ActiveModel::MassAssignmentSecurity::Error in
2011 Feb 05
ActiveModel::AttributeMethods limiting
In my attempt to add AM:Dirty to my model I realized that
AM#AttributeMethods is a bit imperfect. It''s impossible to generate
attribute methods step-by-step in DataMapper-like manner.
class Model
include ActiveModel::Dirty
def self.property(name, klass = String)
define_property_accessors(name, klass)
# This method will be called once, because of
2013 Jan 12
showing posts in blog
When I make a new post in my blog, it returns this when I try to view my
current posts:
ActiveModel::MassAssignmentSecurity::Error in PostsController#create
Can''t mass-assign protected attributes: text
Rails.root: C:/Users/Josh Koloff/Desktop/Programming Stuff/Rails
Application Trace | Framework
2010 Jul 28
Rails 3.0.0.rc // rails locales prevent app boot
Hi all,
I got the following error message when booting up my app (which works
fine with Rails 3.0.0.beta4) in Rails 3.0.0.rc;
`stat'': can''t convert Array into String (TypeError)
When I put some debug code on that line I see the follwing array being
2011 Nov 07
Problem with Rails3.1.1 in mass_assignment_authorizer
By accident I had Rails-3.1.1 installed by bundler. However, when I
discovered this mishap during my feature run I encountered this error
in many places:
wrong number of arguments (1 for 0) (ArgumentError)
2012 Jul 09
attr_accessible on some properties + attr_protected on others makes class 'open-by-default'
(I posted this as a bug in GitHub
(https://github.com/rails/rails/issues/7018), but then someone there told
me I should post it here, so here it is.)
If you set attr_accessible on some properties in an ActiveRecord-descended
class, and then attr_protected on others - the class becomes ''default-open''
- if any properties are missed or added later, they will be accessible by
2010 Feb 20
Rails 3 possible bug in Routing
Hi, I just ran into this ActionController::RoutingError and just
wanted to check if someone can confirm this as a bug in the Rails 3
beta gem.
config/routes.rb contains:
get ''login'' => ''session#new''
post ''login'' => ''session#create'', :as => :login
GET /login works fine:
Started GET
2010 Jul 12
[R3B4] errors[:base] = appends, doesn't "set" - bug, feature, or "error 18"?
If you haven''t heard, an "error 18" means "the error is 18 inches from
the screen." Which would mean that I totally get that this could just
be me being stupid.
However, for some reason I''m thinking this violates the normal
behavior of an Array object, so I''m curious as to if I''m doing
something wrong here, or if something really is buggy
2010 Dec 16
MassAssignmentSecurity for multiple contexts
I need to add some mass assignment protection (ala
ActiveModel::MassAssignmentSecurity) but I can''t find how to do it
contextually. For example, in one controller action I want to to
whitelist attributes x, y and z and in another I want to whitelist
attribs y and z. How can I do that? The attr_accessible function has a
class-wide scope, whether in a model or in a controller. But I would
2013 Jul 21
how to use activemodel collection.build for a has_many :through association
Hi all,
In my controller I am doing the following to populate a nested form for a
has_many through association:
def new
@specification = Specification.new
Component.find_each.each do |component|
@specification.component_specifications.build(:component_id =>
The idea being whenever someone creates or edits a form, it will be
populated with all
2010 Aug 22
Rails 3: Error saving an object with no useful information
I''m kinda desperate cause I''m getting an error and have no idea how to
fix this since it doesn''t give me any information hinting where the
problem is:
irb(main):054:0> reload!;User.last.save!
NameError: undefined local variable or method `to_ary'' for
2012 Jan 25
serializable_hash and serializable_add_includes
I''m trying to write a helper method similar to attr_accessible but
instead it will be used to whitelist which attributes are available for
serialization (attr_serializable). My first attempt at this was to
override serialized_hash and modify the :only option to include nothing
but serializable attributes. I''m facing a problem when nested models
are ''included''
2014 Feb 17
Need help -FATAL: database "catarse_development" does not exist
i try to run this
rake db:migrate
How i fix this
i get this
[root@localhost catarse]# rake db:migrate
`block in require': iconv will be deprecated in the future, use
String#encode instead.
You no longer need to have jasmine.rake in your project, as
it is now automatically
2012 Jun 21
ActiveModel::Serializers::JSON support arbitrary keys
Is there a reason why AM:S doesn''t support arbitrary keys to serialization?
I can see a lot of uses cases where arbitrary keys could come handy. Right
now, if one tries to do it, AM:S checks if the keys match a method of the
model and raises exception if it can''t find any.
class Client < ActiveRecordBase
attr_accessible :name, :address, as: :creator
2005 Oct 14
Diff between attr_accessible and attr_accessor
I''m going though the paper back edition of agile development with Rails. On
page #128 I encountered following lines of code:
attr_accessor :password
attr_accessible :name,:password
What''s the difference between attr_accessor and attr_accessible?
-=- Neeraj
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