similar to: Routes not working

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 60000 matches similar to: "Routes not working"

2010 May 23
[Rails 3] Trouble with named routes and form_for
Hi guys, I''m having trouble getting named routes and form_for to play nicely in quite the way I would expect. Here''s a quick summary of what I''ve got going on: Named route: resources :thread, :class_name => "forum_thread" Controller name: forum_thread_controller Model object: forum_thread In both my new and edit actions I''m setting up an
2012 Aug 16
undefined method `with_indifferent_access' for "":String
Hi I''m having a issue with one object when try to update the attributes in this object previously saved in the database I have one object comp and one object reg they have this relationship comp has_many regs reg belongs_to comp when run use the method valid? like this[:comp]).valid? it returns: IndexError (string not matched) And when
2012 Apr 14
undefined method `model_name' for NilClass:Class
Hi guys, I just started using Ruby on Rails. After implementing the RoR blog tutorial I started with my own data model. Sadly I am not able to get my create page running. Model: class Activity < ActiveRecord::Base validates :activity, :presence => true validates :forKids, :presence => true validates :start_date, :presence => true end Controller: class ActivitiesController <
2012 May 08
issues with text_field in rails
*view* <%= form_for(@mstype) do |f| %> <p> <%= f.text_field(:Name,:class => "span1",:placeholder => "x") %> <%end%> *Got the error like this* NoMethodError in Pgmdfntions#pgmdfntion Showing *pgm.html.erb* where line *#57* raised: undefined method `Name'' for #<Pgmdfntion:0xb457ad28> But i could do this as same before. but in
2013 Apr 02
gmaps4rails: undefined method `model_name' for NilClass:Class
Hi All, just in a spot of bother with this gem, I am trying to create a new location and get the above msg. here is my controller: class LocationsController < ApplicationController # GET /locations # GET /locations.json def index @locations = Location.all @json = Location.all.to_gmaps4rails end respond_to do |format| format.html # index.html.erb
2012 Apr 21
issues with changing directory structure in rails3
class BranchesController < ApplicationController def branch @branch = (params[:branch]) branch_back = @branch.*branch* end end in the model have one *branch.rb* class Branch def branch end end In the view have one branches folder, also have the branch.html.erb in that folder. <%= form_for(@branch) do |f| %> <%end%> *routes.rb* * * match
2010 Feb 10
undefined method join
Hey all, I get an undefined method `join'' for #<String NoMethodError. student.rb has_one :student_fail attr_accessor :student_fail_attribute #controller def student_fail @student = @student.find params[:id] def update_student_fail @student.build_student_fail params[:student][:student_fail_attribute] if #view form_for @student do |f|
2010 Feb 20
Rails 3 possible bug in Routing
Hi, I just ran into this ActionController::RoutingError and just wanted to check if someone can confirm this as a bug in the Rails 3 beta gem. config/routes.rb contains: get ''login'' => ''session#new'' post ''login'' => ''session#create'', :as => :login GET /login works fine: Started GET
2012 Sep 08
dash symbol
In the example below, what is the dash doing between the class attribute and array: (field_helpers - [:label, :check_box, :radio_button, :fields_for, :hidden_field, :file_field]).each do |selector| -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to
2009 Nov 18
rails newbie : routing error
After much ado about the naming of model adn controllers... model : Expense controller : Expenses route : map.resources :expenses Here I am using mysql database and created a unique index, since db:migrated created an id object and made it as primary key. Now in the def create @expense =[:expense]) if flash[:viola] = ''New expense saved.. be
2011 Aug 07
hello, i am trying to upload a image file ...using paperclip in rails 3 i did as follows 1. In gemfile => included gem paperclip 2.In config/environments /development.rb => Paperclip.options[:command_path] = "/usr/bin/" (convert path) 3.created a controller *picusers *and defined => def create @picuser = Picuser.create(params[:picuser]) end 4.created a model *picuser
2010 Dec 27
Crazy routes
Hello! I''m using restful_authentication and I would like to have diferent views for logged users and not logged users. Logged users can edit and create items, and not logged user could only list items and show its features. In my routes file I have: map.namespace :admin do |admin| map.resources :items, :controller => "admin/items", :path_prefix =>
2011 Dec 17
How to fire Ajax call from Form_for
I am learning Rails 3 and need some help on Ajax part. I am trying to accomplish the following: There is a textarea on the page which has a length of letters constraint, say 100. Every time a symbol is typed there,a nearby label tells you how many letters you have left. I plan to use Ajax to do this. I googled for a few hours and could not figure out how to do this. So far what I have done is
2011 Aug 31
undefined method `model_name' for NilClass:Class in rails 3.0.0
Hi, i got search which shows following error ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `model_name'' for NilClass:Class): 1: <%= form_for(@employee) do |e| %> 2: EMP ID<%= e.text_field :id %><br> 3: <%= e.submit ''search'', :controller => ''employees'', :action => ''search1'' %>
2011 Aug 02
removing instance variables in partials?
Hi, I read some articles about why partials should not have instance variables in them. But in "Ruby on Rails 3 Tutorial" the author starts with this partial: View: <%= form_for(@user) do |f| %> <%= render ''shared/error_messages'' %> Partial: <% if @users.errors.any? %> ... ... I thought removing the @user instance variable from the partial
2011 Jan 05
Nicedit (rich text editor)
Hello, I''m trying to use Nicedit to improve my text_areas in some views of my project. I have installed jquery: ruby script/plugin install git:// nicEdit plugin: ruby script/plugin install git:// Add js in layout: <%= javascript_include_tag ''nicEdit'', ''nicEditInit'' %> Use it
2010 Feb 22
form_for redirect to another controller
I have 2 controllers foo, bar and I''m using searchlogic gem to search products inside both controllers. All works great but I want to implement now custom form_for from foo view to search products for bar controllers, how to do this ? I try something like this: <% form_for @search, :url => {:controller => "bar", :action => "index"} do |f| %> but its
2013 Mar 06
How to create multiple submit paths for form_for?
I''ve been researching this for some time and there doesn''t seem to be an easy solution. I have a form_for that submits materials. As usual, when it edits an existing material it automatically goes to the update action. This is fine. However, I want to have a second submit button "Save As" that allows a user to save another version of the material. This second
2011 Apr 25
NoMethodError in Book
I got a following error. NoMethodError in Book#new Showing /home/amrit/boook/app/views/book/_form.html.erb where line #1 raised: undefined method `model_name'' for NilClass:Class The content of _form.html.erb file are: <%= form_for(@post) do |f| %> <% if @post.errors.any? %> <div id="error_explanation"> <h2><%=
2011 May 27
undefined method `model_name' for NilClass:Class in a form_for
Hi! I know that there are other topics about this issue, I read them and I''m always blocked. Here is the error message: undefined method `model_name'' for NilClass:Class Extracted source (around line #30): 27: 28: <h2>Add Translation</h2> 29: 30: <%= form_for @new_trad do |f| %> 31: Locale: <%= f.text_field :locale %> 32: Key : <%=