similar to: Calling a controller inside a module

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Calling a controller inside a module"

2012 Sep 28
nested modules and autoloading
All- I''m using puppet 2.7.14. I''ve reviewed but it doesn''t seem to cover what I''m attempting. Consider a module layout like this: $ tree mymodule mymodule |-- Modulefile |-- README |-- manifests | |-- init.pp | |-- special_type | | `-- prereqs.pp | `-- special_type.pp
2006 Aug 08
Extending rails with plugins
I''ve been looking at bottling some functionality up into a plugin, but I''m having some problems including it. The structure I have is: /app/controllers/admin/base_controller.rb: class Admin::BaseController > ApplicationController #snip# end /vendor/plugins/myplugin/lib/my_module.rb: module MyModule def new_func "New Function" end end
2006 Jul 27
accessing a variable inside a plugin
Hello, I would like to load an Hash in my init.rb plugin file ... than I would like to use this hash in my module ... in my init.rb: @anHash = load From file... in mymodule: module Amodule def myFunction #@anHash .... end end How can I access to my hash in my plugin module function ? thanks for this dummy question ;-) Arnaud
2011 May 19
Module in Rails
Hi, I want to use module in Rails 3 I have module in /lib directory. file name: my_module.rb Code of Module: module MyModule def self.my_method loop do puts "I am started!!!" sleep 2 end end end Now, I want to use this module in my rb file resides in app_root/daemon directory named myserver.rb How can i use that? -- You received this message
2011 Aug 09
[LLVMdev] Adding a module in a pass
I have an optimization pass (FunctionPass) where I need to add global constructors. For cleaness sake I decided to add these in my own module. My module is created in my FunctionPass constructor: MyPass() : FunctionPass(ID), myModule("my_module", getGlobalContext()) {} I generate an llvm.global_ctor global variable in my module, and I add my global constructors
2007 Jan 12
Rails session parasite...
All, I see this item on the merb-0.0.8 release notes Added rails session parasite mode. I am assuming merbs can piggy back off the rails current session. How does one achieve that ? Thanks Fernand -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2007 Jan 19
Merb Init Script
I''m trying to emulate the mongrel_cluster_ctl but it takes a -c conf_file option... meaning I can run it from anywhere as long as I tell it where the conf file is. Merb doesn''t have that capability does it? (it has an additional/supplemental config like mup.conf etc) Do I have to be under the merb_app root /path/to/merb/app/ to be able to run merb? Let me know. Thanks,
2008 Oct 28
How to override one method of AssetTagHelper
I created a file ./lib/action_view/helpers/asset_tag_helper.rb and put in it only the method I want to override. like this module ActionView module Helpers #:nodoc: module AssetTagHelper def image_path(source) compute_public_path(source, ''images'') end end end end But as soon I try this all the others methods from the overriden module are not
2007 Oct 31
Mongrel breaking Merb?
Has anyone had troubles from Mongrel > 1.0.1? Just curious, because the last time I tried to run Merb it gave me some Mongrel error about the wrong number of arguments, or something like that. I can post the exact message tonight when I get home. -- Cheers, Kevin Williams
2007 Sep 05
Reloading ??
All, So I got passed my initial hurdles with merb 0.4. And all seems to work very nicely. Thank you all for your help ! One thing though, why should I have to bounce the merb server when I change my controller or associated classes ? Am I missing something ? I am having flash back to my java days where I now have to reflect on what changed and bounce the server accordingly...
2007 May 31
Sample Merb App
I put together a sample app to help people learn Merb: I also blogged about it here: -- Zack Chandler
2007 Mar 13
running merb locally
Stupid question, but is there a way to run merb locally, without installing it as a gem? I don''t mean freezing it into a merb app, but checking out merb and being able to run it without installing the gem first. The reason I ask is that I''m working on some debugging stuff and it''d be helpful to be able to modify the source code, run it, modify, run, and so on. (And yes,
2006 Dec 27
ARSession Woes!
I''m having an issue with ARsessions... I have a rails app AND a merb app both under the same domain... I have redirects working for this to be seamless... however, the session started on merb is different than the session started in the rails app... like so.. Any ideas why? The only difference I see, but dunno where to change this, is
2007 Jan 03
Using helpers...
All, I am getting an undefined method exception while trying to use a helper method in a xerb file. I am running version 0.0.8 module Merb module FredHelper def blee( args ) .... end end end In the xerb template I have xml.bobo blee( args ) At runtime I am getting undefined method ''blee'' I tryied
2007 May 04
Rspec on Merb Plugin - Initial thoughts?
A couple days ago I submitted a patch, that was committed by Ezra, to the MrBlog project for the Rspec on Merb plugin. So far, it only works with ActiveRecord including fixtures. Has any played with it? If so, did you get it to work? I''m going to be submitting a patch for Controller specs soon. It will be very bare bones, given my current lack of understanding of Merb controller
2007 Nov 07
merb/sequel mutex on or off? proxy_balancer or no?
Just a quick question to those of you using merb and sequel or datamapper. How do you setup your merb app? For example: merb -X off -c 5, then run mod_proxy_balancer or nginx to load balance between the 5 (or whatever #) of merb nodes? merb -X off -d, then simply use something like proxypass merb -c 5, keep the mutex lock and cluster it haproxy, swiftiply, evented mongrel...... What
2007 May 14
Help a newb with 0.3.1
Hi, first off thanks Ezra for Merb - it''s certainly interesting and I''m keen to have a play. However, I''m having difficulties in getting started. I''ve followed the docs for setting up mrblog and everything seems to be installed correctly, and merb appears to start fine: $ merb you must install the markaby gem to use .mab templates you must install the
2008 Jan 03
Whats the merb equivilant of this?
Hey All Quick question, what''s the merb equivalent of this:[template_root], assigns, self) in merb? Ive found Merb::Template::Erubis.transform(:file => ''/path/to/file'') But I''ve no idea if thats the correct thing to be calling? It doesn''t ''feel'' right, so im not sure it is? Thanks Tim
2006 Dec 01
ActiveRecord Sessions
I am considering using merb to process file uploads. For the most part I''m going to keep it lean and mean. I would however like to access my active_record_session from my Rails app. Is this built into merb yet? Or is it OK to just add require ''action_controller/session/ active_record_store'' to merb_init.rb and then create my own session object
2006 Dec 03
How To Create Database Tables With Merb 0.0.7?
Howdy, I just gem unpacked merb and have configured the sample_app to use an sqlite3 database. I see that the Rakefile has a task named "schema", but it points to /dist/schema/schema1.rb", which doesn''t exist. I copied /dist/schema/schema1.rb to /dist/schema/schema.rb then ran "rake schema". What''s the recommended way to create the database tables?