similar to: |Newbie] Change default locale I18n file devise.

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "|Newbie] Change default locale I18n file devise."

2010 Oct 31
Newbie - Rails 3 authentication question (Devise)
Hello! I''m working on my first Rails app and I have a question regarding authentication. I already have authentication for signing up, logging in, logging out, etc. What I need is an account email activation function and a reset password (forgot password) function. I have read a little bit about Devise and watched the Railscast episodes on it, it seems nice, but is it possible to add
2011 May 20
views w locale default template
[RAILS3] I hesitate on how handling the locale view templates to default to one language only .. sending admin emails will go only to one locale ''en_GB'' should I set it up into the template name and set I18n.locale to ''en_GB'' membership_renew.en_GB.html.erb OR whatever locale is used , if I have : membership_renew.html it will be the default ? --
2010 Aug 21
Rails 3: I18n.locale not set to I18n.default_locale in production
I have an application that uses I18n, but in the first deployment, I don''t want to enable different languages per user/request because there are very few users who all speak german). Therefore I have config.i18n.default_locale = :de in config/ application.rb. I have no code whatsoever to set/change I18n.locale in my app. In development environment, it works as expected: the
2010 Jun 21
[BUG] Segmentation fault
First of all, I use RVM and I installed ruby-1.9.2-head, which I used to create a new rails3 gemset. Then I changed to that gemset with rvm use 1.9.2-head@rails3 and I ran bundle install over the following Gemfile: source '''' gem ''rails'', ''3.0.0.beta4'' gem ''sqlite3-ruby'', :require =>
2013 Jul 09
can i use single devise for multiple models.
Hi, i need to use authentication for the 4 models,is it possible to use single devise for all models,if yes plz let me know them clearly. if not what is the solution. Thankyou -- Posted via -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails
2011 Sep 05
I18n.locale Setting invalid
I like this set of code: before_filter :set_language def set_language request_language = request.env[''HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE''] request_language = request_language.nil? ? nil : request_language[/[^,;]+/] I18n.locale = request_language if request_language && File.exist?("#{Rails.root.to_s}/config/locales/#{request_language}.yml") end if i setting
2009 Jun 14
Rails I18n
Hi, I am trying to use i18n in rails. I want the language to be set first from params[:locale] (probably already in the url) then from the browser http header and lastly from the default_locale. Everything is fine. Now the problem starts, when I want to add a dropdown list to allow the user to change the locale. How do I force the page to reload with the new Locale? FYI, I tried using .js and
2012 Dec 12
Devise route for confirmation error with :locale
Rails 3.1.3 I have setup devise and i18n . In routes.rb scope "/:locale" do devise_for :users, :controllers => { :registrations => ''registrations'' } ... end But in the process of confirmation, No route matches {:action=>"create", :controller=>"devise/confirmations",
2012 Feb 24
Devise generates Mailer by its own?
Rails 3.1.3 Hi. I''m a little confused with Devise and ActionMailer. It seems that Devise has its own way of sending mails through ActionMailer. Does it generate Mailer class when "rails g devise..." command is executed? Or do I need to do some special command in order to generate Mailer? I have certainly set up a devise User table but there is no Mailer class for it,
2011 Dec 20
Custom Devise Controller
Hi Guys, I was wondering if sb could help me. I have the following problem: -I want to create a complex form using railscast tutorial ( Well, to perform this I need to update my controller(in this case the controller responsible to manipulate user). But I''m using Devise gem and I don''t know how I could manipulate the
2011 Aug 25
Devise + Forem: undefined method weeks on Fixnum
I''m getting the following message when trying to start Webrick or console. ... devise-1.0.11/lib/devise.rb:89:in ''<module:Devise>'': undefined method ''weeks'' for 2:Fixnum (NoMethodError) After trying to upgrade my app to Rails 3.1 (edge) so that I may use the Forem engine. I''m under the impression this error is occurring because
2013 Jan 07
Devise Admin View password
Hi Everyone i am using devise for authentication for my app. Is there any way, Admin user can view other users password as normal string. Without storing there password as string in database? Please advise. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to
2012 Oct 10
Setting locale directories for I18n
Rails 3.1.3 I would like to apply i18n for my application. Since there are many yml files in config/locales directory, I have made subdirectories so that the maintenance will be easier. For example, config/locales/devise/ date/ top/ ... Each subdirectories contain corresponding locale files that are applied when users change
2013 Oct 02
When overriding the registration controller from devise, is it possible to access the newly created
I''m trying to create a folder right after a user registers, so I override the create action on the registration controller (devise) but I don''t know how to access the newly created user in order to create the folder with it''s name to upload files later. So far I''ve got this: class RegistrationsController < Devise::RegistrationsController def new
2011 Jul 14
Devise confusing routes
I had a similar problem yesterday. I would go to the root of my site and I would get a Too Many Redirects message. It seems like there was an infinite loop. After struggling for over an hour yesterday late at night, it seemed like I fixed it. But now, when I want to create a New User, it''s redirecting me to the Sign In screen. Seems like I didn''t fix the problem completely. I
2011 Mar 16
Uninitialized constant Files::Magick -still around
Hi there, I''m solving the problem about the plugin Magick. In my app in Gemfile I''ve follwoing: require ''rubygems'' require ''mongo'' require ''RMagick'' include Magick and in a model Files: class Files def ... img =''public/data/nature6.jpg'').first end end
2010 Feb 23
how a js script can get the current locale from my rails app ?
I am not very fluent in JS, so I don''t see how to transfer the rails app current locale .. I have a JS script able to detect the default browser language .. running fine I can also modify the JS language, passing a global var .. // Create a JSON Object var myJSON = { "lang": "fr" }; // Pass it to the script immediately...
2013 Feb 26
Can't upgrade to 4 beta 1
I had to update several gems for Bundler to accept it but now I''m stuck: bundle update rails devise knockoutjs-rails sass-rails coffee-rails devise-encryptable oojs Fetching gem metadata from Fetching gem metadata from Resolving dependencies... Bundler could not find compatible versions for gem "railties": In Gemfile:
2010 Oct 21
Authlogic + Rails3 - undefined method `Login' for nil:NilClass
Im new to Rails, and decided to start of with Rails3. After a lot of searching ive managed to get a little bit of Authlogic working. I''m able to register a user, login & logout. Now, I would like to add more features, get more of authlogic working. I''m using Railscast EP 160 as my reference. Portions of the code found on the tutorial throw errors: Eg: <!--
2010 Sep 30
response.should have_text leads to undefined method `has_text?'
One of my controllers directly renders some JSON output that I would like to test with RSpec. For that I use ''response.should have_text("foobar")'' in my spec file, but that leads to a Failure/Error: response.should have_text("enim") undefined method `has_text?'' for #<ActionController::TestResponse: 0xb6736944> I read here somewhere that webrat