similar to: responds_to_parent in rails 3

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100000 matches similar to: "responds_to_parent in rails 3"

2010 Dec 14
respond_to_parent and Rails 3
Has anyone gotten the respond_to_parent plugin to work with a Rails 3 app? Thanks! Tom -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to rubyonrails-talk-/JYPxA39Uh5TLH3MbocFF+G/ To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
2010 Jun 26
Ajax Form with Multipart File Upload in Rails 3.0
How would I achieve this? In Rails 2.x, I would use responds_to_parent, but it seems quite unsupported now. What plugins/gems do people use nowadays that would automate 1) targeting form to iframe 2) sending javascript to iframe 3) having the javascript execute another javascript on parent page Thank you, Sharkie -- Posted via -- You received this message because
2010 Jun 26
erase_redirect_results in Rails 3.0
This method is non-existent in Rails 3.0. It is required for responds_to_parent. I try commenting it out but would get AbstractController::DoubleRenderError Thank you, Sharkie -- Posted via -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to
2010 Oct 15
include ActionView::Helpers in Rails 3?
How do you do the equivalent of: module MyLibrary include ActionView::Helpers::AssetTagHelper end Rails 3? I''m trying to upgrade my app from 2.3.9 to 3.0.1 and I have some stuff in /lib that needs to include these helpers from ActionView. It works fine in 2.3.x, but in 3.x it''s giving me the error: undefined local variable or method `config'' One of the
2010 Jul 04
Rails 3: ActiveRecord .include not working
Really no idea what''s up... class Auction < ActiveRecord::Base has_and_belongs_to_many :categories end class Category < ActiveRecord::Base has_and_belongs_to_many :auctions default_scope order(''title'') scope :active, where(:active => true) end class CategoriesController < ApplicationController respond_to :html, :json # GET /categories/:id
2010 May 12
Rails 3: perform controller action upon selecting menu item (UJS?)
In Rails 3, I have a form that has a menu on it. I would like to render an area containing text fields within the form differently depending on what''s selected in the menu. Prior to Rails 3, one way it appears I could do this is by using observe_field on the menu and call an action in my controller that renders the appropriate partial which could then be swapped into a div in my form.
2010 Nov 30
rails 3 meta_search usage
I am in the process of upgrading my app from Rails2 to Rails3. My Rails2 app uses searchlogic heavily. After googling i''ve come to know that searchlogic is not compatible with Rails3 and need to use meta_search instead. But i havent quite understood the usage of meta_search vis-a-vis searchlogic. If i have a User model with :name and :address fields, i am not able to use the following
2010 Apr 27
undefined method 'each' in acts_as_taggable_on with rails 3 beta 3 and ruby 1.9
Hi I am trying to use acts_as_taggable_on in my new projects. But I got Error when I try to save tags. undefined method `each'' for "[]":String NoMethodError: undefined method `each'' for "":String from C:/Ruby19/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/ activerecord-3.0.0.beta3/lib/active_record/associations/ association_collection.rb:347:in `replace''
2011 Feb 28
Problem with render_component and rails 3
I have a application that it use view/layout/application.rhtml, in this file I have: <%= render_component :controller => ''car'', :action =>''index''%> But there is one problem, it display this problem: undefined method `render_component'' for #<#<Class:0xb67e6e48>:0xb67e5f34> How can I resolve this problem? -- You received this
2010 Oct 25
Rails 3 -NoMethodError (undefined method `original_filename
Hello! I''m using Rails 3, Uploadify, to send images to S3. Right now all the images being uploaded to S3 have the MIME: application/octet-stream I''d like to fix that but I''m getting the following error: NoMethodError (undefined method `original_filename'' for #<ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess:0x107c81998>): app/models/photo.rb:29:in
2010 Jul 18
button_to_remote using jQuery and Rails 3
Is this possible given the button_to_remote function seems to be defined as a Prototype helper? I''ve replaced my /public/javascripts/ rails.js with the jQuery driver. When I try to use button_to_remote I get the error undefined method ''button_to_remote'' for #<#<Class:0x000001078d7090>:0x0000010789ad20> If this is not possible using button_to_remote, how can
2010 Dec 11
Rails 3 - Delayed_Job (collectiveidea), trying to Delay Mailers - Error: NoMethodError (undefined method `delay' for UserMailer:Class):
Hello, I have the following in an observer: UserMailer.delay.msg_notification(record) In user_mailer.rb class UserMailer < ActionMailer::Base ... def msg_notification(record) mail( :to => "#{}", :subject => "Notification" ) end .. end But this errors with: NoMethodError (undefined method `delay'' for
2010 Nov 19
how to include view helpers in both action_controller and action_mailer templates (rails 3)
There''s some terse documentation that helpers can be shared between action_controller and action_mailer, but I have yet to find an example of how this is done. Right now, I''m trying to use a "markdown" method in the view templates for both. I have put the method in the application helper (app/helpers/application_helper.rb). It works in the view templates called from
2012 May 08
issues with text_field in rails
*view* <%= form_for(@mstype) do |f| %> <p> <%= f.text_field(:Name,:class => "span1",:placeholder => "x") %> <%end%> *Got the error like this* NoMethodError in Pgmdfntions#pgmdfntion Showing *pgm.html.erb* where line *#57* raised: undefined method `Name'' for #<Pgmdfntion:0xb457ad28> But i could do this as same before. but in
2010 Aug 22
Rails 3: Error saving an object with no useful information
Hey, I''m kinda desperate cause I''m getting an error and have no idea how to fix this since it doesn''t give me any information hinting where the problem is: irb(main):054:0> reload!;! Reloading... NameError: undefined local variable or method `to_ary'' for #<User:0x4ed5d20> from
2012 May 29
Rails s - startup issue (new Rails on ubuntu installation
Hi, I''ve got at server with Rails 3.2.3 and Ruby 1.9.3p125. I''m trying to start the Rails web server with rails s But I get the following error /var/lib/gems/1.9.1/gems/bundler-1.1.3/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:77:in `rescue in rescue in block in require'': undefined method `gsub'' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError) from
2010 Jul 13
Unknown Method key? error in Rails 2.3.8 Unit testing
I was writing unit tests for my models for a while. After that I was tweaking around and again continued writing unit tests. Earlier all my unit tests were working - successfully. But now WHen I run them, it gives me Loaded suite unit/post_test Started EEEE Finished in 0.112698 seconds. 1) Error: test_presence_of_body(PostTest): NoMethodError: undefined method `key?'' for
2010 Dec 02
Rails 3 + Authlogic not working all of a sudden
Hey People, I''ve been working on Rails 3.0.0 and Authlogic for quite a while now but all of a sudden I can''t login into my application anymore. After some research I found out that no sessions are stored into the db anymore so I started the console and saw this: ruby-1.9.2-p0 > u ={:username => ''Test'', :password =>
2010 Nov 06
Rails show views from a different controller
In my Ruby on Rails application I have a page Aboutus - This has a Controller and View. Has no model. I have a Comments model (generated by the rails generate scaffold comment) - This has a Controller, view, model On my Aboutus page, I want to show the "Comments" from the comments model, so I am thinking of using the Comments index action (to list comments) and new action (to create
2011 Feb 25
Rails 3 and Sproutcore
Hi people, Anyone is using Rails 3 (backend) with Sproucore (front-end) ? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to rubyonrails-talk-/JYPxA39Uh5TLH3MbocFF+G/ To unsubscribe from this group, send email to