similar to: ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::Column value_to_boolean(value) does not return a boolean value.

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::Column value_to_boolean(value) does not return a boolean value."

2010 May 28
Suggestion for improving value_to_boolean column conversion
Hi fantastic rails core developers. Speaking of version 2.3.5: I find it rather error_prone that values such that "some text" is silently converted to false when stored in a boolean DB field. Among other things it means that assign "some text" to boolean fields on a model will not generate any validation messages (it will silently be converted to false). I think it is like
2006 Feb 05
Enum patch for Rails
Hello! I''ve modified ActiveRecord a bit to support enum columns. This is tested only with MySQL, and maybe needs some changes for other adapters (if they use another syntax or quoting style). I believe this patch should be tested well, so I haven''t (yet) tried to post it to the official Trac. It is also not solid-as-a-rock when it comes to quoting ENUM values. After
2006 Jul 17
DRY? Converting Boolean to Yes/No
I have a database column given as: t.column :change_address, :boolean The user interacts with this using a checkbox, but wants confirmations to read: Change address: Yes In an isolated case something like: @obj.change_address ? ''Yes'' : ''No'' Would work fine but this is peppered throughout scads of forms and boolean fields. The first step I took at DRYing
2007 Nov 28
Where to override ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::SQLServerAdapter?
I''m working on an existing global database running on MS SQL Server. The appropriate primary key is uniqueidentifier, so I want to set ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::SQLServerAdapter#native_database_types[:primary_key] = "uniqueidentifier NOT NULL newid() PRIMARY KEY". Obviously, I need to override the native_database_types definition, but I really don''t know where
2006 Jun 24
convert 0, "0", "true", etc. to boolean
Hi, is there a ruby / rails builtin function that converts - 0 / 1 - "0" / "1" - "yes" / "no" - "true" / "false" to a boolean? cheers peter
2008 Dec 20
Upgrade to Rails 2 - problem with "save" (MySQL boolean issue?)
I have been working through an upgrade of my 1.2.6 application to 2.2.2. I am almost there but I have hit a problem with ActiveRecord. Before the upgrade, the following code was working fine. def create_root(administrator) root = create_root_collection(self.pingee_name, administrator,
2008 Mar 19
ActiveRecord bug? ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::Column.type_cast for float columns
Hi all, I just noticed that in ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::Column.type_cast[1] (and type_cast_code[2]) the type casting for float columns simply does value.to_f, whereas all the others have a rescue or call out to a method, the default implementations of which have rescues or enough logic in that I don''t think they''d fail. Imagine the following: create_table :vehicle do
2005 Mar 04
Boolean values
Hi, I''m using SQL Server. I have a BIT field. I have a fix and a question. This is a patch for a bug in the SQL Server adapter that causes any insert or update to fail: lib/active_record/connection_adapters/sqlserver_adapter.rb @@ -239,2 +239,2 @@ - when TrueClass then (column && column.type == :boolean ? "''t''" : "1")
2006 Jan 06
AWS and array of Model
Hi! I try to use a layered webservice and I want to get back an array of users; In the API I use: api_method :listUsers,:returns=>[[User]] in the service: def listUsers User.find(:all) end Result in soap mode: Don''t know how to cast TrueClass to Object Result in XML-RPC mode: You have a nil object when you didn''t expect it! You might have expected
2008 Mar 14
Rails App freezes when accessed
Hi All, I just had this problem come up today and so far I''m stumped. This morning, my mongrels were all completely unresponsive. I had to kill -9 them to get them to go away. I restarted them, but the first time that they were accessed they froze again. Nothing gets printed to the logs. I tried starting a single mongrel and accessing it directly. If I hit CTRL-C before accessing
2008 Jun 06
Need help with Decryption using blowfish CBC
Hello all, Hoping someone can help me out here. I''ve burned almost a week trying to figure out how to decrypt an image file that has been encrypted using Blowfish CBC. I found some code on the net and have modified as follows: require ''openssl'' require ''digest/sha1'' ivArr = [0x0D, 0x0E, 0x0A, 0x0D, 0x0F, 0x0A, 0x0C, 0x0E ]
2006 Feb 27
Change Bit Value To Text When Viewed
Hey All, very simple question for you folks ;) I have a @commutes object that for each record there is a bit value set (0/1) to denote if an accident occurred. What I want to do is have it display "Yes" or "No" when I view the listing of commutes. I can get it to display the bit value just fine with <%= commute.accident %> but how can I get it so that when a record with
2006 May 12
Stupid? question about if else logic
this seems so stupid, I keep thinking I''ve dealt with this before but I have this code <h1>Portraits</h1> <% if @image.portrait == 1 %> <%= image_tag(url_for_file_column ''image'', ''file'', ''thumb'') %> <% else %> <h1>Landscapes</h1> <%= image_tag(url_for_file_column
2009 Dec 18
Undefined Method error - help request
Good morning All - I am working on a time tracking application as a learning excercise and have run into an error neither I nor Google can remedy. When loading my view, I get an error: ''undefined method ''true_class_path'' for #<ActionView::Base:......... Context: I have controllers for Project, Worktrack and ''Workbench'', among others. Workbench is
2006 Jan 07
Bug in rails?
Hi! The last 2 day''s I tried create WebService which get back ActiveRecord object, but it''s always get back error. Today I found why. In Mysql the boolean type is a int(1) alias, but in postgresql the boolean type is boolean(!). When in the database table contain boolean type the AWS going to crazy because it''s can''t recognize it. (It''s say:
2008 Apr 07
Haml and View tests
Does Rspec work nicely with Haml for controller integrated view tests? I am getting the following error: =================== ActionView::TemplateError in ''Admin::ListingsController index should get a 200 OK'' undefined method `photo'' for true:TrueClass On line #2 of admin/listings/_listing.html.haml 1: %tr 2: image_tag(,
2008 Jul 04
datatype problem when using ActiveRecord with Oracle
Hey, I have connected to the oracle db using ActiveRecord and am trying to retrieve tuples. I have one attribute that has datatype ''number(1)''. I found that ActiveRecord maps this attribute to boolean. So it gets a class of either FalseClass or TrueClass. I tried to find the source of the problem and I found oracle_adapter.rb (http://
2008 Feb 20
Unicode Support for MS SQL Server
In order to coerce Rails 1.2.x into supporting Unicode values for an attribute in a model, I found I had to do the following: 1) Change the underlying column type from varchar to nvarchar. 2) Prepend any quoted values going into nvarchar columns with a capital-letter-N, e. g. ''unicode'' becomes N''unicode'' In order to accomplish this, I modified
2006 Jul 29
Problem starting push server in Jugganaut
Hi All, Im playing around with Jugganaut but stuck at the first step. Seems the jugganaut push server requires json (which I have installed) but it cant find it. Following the docs, I have installed json and then try to run the push server. jonathan $ ruby script/push_server script/push_server:37:in `require'': no such file to load -- json (LoadError) from
2006 Oct 19
Selecting datetime values from SQL Server (year < 1970)
All, Rails 1.1.6. Any AR find() call that generates a SELECT * type query against a table with a DATETIME column in SQL Server whose value occurs before 1970 will fail, because of the coercion of SQL Server datetime types to Time values in Ruby. See sqlserver_adapter.rb line 490 (record[col] = record[col].to_time if record[col].is_a? DBI::Timestamp) If I remove the coercion (just commenting