similar to: Rendering a different Javascript file in respond_to

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 9000 matches similar to: "Rendering a different Javascript file in respond_to"

2008 Mar 18
respond_to formats, fbml and fbjs
In my controllers I have a respond_to block for both fbml and fbjs. I created the fbjs mime type in environment.rb: Mime::Type.register "application/javascript", :fbjs However, even if I specify fbjs in a parameter name format during AJAX post requests, it is being overwritten by Rails or Facebooker as FBML. I confirmed this by placing logger.debug params[:format] immediately before
2007 Sep 20
Proposed API change for respond_to
Ez (or someone) asked on #merb tonight whether respond_to was the right API for what it does. After some discussion and pasties, I offer the following proposed API for content negotiation and response format selection: First, what does respond_to do right now? I see at as performing 3 distinct operations: 1. parse params[:format] and the accepts header to find out what format the
2009 Apr 03
RJS not rendering correctly when mime-type is 'iphone'
I have an iPhone version of my site, and for some reason none of the rjs works when viewing the iPhone version. This happens instead: ActionView::MissingTemplate (Missing template controller_name/ update.erb in view path app/views) The rjs works fine when viewing the site normally, and it worked when viewing the iPhone version prior to upgrading Rails to 2.3.2. Additional info: I have
2012 May 21
Rendering partial views with ajax calls in rails 3.1
I''m starting now with rails, and i have simply question i think. I need to render two partials in one ajax call: I have the following controller: # GET /hosts/1 # GET /hosts/1.json def show @host = Host.find(params[:id]) respond_to do |format| format.html #show.html format.js format.json { render :json => @host } end
2007 Nov 26
transition form respond_to to provides
I really like the new mime type handler however I was trying to convert some code and couldn''t figure out how. My rails action was handle 2 formats, html and xml respond_to do |format| format.html # show.html.erb format.xml do if && @account.valid_referer?(session[:referer]) render :xml => @account.to_xml(:except
2009 Jul 27
render syntax has me stumped
Hi,From within an action called manager within a controller called storedorders, I want to render to the view for the manger action of controller orders. It really seems like the following syntax should work: (within the StoredordersController manager method...) respond_to do |format| format.html {render :controller => ''orders'', :action =>
2011 Jan 15
respond_with javascript
My ajax stopped working when I switched to using respond_with. For my Votes, I have the create action and the corresponding create.js.erb, and respond_to :html, :js, :xml in the controller. Heres the log when I try and create a vote: Started POST "/stories/3-asdfasdf1111/votes" for at Fri Jan 14 20:46:36 -0800 2011 Processing by VotesController#create as */* Parameters:
2010 Jan 25
ActionMailer does not find templates in production mode
Hello everyone, I am currently struggling with the following issue that only seems to appear in my production environment: When attempting to send a mail from an ActionMailer the template location algorithm does not seem to pick up the corresponding template: ActionView::MissingTemplate (Missing template event_mailer/approval_requested_notification.erb in view path app/views):
2013 Apr 02
gmaps4rails: undefined method `model_name' for NilClass:Class
Hi All, just in a spot of bother with this gem, I am trying to create a new location and get the above msg. here is my controller: class LocationsController < ApplicationController # GET /locations # GET /locations.json def index @locations = Location.all @json = Location.all.to_gmaps4rails end respond_to do |format| format.html # index.html.erb
2010 Nov 08
Webrick Failing with Illegal Instruction
I''ve just started a new rails project (3.0.1, ruby 1.9.2 on Mac OS X), and have a few parts of it built out. I''ve just created new controller/views using rails g scaffold_controller Lesson, and then added a route to routes.rb with "resources :lessons" Now, when i go to /lessons, Webrick fails with "Illegal instruction" The controller function getting hit is
2012 May 28
rendering a partial inside another using render_to_string and (:formats) in controller
I want to clean my code by moving the duplicated lines : partial = render_to_string( :partial => "#{file}", :formats => [:html] ) to the pagination_partials function. ================================================= WORKING CODE: ================================================= def render_format_search_partial(file, options={}) # TODO remove this line to use the one
2010 Sep 27
Rails 3 + jQuery ; How to show error messages
Hi guys, can anyone explain how to show error_messages_on (like back in Rails 2 , without Ajax) fields that didnt'' pass the validation the jquery way. I googled for about 2 hours now and found nothing. Jquery works fine and adds the content to my table, but im totally stuck with the whole error/validation thing. My form looks like this: <%= form_for , :remote =>
2008 Aug 28
Rendering User attributes in XML
Let''s say an app has a User, and a User has many friends. Also, let''s say the app authentication was built on the restful_authentication plugin, and we have email and password in the Users table. The friends controller index might look like this; # GET /users/1/friends # GET /users/1/friends.xml def index @users = @user.friends respond_to do |format| format.html
2006 Apr 08
respond_to causes DoubleRenderError?
I have a custom authentication plugin that redirects users to a login site if they aren''t already authenticated and their session hasn''t timed out. I had things working fine with straight http requests, but wanted to add support for ajax requests. I thought this would be a simple matter of replacing all of my "redirect_to <blah> and return false" calls with
2007 Apr 26
assert_select with respond_to JS or xhr?
Hi everyone, I am a bit confused with xhr? and respond_to. I have the folloing code in my view to update the ''emails'' ID link_to_remote(image_tag("refresh"), :update => "emails", :url => { :action => "list_emails" }) in the controller side i have somthing like : [..] respond_to do |type| type.html { render :action
2008 Apr 20
Why is respond_to always rending the RXML view?
I''m having a problem in Rails 2 where respond_to is always rendering the RXML view even in the HTML rendering response. Can anyone tell me why this might be happening? Here''s a code snippet: respond_to do |accepts| accepts.html accepts.xml { render :action => ''show.rxml'', :layout => false} end If I change this to the following it works fine:
2006 Aug 14
respond_to? in acts_as_ferret results
acts_as_ferret''s search results use #method_missing to forward method calls to the underlying result object. However, those methods are represented in #respond_to? Here''s a simple fix for that: module FerretMixin module Acts module ARFerret class SearchResults def respond_to?(name) self.methods.include?(name) || @results.respond_to?(name)
2006 Jun 24
request.xhr? vs. respond_to
Searched around this forum, but didn''t find an answer for this question. Can you help this newbie understand any overlap and/or difference between request.xhr? and respond_to? If request.xhr? is true, should I expect it wants.js below? respond_to do |wants| wants.html { redirect_to(person_list_url) } wants.js wants.xml { render :xml => @person.to_xml(:include
2007 May 28
Rails, respond_to? over anonymous module (extend has_many).
Hello List, I''m trying to generate examples for some list-helpers I have coded which use in my projects. Basically, the Playlist class uses one anonymous module in has_many that acts as helper between acts_as_list and my desired API: class Playlist < ActiveRecord::Base # associations go here has_many :playlist_items, :order => :position, :dependent => :destroy has_many
2012 Nov 29
[Rails 3.2] form_tag w :remote => true doesn't fire up the js format
I have a form_tag written like this : = form_tag search_backoffice_places_path, {:remote =>"true", :id => :searchplaceForm } do .. input fields = submit_tag t(:search) generated html is correct : <form accept-charset="UTF-8" action="/en/backoffice/places/search" data-remote="true" id="searchplaceForm" method="post"> ...