similar to: simple syntax error(its urgent)unable 2 find

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "simple syntax error(its urgent)unable 2 find"

2008 Sep 01
Generating Images/PDF Server-Side
Hi, I am working on a project where I need to generate a chart (a bit like a pie chart, but very customised) and insert this into a PDF document. Does anybody have any advice on ruby libraries (or other techniques) for doing this? Open to suggestions? The resulting PDF will be designed for printing and so ideally should be vector throughout (or any raster images 300dpi). I was thinking of some
2012 Jul 20
Pie Chart on Prawn
Hi friends, I just finished working on an application, which renders a pie chart on the webpage and i want users to have it on their pdf page, pls i there a way to render the Pie Chart (High Charts) on PDF page -- Posted via -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group,
2010 Dec 01
Prawn : undefined method `make_table'
require ''prawn'' require ''prawn/core'' require ''prawn/layout'' do |pdf| subtable = pdf.make_table([[ "foo", "bar" ], [ "baz", "bax" ]], :column_widths => [ 50, 50 ]) { column(0).background_color = "808080" cells.borders = []
2011 Jan 12
gem and rails3: LoadError
Hi everybody, I''m trying to use the prawn gem into a new rails3 application on debian. What I did: As root: - install rubygems, from - gem install rails - gem install prawn - gem install pdf-reader - gem list | grep prawn => prawn (0.8.4) prawn-core (0.8.4) prawn-layout (0.8.4)
2008 May 30
Prawn (PDF in Ruby) BoF at RailsConf?
Hey folks, Unfortunately I''m not at RailsConf but if there are enough people interested in PDF generation in Ruby / Rails, please consider using the BoF sessions or some other time to get together and share thoughts about how PDF generation in Ruby can be better, and then have someone post notes from your discussions to the Prawn mailing list[0]. There are already a bunch of folks
2011 Jan 13
10.04 Ubuntu
Hi, Chauk-Mean and all - I have just ported everything to 10.04 ubuntu, and I am pleased to note that I was able to use prepackaged stuff almost everywhere. Yes, it was painful before I figured it out. :) I used apt-get to install ruby-1.8.7, all the wx libraries (including the dev header packages) I uninstalled the debian rubygems package completely and installed rubygems-1.4.1 from the
2010 Mar 17
rails+prawnto: setting :type to :prawn in a #render_to_string call not working
Hello, my question is rails related though it is also somewhat specific to the prawnto plugin (installed latest version as of 2010-03-15). I would ask on a prawnto forum/list if I knew where one was. Anyhow, I''m using rails 2.3.5 (with ruby 1.8.6 patchlevel 111) in an app that is successfully using the prawnto gem (with the prawn gem version 0.7.1). I''ve got a a
2010 Jun 30
Prawn gem: How to create the .pdf from an *existing* file
Hi there, Can anybody show me (maybe copy/paste a simple code example) how to create the .pdf file from an existing (.xls) file, using the Prawn gem? Basically, I''d need the command that takes an existing (.xls) file to save it as a .pdf, afterwards. (I''m asking because the Prawn documentation at seems to be gone since quite a while -
2006 Jun 11
seemingly simple read.table question
I have a file that I thought would be fairly simple to read in using read.table but I am having problems ( as usual ). each line of the file is of the form ( just 20 lines or so ) financials XXX, YYY, ZZZ automobiles RTR, ABC, TGH so the first field in the line is the industry and the other fields ( seperated by commas ) in the line are stock identifiers of stocks in that industry. note that
2008 Oct 26
use Prawn to generate pdf
Hello: when i use Prawn to generate pdf file for download, i got a blank pdf file, can someone tell me why? require ''prawn'' class DownloadController < ApplicationController def download_pdf send_data(generate_pdf, :filename => ''test.pdf'', :type => ''application/pdf'') end private def generate_pdf
2010 Dec 24
keep getting "undefined method `map' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError) " in new server
hi guys, I have a new development server (ubuntu 10). I have done the following (the versions match my existing development machine which works fine): 1. installed ruby 1.9.1p378 2. installed ruby gems 1.3.7 3. installed rails 2.3.8 (used "gem install rails -v 2.3.8") 4. manually installed my other gems including sphinx and thinking sphinx with "gem install ..." 5. ran
2013 Jun 29
rake db:create giving undefined method `' for nil:NilClass
My ruby version is 1.8.7 I have installed mysql-essential-5.0.90-win32 and using Fedena 2.3.5 List of all gems installed:* columnize (0.3.6) declarative_authorization (0.5.1) fattr (2.2.1) ffi (1.9.0) gem_plugin (0.2.3) highline (1.6.19) i18n (0.4.2) metaclass (0.0.1) mime-types (1.23) mocha (0.14.0) mongrel (1.1.5) mysql (2.8.1) net-ping (1.6.0) prawn (0.6.3) prawn-core (0.6.3) prawn-format
2009 Mar 23
PDFs prawn gem freeze into the app...
I was having great success with creating PDFs with prawn, I followed Ryan Bates latest screencast. All good. Trouble is when i come to deploy the app on my webhost I ran into trouble. Rails 2.3 app. I did, "sudo rake gem unpack prawn" to freeze it in. I put the app on my webhost but it won''t start, some error saying it can''t find prawn. Any ideas? (summary: works
2011 Nov 02
form_for text_field
I have a form ... html ..... <% form_for @person do |f| %> ... html ..... <%= f.text_field :last_name %> ... html ..... <% end %> When last_name field of @person doesn''t contains french special symbols like ''é'', all characters are displayed in the input control (f.text_field :last_name ). Else only symbols before french special symbol are
2009 Mar 26
Prawn + PrawnTo + Rails 2.3.2
Hi, Have anyone made a successful usage of Rails 2.3.3 with PrawnTo and Prawn ? I followed all the tutorials I could find on Net, but I am not able to see pdf part working. I kept getting the error "Template is missing". I do have foo.pdf.prawn. Same goes with pdf/writer as well. Thank you. Regards Balaji D Loganathan Spritle Software, -- Posted via
1999 Jul 06
Force Group and NFS mounted dir problems
Hi! I hope you can assist me with this one. We are using version Samba 2.0.3 and are having troubles making the "force group" config option work as expected. To make matters more interesting the file system being samba-shared is mounted from another unix server. To explain: Machine "marvin" (Solaris 2.7) exports /mnt/anthias using (/etc/dfs/dfstab): share -F nfs -o
2008 Oct 02
Re: How to export data in pdf and excel format ?
PDF generation Prawn pdf writer ruby fpdf Prawn is very good and well maintained in terms of development and new features added regards Senthil -- Posted via
2007 Mar 28
nlsystemfit: Errors with reproducing the manual example
Hi everybody, I'm a newbye with lots of problems :). I'm trying to use nlsystemfit, but I recieve two error messages whose origin that I don't understand. 1) When I try to reproduce the example reported in the systemfit package manual, that is library( systemfit ) data( ppine ) hg.formula <- hg ~ exp( h0 + h1*log(tht) + h2*tht^2 + h3*elev + h4*cr) dg.formula <- dg ~ exp( d0
2010 Jan 05
thin server claims I don't have correct rails gem installed
Hi everyone, I need some insight into a problem I just started having. I''m running ruby 1.8.6 on an ubuntu box with the following gems installed: $ sudo gem list --local *** LOCAL GEMS *** actionmailer (2.3.5, 2.3.4, 2.3.2, 2.2.2) actionpack (2.3.5, 2.3.4, 2.3.2, 2.2.2) activerecord (2.3.5, 2.3.4, 2.3.2, 2.2.2) activeresource (2.3.5, 2.3.4, 2.3.2, 2.2.2) activesupport (2.3.5, 2.3.4,
2008 Apr 17
Having a probelm woth creating a a simple chart.
Hello, I am having trouble with creating a simple bar chart using R. My file just consists of 1 column called reason. Within this column, there are 2 responses(Room for Improvement and Info entered is all relevant). My code for creating the charts is as follows: d <-read.table("C://project/graphs/reason.csv", sep=",", header=TRUE) pie(d$reason, labels=d$reason,