Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "How to implement a user score by activity"
2010 Aug 01
Admin interface for Rails?
Hello folks, I am currently working on a project that has to deliver
an admin interface like the Django''s one, I wanna know if you know/
recommend any gem or plugin for that.
Rodrigo Alves Vieira
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group.
To post to this group, send email to
2010 Sep 21
Options for .rspec, or a verbose mode?
Hello everybody, in my app, (using rspec 2.0.0.beta22) I have
my .rspec file with "--colour" in it., I want to know if are there any
other options for this file? And I wanna know if is there a verbose
mode of running my specs, listing their ''describes'' and/or ''its''?
2010 Aug 03
Strange error message when rendering the scaffold form
Hello everyone, I am developing my application and I created a
scaffold called listas, but when I acess /listas/new I get this error
NoMethodError in Listas#new
Showing /home/rodrigo3n/code/listeiroo/app/views/listas/_form.html.erb
where line #15 raised:
undefined method `deep_symbolize_keys'' for nil:NilClass
Extracted source (around line #15):
12: <% end %>
2010 Sep 06
Background Task: How to?
Hello everyone, my app is Twitter based, and all I have to do is get
the tweets of a given user and retweet it in other twitter profile..
so when user1 tweets, user2 must automatically retweet. I think I must
write some background job to make this work but I don''t know how? Any
ideas? Any gem intended for things like this?
You received this message because you are subscribed
2011 Mar 15
Problems with Object#id deprecation
Hello everyone, in a test helper in my app I call category.id that gets the
id of category in the database. However, when running RSpec I get the
following error:
As a parla customer
/Users/saulolopes/code/parla/spec/acceptance/support/paths.rb:13: warning:
Object#id will be deprecated; use Object#object_id
/Users/saulolopes/code/parla/spec/acceptance/support/paths.rb:13: warning:
2007 Aug 06
(Censboot, Z-score, Cox) How to use Z-score as the statistic within censboot?
Dear R Help list,
My question is regarding extracting the standard error or Z-score from a
cph or coxph call. My Cox model is: -
data=kidneyT,method="breslow", x=T, y=T)
I've used names(modz) but can't see anything that will let me extract
the Z scores for each coefficient or the standard errors in the same
2020 Aug 14
Teo En Ming's Learning Achievements on 14 August 2020 Friday
Subject: Teo En Ming's Learning Achievements on 14 August 2020 Friday
[1] Activate Cisco AnyConnect SSL VPN License on Cisco ASA 5506-X
Today I discovered that the base license for Cisco ASA 5506-X Firewall
only allows maximum 2 SSL VPN users. I had to login to
https://www.cisco.com/go/license, assign the PAK/token to the serial
number of Cisco ASA 5506-X firewall and perform a
2007 Jul 10
Article score calculations for Boolean and MultiTerm Queries, and customization options
I have some questions about the way that documents are scored by the Boolean
and MultiTerm Queries, and about possible options for custom scoring
articles. I am working on a project experimenting with different methods of
automatically generating queries and the scoring mechanisms behind Lucene
and Ferret have been perplexing us.
>From looking at the Lucene explanation at (
2007 May 22
Bug in Ferret::Search::SortField::SCORE ??
i have been trying to get this to work for a while now. my controller
sort = [ Ferret::Search::SortField::SCORE_REV ]
@results = Record.multi_search(params[:search_terms], [ Link, Post,
Event ], {:limit => :all, :sort => sort })
and in my view i just render a conglomeration of the appropriate
partials for each model. it seems that no matter what i do, i can''t get
2007 Mar 21
Score more if begins with query
I need to score more on products, those names
begin with query, rather then just contain it.
I am not sure where to start research on that...
Any ideas?
Best regards,
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
2007 Jan 23
Exact phrase score
Sorry if this has been beaten to death here but I couldn''t find the
exact answer I was looking for.
In the app I''m writing, we convert the score to a percentage and display
it with the search results. The problem is when you search for an exact
phrase (for example) and it matches the title of a document exactly, you
only get a 17% match.
Has anyone seen a way to either curve
2006 Nov 19
score for wildcard searches
Hello All,
I have a rails app that maintains movie data index and uses
"acts_as_ferret" for search. I ran into an issue with the scoring of
wildcard searches. When I search for word "super*", the record
containing the word "superman" is ranked above the one having just
Is this normal or am I missing something? Any ideas on how scoring can
2006 Nov 22
acts_as_ferret, Displaying score on a search results page
Am I missing something or would I need to use find_id_by_contents and
populate a results list with my own objects (or add ''score'' to my AR
instances and populate that) in order to be able to get a score out when
iterating the results (like on a search results page)?
Said another way, it seems find_by_contents does not provide any access
to score in the resulting list. Is
2006 Oct 23
Score in ferret
Whats the relevance of score given by ferret?
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
2006 May 09
Reverse sorts by score
The docs for Sort.new say:
reverse: pass true if you want the sort order to be reversed. Only works
if you pass the field names.
Does this mean it''s not possible to do a reverse sort by score? If it is
it seems to be broken as I don''t seem to be able to reverse the order of
the sort. I''ll write a test case if this is not a known problem.
2007 Oct 29
Ferret - sorting results by score
I am trying to figure out how to sort my results by the score Ferret is
returning. From the results of a search, I use the ids to then look
up their corresponding records in the database. The reason for this is
that the database records contain more information than I am storing in
the index. Any ideas? Code example below. Thanks in advance!
def index
if (params[:q])
2006 Jun 06
Score test to evalutate the proportional odds assumption.
To the list:
What R commands will perform the score test on an ordered multinomial
logit model to evaluate the proportional odds assumption?
Many thanks.
Mtichell Wachtel
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2011 Jan 23
extract score vector and covariance matrix in glm package
I am running a project but I encounter a problem . I would be happy
to receive help :
I have a binary dependent variable and some covariates logit(y)=a+bx+cz .
I want to estimate the score vectors and their covariance by the usage of
logit function and so glm in R .The vlaue of one of the coefficient (
like b) is known previously and I want to extract a and c and covariance
2013 Nov 16
selecting optimal cluster validation score
I have calculated the Silhouette score and Dunn score after
hierarchical clustering for 3 clusters:
#Distance measure
d <- dist(USArrests, method = "euclidean")
#Hierarchical clustering
hc <- hclust(dist(USArrests), "ave")
#calculating silhouette value for 3 clusters
sil<- silhouette(cutree(hc, k=3), d)
#calculating Dunn index for 3 clusters
clus <- cutree(hc,
2011 Jan 24
Is there any way to get score vector in each iteration in glm??
Hello everyone,
I am doing the hypothesis test and I need the score vector of each iteration
in glm (family=binomial); how could I do it. I tried trace option but it
gives me just AIC of each iteration nothing more.
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