Displaying 20 results from an estimated 50000 matches similar to: "act as commentable"
2010 Jun 19
re:Help needed act as commentable plugin urgent
I am facing problem during act as commentable plugin.
i had follwed these two links
error undefined method order in comment_methods.rb.
shall create commentable model?
2011 Jan 24
Rails 3 - act as tree
Greetings friends,
is there any newer plugin like act as tree or something better, for
dealing with product categories and sub categories in Rails 3 ?
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2011 Jan 25
Rails 3 - Helping with a Commenting Module
class CommentsController < ApplicationController
def create
@commentable= context_object()
@comment =
@commentable.comments.build(params[:comment].merge(:user_id =>
if @comment.save
respond_to do |format|
render :action => ''new''
2013 Jul 09
can i use single devise for multiple models.
i need to use authentication for the 4 models,is it possible to use
single devise for all models,if yes plz let me know them clearly.
if not what is the solution.
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2010 Feb 26
Fwd: how to install rmagick on fedora please help urgent
hi all
i want to run project at local system ..see this i m getting some error
http://pastie.org/843746 and when i run server http://pastie.org/843748 plz
tell me how to install rmagick on fedora
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2009 Dec 09
how to send mail through ruby on rails
Plz tell me the code to send mail from ruby on rails.I have googled
many times but couldn''t find a proper solution.
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2011 Dec 15
how to find table name from result in act as solr search
i am using multi_solr_search in act as solr and i am getting
results from two table and i what know from which table data is coming
while running in docs loop, is there any possible way to find table
from which data is comming?
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2010 Sep 11
Having difficulty with threaded comments, using acts_as_tree
I''ve been having problems making threaded comments for the last few
days. Mainly with creating children and displaying the children.
Currently, I have comments shown at the bottom of my articles show view.
The top level comments work, but I do not really know how to implement a
way for users to "reply" to the top level comments and take them to a
form (the comment
2011 Mar 24
Occurrs in IE <!--[endif]-->
Hi all,
Here i have a problem with IE. My page having rightsidebar having
some contents.I displayed the contents by copying from word using condition
like this.
<!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <w:WordDocument> <w:View>Normal</w:View>
<w:Zoom>0</w:Zoom> <w:PunctuationKerning /> <w:ValidateAgainstSchemas />
2010 Mar 24
Sybase IQ Developer needed with 5-7 yrs exp
Hi Friends,
Plz send profiles matching the requirement to murali-oY4F33sQL5bQT0dZR+AlfA@public.gmane.org
Role : *Sybase IQ Developer*
Location : *Tampa FL*
Duration : *6m
*Client : *Banking*
*Sybase IQ Developer needed with 5-7 yrs exp*
Thanks and Regards,
571 483 2829
Javaji Systems Solutions Inc.,
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2010 Jan 12
how to create portable rails app?
i have a rails app which is done with instant rails, now i need to take
the app to other computer and use it without migrating , that is plug
and play use of that application, can anyone help with that??? plz!
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2010 May 19
Postgres + Rail 3.0
Hi guys,
I am really new to these things like ROR and Postgres.
When I was installing ROR 3.0 it says
Successfully installed rails 3.0.0 beta
1 gem installed
Installing ri document for rails 3.0.0 beta
File not Found: lib
This is the one which I really dont understand and dont know what to do?
Help me out guys plz...
And I want to configure the database with postgresql and I want to know
2013 Feb 28
Create polymorphic resources
I have created a polymorphic association for comments since I need
commenting functionality on several models. The issue is that when I create
the comment in my Commets#create action, I really don''t know what type the
parent is of.
So, let''s say I have Foo, Bar and Comment. Comment have this:
belongs_to :commentable, polymorphic: true
And Foo and Bar both have:
2010 Mar 10
Decimal fields generated in Rails 2.3.5 act like strings, sort of
Hi All,
I just created a new CRUD "expense" (using Rails 2.3.5 scaffold) which
included "amount:decimal". When I:
1. populated the amount field of a new expense with 5 characters:
12.50 and
2. saved the new record
I got a display of the new record that showed Amount to be merely
I clicked Update and put my cursor over the data field for Amount and
got a
2011 Sep 14
jqgrid plugin + rails 3 app
hi to everyone ....
i''m in need of creating a datagrid in my rails application.
so i used jqgrid plugin to display data grid in my application. I
found that plugin by this following link
https://github.com/springbok/jqgrid-rails3 ...
but i cant display any data grid in my application ....
so anyone plz help me out from this problem ....
thanks in advance
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2010 Apr 02
act as solr reindex
Hi friends
I am using act_as_solr plugin for indexing my database for my application i
am having huge volume data (700000 data) for this i am facing a problem it
will take more then 6 to 7hrs to index the whole data is that any way to
speed up the indexing process please help me friends
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2010 Feb 24
gem install rmagick --local
Hi all
i copied rmagic gem in my local system
cd rmagick-2.12.2.gem
bash: cd: rmagick-2.12.2.gem: Not a directory
*[root@localhost shyam]# gem install rmagick --local*
Building native extensions. This could take a while...
ERROR: Error installing rmagick:
ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.
/usr/bin/ruby extconf.rb
checking for Ruby version >= 1.8.5... yes
checking for gcc...
2009 Dec 27
Difficulties in understanding Rail-Plugins in depth
i try to understand how plugins work in detail.
Often you see stuff like:
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
I wonder what''s happen all there.
What kind of language-feature is behind this call "acts_as_commentable" ?
In my opinion you need some kind of extend or include to extend the
functionality of a model. And exactly this is which i found
2012 Nov 13
installation of queue-tip on centos/asterisk server
Hi Geeks,
I need an urgent help with queue-tip installation. i am
using http://queue-tip.rubyforge.org/install.html guide to install the same
however i am stuck at first step of installation ($ rake gems:install).
i installed all the dependencies mentioned in the document (ruby, rails
etc.) but it shows following error when i execute the mentioned command:
*Undefined method ‘name’ for
2010 May 30
Http Rest call and JSON response
I am trying to call remote server rest api , the response type of call
is json data. plz give me tips how to do this . I am new in rails .
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