similar to: SMTP Configuration in Rails 2.3.4

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "SMTP Configuration in Rails 2.3.4"

2008 Jul 24
Errno::EBADF Send an Email in Rails using GMail
Hi, would someone please help me. I have been desperatley trying to fnd out for the last two days why the following code is not working. Any ideas. I''m running Instant Rails 1.4 / Rails version 1.2.5 / Ruby version 1.8.5 (i386-mswin32) / RubyGems version 1.1.1 / Action Mailer version 1.3.5 / Windows XP. Here is a description of my emailing application: in
2006 Jul 11
Getting ActionMailer off the ground
First off, I wanted to thank the list. You all have been a great help with my rookie questions as I''m getting my RoR app off the ground. Now to the problem I''m having with ActionMailer. No matter what I set in ActionMailer::Base.server_settings when my app tries to send mail I get a 501: HELO hostname error. I basically set it up matching the ActionMailer wiki page.
2006 Mar 14
ActionMailer not working correctly
Anyone know why this wouldn''t work? I''m using acts_as_authenticated for my login, and the mail is not getting sent. I''m using dreamhost. Here''s my settings: ActionMailer::Base.delivery_method = :smtp ActionMailer::Base.server_settings = { :address => "", :port => 25, :domain => '''',
2007 Aug 10
ActionMailer and Dreamhost
Hello, I am running my RoR app on localhost and am trying to implement ActionMailer. In my environment.rb config file, I am pointing to my smtp server on Dreamhost: ActionMailer::Base.delivery_method = :sendmail ActionMailer::Base.server_settings = { :address => '''', :port => 25, :domain =>
2006 Mar 14
ActionMailer Error - Please Help!
I''m trying to send an email to myself when someone comments on my site. Here''s my code, if you don''t mind, could you tell me if you see something wrong? #environment.rb # Include your application configuration below ActionMailer::Base.delivery_method = :smtp ActionMailer::Base.server_settings = { :address => "", :domain =>
2006 Oct 31
ActionMailer how to check mail sent
OS X 10.4.8 I am sending an email via Actionmailer settings are written correctly in environment.rb ActionMailer::Base.delivery_method = :smtp ActionMailer::Base.raise_delivery_errors = :true ActionMailer::Base.perform_deliveries = :true ActionMailer::Base.default_charset = "utf-8" ActionMailer::Base.server_settings = { :address => "", :port => 25,
2006 Jan 24
SMTPSyntaxError with Action Mailer
I''ve been trying to get my action mailer powered form to work all day. I can get it to work perfectly in development mode. But when I run it in production mode I get an error, the log spits this out Net::SMTPSyntaxError (501 Syntax: HELO hostname ): /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/net/smtp.rb:680:in `check_response'' /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/net/smtp.rb:653:in `getok''
2006 Aug 15
Im trying to send an email see the code below: Model: order_mailer.rb class OrderMailer < ActionMailer::Base def send_an_email() @recipients = "" @from = "" @subject = "Ruby Test" @body = "The Body" end end View: send_an_email.rhtml <p>Email was sent!.</p> Controller: Admin.rb def
2006 Mar 27
Email On Dreamhost
Hi guys is there any way i some one tell me how to set up email on Dreamhost this is my production log :SMTPAuthenticationError (535 Error: authentication failed) # Include your application configuration below ActionMailer::Base.delivery_method = :smtp ActionMailer::Base.server_settings = { :address => "", :domain =>
2009 Jun 15
NoMethodError: undefined method `password_reset_instructions' for UserNotifier:Class
Any ideas what would be causing this? NoMethodError: undefined method `password_reset_instructions'' for UserNotifier:Class from /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/actionmailer-2.3.2/lib/action_mailer/ base.rb:400:in `method_missing'' *** app/models/user_notifier.rb class UserNotifier < ActionMailer::Base def signup_notification(user) setup user subject ''Your new
2006 Sep 18
Mails aren't sent: 550 Administrative prohibition
Hi all I have two Rails applications, an older one and a recent one. I want to send mails with my recent app, so I just copied the following lines from the old app to the new''s environment.rb: ActionMailer::Base.server_settings = { :address => "", :port => 25, :domain => "", :authentication => :login, :user_name =>
2007 Dec 11
501 Syntax: HELO hostname - Mail problem
Hello... I am encountering a problem sending emails from Windows using an extermal smtp server. When attempting to send out the email, the following error is returned: 501 Syntax: HELO hostname I have checked the format of the emails, and they are ok. It seems it''s choking right at the begging of the connection to the smtp server, when my computer needs to identify itself by sending
2005 Dec 17
Rookie with ActionMailer
To start out I''ll say that this is the first thing that I''ve ever built that''s been intended to programmatically send email. I''m looking at examples in AWR and also on the wiki. I feel that I sort of have things set up right but I''m getting an error I can''t grok: Net::SMTPFatalError in Home#email_list 550 5.7.1 Unable to relay for
2008 Dec 07
Cannot get tlsmail working; Want Gmail as SMTP
This is killing me, folks. I have reviewed numerous examples and tried two different approaches to try and use Gmail (Google Apps account) as my application''s SMTP. Every time, both on my slicehost server and local dev machine (both Ubuntu Linux), my logs show no errors and I see a copy of the mail in my logs. Yet I never received a test email. I''ve tried both the
2005 Dec 15
Action Mailer - connection refused - connect(2)
hi: I am on Mac OSX 10.4 using locomotive. My ActionMailer configuration is ActionMailer::Base.delivery_method = :smtp # or :sendmail or test ActionMailer::Base.server_settings = { :address => "", :port => 25, :domain => "" } ActionMailer::Base.perform_deliveries = true
2007 Mar 03
configure actionmailer to recieve email on localhost?
hi, is there a way i can configure my localhost to receive email using smtp? i can out emails fine but now would like to test/get-to-know how to handle incoming emails. if on my localhost:3000, do i do anything like below? ActionMailer::Base.server_settings = { :address=>'''', # default: localhost :port=>''25'',
2006 Apr 01
problems getting ActionMailer working (on server)
Hi, I''ve read the Agile Rails book''s chapter on ActionMailer a few times. Seems pretty straight forward. Unfortunately I can''t get my application to actually send mail. I uploaded my application to the web server and tried to get a mail message sent. Nothing happened. I looked in the log file and it says Sent mail: From: To:
2006 Jul 27
sending emails
Hi, i am running a rails web application on freebsd. I am having troubles sending emails. i have this: ActionMailer::Base.server_settings = { :address => '''', :domain => '''', :port => 25, :user_name => ''user'', :password => ''password'', :authentication=>:login
2010 Mar 10
Email section
Sir , I want to implement email section in ma web application.. so i found the method ''server_setting'' for it... Following is the method: config.action_mailer.server_settings = { :address => "" , :port => 25, :domain => "" , :authentication => :login, :user_name => "manish" , :password =>
2006 Jul 11
smtp server
Hi, i am now in the process of building a newsletter system which will send out emails to users that have enlisted to a certain group; everything''s going fine, and i an towards the end of this the real part of the story kicks in, where i need to check to see if the thing is working or not. i have been looking over the development.log file, and i see that the emails