Displaying 20 results from an estimated 30000 matches similar to: "link_to pmultiple parameters"
2011 Jan 06
Link_to parameters
I would like to have a link_to automatically populate a field in the
form that it is linking to.
For example (excuse my silly words, im trying to make a point)
<%= link_to "Add a COOL Post", new_post_path, :howcoolisit => ''COOL''
<%= link_to "Add a NOTCOOL Post", new_post_path, :howcoolisit =>
''NOTCOOL'' %>
2012 Sep 13
Creating a link_to from a collection_select
I want to be able to change one attribute of a link_to to be what is the
current selection of the collection_select. And needless to say I can''t
quite figure it out.
Who would you like to assign this task to?<br />
<%= link_to ''Myself'', :controller => ''task_queues'', :task_id => @task.id,
:action =>
2011 Feb 12
link_to a action in the controlles is not called
i have a link where it has to call a method defin in todoscontroller
named say_when but show is called
<td><%= link_to ''Say when'', todo, :action => :say_when ,
:remote => true %></td>
class TodosController < ApplicationController
# GET /todos
# GET /todos.xml
def index
@todos = Todo.all
respond_to do |format|
format.html #
2011 Feb 20
Link_to frustration...help?
I have a resource ''users''. the index page has a ''link_to'' tag I
created on the line item level for a specific view. The link_to that
is frustrating me in particular says: <%= link_to ''View'', :controller
=> ''users'', :action => ''view'' %>
What''s happening is that it''s going to
2013 Jun 05
Link_to image_tag popup
Hello All,
How can I add a popup in link_to image_tag?
I am trying as :-
<%= link_to image_tag(@user.avatar.url(:small)), ''/users/edit'',
:popup=>[''original_image'', ''height=700,width=900''] %>
It goes to the edit page. But it doesn''t opens popup.
Is this the correct way to call a popup?
How can I achieve this?
2006 Jun 20
Invoking MouseOver using link_to tag ?
How can we trigger a JavaScript built in function from a <%= link_to %>
ie. i have the below statement in my view. I want to invoke a JavaScript
function on "MouseOver" of this below text (''TestingMouseOverEvents'').
<%= link_to "TestingMouseOverEvents" , :controller => "login", :action
=> "logout"%>
Note: The
2012 Oct 10
link_to with additional data
rails 3.2.8
I must be missing something basic (and it''s been driving me mad) because I
am trying to send one additional data attribute to my controller from a
link, but I can''t seem to get it into the params received by the controller.
I have looked around and found answers, but none seem to affect my links.
I''ve set up a dummy app with a home page and a single
2010 Apr 13
params[hash] and link_to.... easy question... but I am stupid :)
map.connect '':controller/:action/:id/:draw_id'', :controller =>
"admin", :action => "edit_position"
In a view I have:
<%= link_to "#{@draw.positions[0].team}", { :controller
=> :admin, :action => :edit_position,
=>@draw.positions[0].id, :draw_id =>
2010 Apr 23
link_to with resource routes in helper file?
Hey all!
Any pointers on doing something like:
link_to "Comments", comments_path
from within a helper file just like you can do from a view?
Thanks in advance!
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2012 Dec 08
link_to popup
Hello All,
I have a link. Which I want to open as a new window :-
<%= link_to "Google", "https://www.google.com", :popup =>
But it is opening in the same page....
Any suggestions how to do it ??
Even hover will be
2012 Feb 17
link_to param body
Hi everybody,
I''m developing an application, in this application I have a link that
redirects me to other page.
The problem is:
-I want to add some params to this url, but I wanna hide this params "Like
post request"(on the request body). How should I do it?
<%= link_to "New Post", new_post_path %>
Bruno Meira
You received this message because you are
2012 Aug 07
How do I force link_to/form helpers to use the superclass name in the path instead subclass?
I want my helpers to generate paths using a superclass instead of the
subclasses. Assuming I have Owner and Member that both inherit from User,
rails will use the current objects class name when generating paths:
Let''s say current_user is a mod: <%= link_to current_user.name,
current_user %> will generate "/mod/:id". I want to force it to generate
2009 Dec 28
How to get parameters to controller from view using <input tag?
Hello! I''m everywhere searching the answer for my question. How to get
parameters to controller from view using <input tag. But I want to do
this without db. I have the code:
class TranslateController < ApplicationController
def start
@time = Time.now
def result
@rez = params[:name]
<title> Translate numbers from 10 to
2010 May 22
Rails 3: link_to with "data-confirm"
has anyone experienced any problems with the new link_to and
data-confirm in Rails3? It seems when you create a link with instead of
link text, an image, the confirm message isn''t shown.
image_tag("delete.png", :alt =>
2012 Feb 29
how to use link_to with :remote=>true in rails 3.2.1
I m using Rails 3.2.1. how to use link_to with remote=>true
My Method in Controller
def clickme
@clk = "you click me"
respond_to do |format|
format.js { render :layout=>false }
My View
In my new.html.erb file
<%= link_to "click here",
2010 Jan 31
Action path - syntax error, unexpected tIDENTIFIER, expecting ')'
I have a user controller with login as action.
When I access the index.html.erb file via application.layout file. I get a
error on the login link on the index.html.erb page. I think I am having
dfifficulty in setting up path to an action or even understanding how to set
REST path properly. Can someone please help me.
Here is the error on the home page:
2012 Oct 23
SyntaxError in Posts#index ?
For some reason getting this... Any ideas?
Extracted source (around line *#13*):
10: <%= link_to "Show", post %> |
11: <span class="admin">
12: <%= link_to "Edit", edit_post_path(post) %> |
13: <%= link_to "Delete", post, method: :delete, data: {confirm: "Are you sure?"} %> |
14: </span>
2012 Oct 31
css background not showing
Hi all,
for some reason adding the following is doing nothing...
.post.hover {
background: FAFAFA;
I''ve got this in my posts.js coffee file
$ ->
$(''.post'').hover (event) ->
and my index is
<% @posts.each do |post| %>
<div class="post">
<strong><%= post.title %></strong>
2010 Nov 20
syntax error, unexpected tSTRING_BEG
Rails is throwing this error
C:/Ruby/Depot/app/views/products/index.html.erb:28: syntax error,
unexpected tSTRING_BEG, expecting keyword_do or ''{'' or ''(''
...er.privilege == 50 ? {link_to ''Show'', product} : ''a'' );@out...
in line
<%= current_user.privilege == 50 ? {link_to ''Show'', product} :
2010 Sep 07
Help on formatting some HAML
I wondered if anyone could help me with turning the following in ERB
into HAML. I''m VERY new with HAML:
<div class="block-element span-7 colborder">
<span class="rightside blue-hue no_decor"><%= link_to "New Order",
new_order_path, :remote => true %></span>
<h3>Today''s Activity</h3>