similar to: Pat Shaughnessy's Paperclit problem

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Pat Shaughnessy's Paperclit problem"

2009 Jan 07
how rails insert object id to database?
[4;35;1mUser Create (0.5ms) [0m [0mINSERT INTO `users` (`name`, `avatar_file_name`, `avatar_file_size`, `created_at`, `updated_at`, `avatar_content_type`) VALUES(''hello'', ''Screenshot.png'', 253800, ''2009-01-08 08:27:19'', ''2009-01-08 08:27:19'', ''image/png'') [0m [paperclip] Saving attachments. [paperclip]
2011 Aug 07
hello, i am trying to upload a image file ...using paperclip in rails 3 i did as follows 1. In gemfile => included gem paperclip 2.In config/environments /development.rb => Paperclip.options[:command_path] = "/usr/bin/" (convert path) 3.created a controller *picusers *and defined => def create @picuser = Picuser.create(params[:picuser]) end 4.created a model *picuser
2011 Aug 13
Paperclip - could not find generator.
Hello there, I installed plugin "paperclip" for working with images, but after running a command -- rails generate paperclip user avatar I am getting error -- Could not find generator paperclip. If I will try run a command -- bundle show paperclip So I will get -- /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/paperclip-2.3.0 In Gemfile I have -- gem "paperclip", "~> 2.3" I
2010 Sep 01
Faking Paperclip has_attached_file with Factory girl?
Hello! I wonder if it''s possible to simulate Paperclip''s has_attached_file with Factory Girl and then test it with Rspec. I don''t get it to work. My factories.rb file looks like this: Factory.define :user do |user| "Anders" "" user.password
2008 Sep 02
Attachment_fu, Paperclip, & S3
For various reasons, I made a git branch and installed Paperclip in place of attachment_fu. Paperclip works great except that images seem to have lost some quality; edges have gone a little too jaggy to be able to drop attachment_fu just yet. After a post on the Paperclip Google Group, someone suggested the :convert_options could be passed additional attributes, like ''quality'',
2010 Aug 07
Paperclip Trouble - Not Writing to the Database
Hello all, I''m a Rails newbie trying to get a basic implementation of Paperclip up but it''s giving me problems. I''m developing on Windows XP (I know...) with WEBrick and MySQL. In my model I have: class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_attached_file :avatar,:styles => { :medium => "300x300>", :thumb => "100x100>" }, :url =>
2009 Apr 08
Having issues with paperclip, S3, and Aptana Cloud
I''m using paperclip to allow users to upload an "avatar" (pretty standard). The problem is, it works just fine in development, but when I deploy the app, it will only upload the original image to S3, but not the resized images. I''ve looked all over, and I suspect it may be a problem with rmagick (although, I''m not sure about that), I checked the list and
2010 Jun 09
rails+sinatra sent image
Hi! I have simple rails application - users with name and avatar and in sinatra I want to create new user. form for new user <form action="/users/create" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post"> <p> <label for="name">Name: </label> <input type="text" id="name" name="user[name]" >
2009 Nov 02
*** Quick help with paperclip ***
Hi All, Someone reccomended using paperclip as a way to easily upload photos. Basically I want a quick and easy solution to allow users to add a profile picture. Anyway - I have followed the tutorial on here: I can add a file, but there isnt anywhere to upload it. I have followed the above tutorial word for word, but i dont
2009 Oct 08
Variable sizes with paperclip
How can i create variable sizes with paperclip. That the user can set the size he want and paperclip makes the picture. I only can create fixed sizes. -- Posted via
2008 Nov 28
Paperclip Plugin - Routing Error?
Hi- I am using the plugin "paperclip", this is my second time using it, the first time, I had no issues... This time, I added paperclip onto my model, no issues until I tried to render the images I uploaded. I see this in the development.log: ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches "/avatars/2/original/ DSCN2149.JPG" with {:method=>:get}): I didn''t
2009 Nov 27
Cucumber + Paperclip
Hello Friends, First time I am writing a scenario for uploading images. But some how things are not working as it should be The cucumber scenario is And I attach the file at "/home/user/Desktop/sdasd.png" to "avatar" And I press "Upload Logo" But I trace it. its showing up avatar_file_name: "sdasd.png", avatar_content_type:* "text/plain",*
2008 Dec 04
upload test images using rake with populator
I am wondering if it is possible to upload test images to the database along with the other fake user data. I am using populator along with faker for fake test data and it is working very well. I am able to do things like: User.populate 100 do |user| user.username = Faker::Name.first_name = end but I am wondering if theres a way to do
2010 Feb 15
Changing the :path and :url options of has_attached_file in paperclip
Hello, I am using the paperclip plugin to upload images and it works absolutely fine. I intend to save my uploaded images to C:\Application_name\public folder. Accordingly, with some study over the i-net, I changed the :path option of has_attached_file to - :path => "C:/Application_name/ public/:class/:attachment/:id/:style_:basename.:extension" Now, the files are being saved to
2008 Mar 20
Having trouble with a remote-crop-then-resize using attachment fu =(
Basically, I''m trying to crop multiple images out of a remote/original scene.. Think flickr ''tagging'', only, the pixs in the tagged boxes become their own unique images.. by way of simulating an upload from the controller using attachment fu.. can''t quite figure out the specific method in fu that would allow me to do this.. I''m so near the edge right
2011 Aug 23
Where is WillPaginate::Finders ???
Hi All! It''s been a while since I had to ask for help, but I''m back! I''ve finished beta testing my big app and started the transition to production. Everything went fine and the production version was working till I was asked to add another model :-( (Almost a year of beta testing and they only come up with it after moving to production :-D ) I successfully
2009 Jun 09
Rails Hosting for Newbies
Hello all. This is probably an unusual first-time post but here goes. First of all, I''m new to the worlds of both Ruby and Rails, so I don''t have a lot to give in the way of Ruby or Rails. . . yet. However, I am a long time coder and I hope to be able to contribute before long. In the meantime, I do have something to share with you today. It is a testimonial about something I
2008 Feb 01
Facebooker interfering with existing application
Hi! I have an existing application, basically a very simple Hobo app. It works... When I install the Facebooker plugin and create the facebooker.yml file (with valid or fake content, doesn''t matter), the original app starts behaving strangely. The controller and view logic keeps working, but several static files stop being served from http://localhost:3000/javascripts and start being
2013 Sep 19
Performance problem generating URL for thousands of images, due to hitting HDD for each one
Hi, I have a model where I''m using Carrierwave to let users upload their avatars. I have one version for the avatar, cropped to a square called "cropped". class User mount_uploader :avatar, AvatarUploader end class AvatarUploader < ImageUploader version :cropped do process :crop end end In one of my pages, where I''m listing a few thousand users,
2006 Mar 31
How to have a form within a form?
Say I am building a blogging platform, and I want to allow users to be able to add an avatar without leaving the page, when they''re writing a post. I need the avatar information to be included in the form for the post. So for example, after a user adds a new avatar while writing a new blog post, it would be available to be selected as the avatar to be used for that post. What is