similar to: Catching non-Merb::ControllerExceptions Exceptions

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "Catching non-Merb::ControllerExceptions Exceptions"

2007 Feb 07
Hi list: I started to make a quick GemPlugin command [ssl::start] that sets up an stunnel before calling the normal [start] command. so $ mongrel_rails ssl:start will do everything that start normally does and configure/setup an stunnel. The question... Obviously this plugin will require stunnel to be installed. What do you think is the best move: 1) nothing, just require that people
2007 Sep 22
skeleton and configs
Hi people, just thought I''d mumble out my thoughts on merb''s apps directory structure and config concepts and see what other people are feeling... the app dir: mvc/application is layed out as expected....maybe without the mailer by default (another discussion) the config dir: I really think that it''s confusing to have such a mixture of ways to configure some
2007 Nov 27
Expectations on Class Methods
Sorry about the non-specific subject. Here''s what I''m trying to do. I have a method: DataMapper::Database.setup That I want to create an expectation on. I wrote: DataMapper::Database.should_receive(:setup).once.and_return (connection_hash) The call to setup is invoked in the "Object" namespace. I.e., it is setup code, and not in any method or class. I can see
2007 Dec 12
Since there are so many efforts at the moment to port restful_authentication I figured I''d put a repo up so that it can be a collaborative effort. You can pick up a copy of the repo at git clone at the moment the app is in a branch. Not in the master. get the branch by git checkout -b remote/initial origin/inital_repo At the moment
2007 Sep 21
merb 0.4.0 - redirect problems
I had redirects working just the other day... before I upgraded to the latest release. Can somebody please chime in as to why this simple redirect is throwing an error? Controller: ----------------------- def do redirect "" end Error Output: ------------------------- Internal server error 500 uninitialized constant Merb::ControllerMixin::MovedTemporarily in
2011 Mar 18
Controller Spec & DataMapper Chaining
Hi there, I''m fairly new to RSpec, and DataMapper and I''m trying to write a controller spec for an index action that will include DM query chaining. Here is a very simplified version of the Controller#index I''m working on def index @widgets = Widget.all(:order => [ :name.asc ]) if params[:alpha] @widgets = @widgets.by_alpha(params[:alpha]) elsif
2012 Jul 24
Behavior of first_or_create
I just ran across a weird glitch (IMHO) in find_or_create. The arguments passed to it are *not* added to the conditions for the ''first'' part. This is odd, given that it''s intended to replace find_or_create_by_* methods, which *did* use the specified values as conditions. I''m unsure on whether this behavior is entirely undesirable, but it''s definitely
2007 Nov 15
Ferret/AAF Stability?
Hello. I''m the author of DataMapper (, and am trying to choose what Full-Text-Indexing engine/plugin I want to include by default. I was hoping you guys could help. :-) Sphinx comes highly recommended, but without live index updates, it just doesn''t seem practical for most of my work. I''m most experienced with Solr, but the whole HTTP::Request and
2007 Oct 13
Formatted Routes?
Is anyone using formats with the url generator in trunk? I can''t figure it out and it seems to be unimplemented in the router code. I want to do something like url(:articles, :format => "xml") # => /articles.xml or url(:formatted_articles, :format => "xml") -- Geoffrey Grosenbach ........................ PeepCode Screencasts
2007 Nov 07
merb/sequel mutex on or off? proxy_balancer or no?
Just a quick question to those of you using merb and sequel or datamapper. How do you setup your merb app? For example: merb -X off -c 5, then run mod_proxy_balancer or nginx to load balance between the 5 (or whatever #) of merb nodes? merb -X off -d, then simply use something like proxypass merb -c 5, keep the mutex lock and cluster it haproxy, swiftiply, evented mongrel...... What
2011 Dec 23
Datamapper problem "no such table"
Hi, this code used to work, but for some reason it won''t now: [... load models] DataMapper.setup(:default, "mysql://") DataMapper.setup(:lite, "sqlite3:///home/tigre/cm.sqlite") DataMapper.finalize DataMapper.repository(:lite).auto_migrate! DataMapper.repository(:lite) do w = =>
2010 Nov 08
Rails3: "rake test" task does not run tests.
Hello all, I have a spiffy new rails3 app for which I can run tests individually, but not via rake. Behold! > $ ruby -Itest test/unit/test_user.rb > Loaded suite test/unit/test_user > Started > . > Finished in 0.466033 seconds. > > 1 tests, 1 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips > > Test run options: --seed 21789 and > $ rake test:units --trace > (in
2011 Feb 05
ActiveModel::AttributeMethods limiting
In my attempt to add AM:Dirty to my model I realized that AM#AttributeMethods is a bit imperfect. It''s impossible to generate attribute methods step-by-step in DataMapper-like manner. class Model include ActiveModel::Dirty def, klass = String) define_property_accessors(name, klass) # This method will be called once, because of
2009 Mar 31
Error: undefined method ''calc_min'' for #<Wx::IdleEvent>
Hi, I occasionally had the following error when application in idle state. Error: undefined method ''calc_min'' for #<Wx::IdleEvent:0xb115e44> OS: WXMSW Ruby Version: 1.8.6 wxRuby 2.0.0 Backtrace: (eval):154:in `calc_min'' (eval):154:in `layout'' (eval):154:in `process_event'' (eval):154:in `on_run'' (eval):154:in
2007 Mar 13
Getting Started without Rails
Hi, everyone. I am in the process of learning Ruby. I''ve concluded that there are couple of quirks with mod_ruby that are limiting me a fair bit, so I''m looking for an alternative. From what I''ve read, Mongrel is The Answer. However, this has left me with a few questions. I''m looking for some help getting a non-rails Mongrel started... I can''t
2015 Apr 22
distribucion de IRWIN HALL
.... Un código más optimizado para la aproximación Monte Carlo de la distribución de IH N=10000 # tamaño simulación Monte Carlo n=5 # numero de uniformes cdf.IH <-function(x,n,N) { z=replicate(N,sum(runif(n))) apply(outer(x,z,">="),1,mean) } x=seq(0,5,.1) y=cdf.IH(x,n=n,N=N) plot(x,y,type="l") Un saludo. Olivier ----- Mensaje original ----- De:
2012 Oct 24
RoR Developer (Full Time, Salary)
We are an established and profitable technology company, making software in the fast-growing medical marijuana industry. Although it would help, you do not need to be involved in the medical marijuana industry to apply. We work out of an office near the Denver Tech Center (Hampden & Yosemite). Day to day, we use Rails 3.2, Ruby 1.9.3/1.9.2, JavaScript (CoffeeScript), MySQL, and Git (Github).
2015 Apr 21
distribucion de IRWIN HALL
estimados estoy considerando programar la funcion de distribucion de Irwin hall. lamentablemente no he tenido exito, pido que alguien me pueda colaborar con aquello, les quedo agradecido de antemano. -- atte. Lic. Genaro Llusco Silvestre gellusco en Telf: 74028671 blog personal es: [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Sep 09
R2WinBugs problem
I'm having difficulty running R2WinBugs on a setup that previously worked for me (Dell Laptop, Windows XP service pack 3, R 2.11.1, WinBugs 1.43) . When I issue the following command smds.sim <- bugs (data, inits, parameters, "SMDSbrandLoc2.bug", debug = T, n.thin = n.thin, n.chains = n.chains, n.burnin = n.burnin, n.iter = n.iter) I get the following error in R
2007 Oct 15
18 - Mockups
There''s been some discussion on the IRC channel about getting a site for Merb going. Since the culture around the project is pretty casual, I figured I''d just throw a few ideas together, see what you guys think. So, firstly here are three example pages, just to show off the general look and feel.