similar to: validation problems

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "validation problems"

2007 Jan 18
Conditional validates_inclusion_of execution problem
All, I have a field that I''m validating with validates_numericality_of on as well as validates_inclusion_of, like so: validates_numericality_of :number_of_owners, :only_integer => true, :message => ''must be a whole number'' validates_inclusion_of :number_of_owners, :in => 1..3,
2011 Jun 19
validates_numercality_of with allow_nil.
In the model I have: validates :square_meters_public_land, :barrier_meters, :numericality => { :greater_than_or_equal_to => 0 }, :allow_nil => true but if, in the field, on create, I don''t insert a value I have the error "field is not a number". -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To
2006 May 31
ActiveRecord: When / where to validate data? Tricky question
First of all, thanks for you time. I have kind of a tricky question and wanted to see what you guys thought. ------------------------------------------- Lets say I have this: ------------------------------------------- class Purchase < ActiveRecord::Base validates_numericality_of :some_number, :only_integer => true end ------------------------------------------- Then I do this:
2010 Aug 18
error_messages_for doesn't work
I''m having a problem, ''cause I wrote the following line in my model "Hi": [code] validates_numericality_of :phone, :only_integer => true, :allow_blank => false, :message => "must be a number" [/code] And in my "new" view, I put: [code] <%= error_messages_for :oi, :header_message => "Erro ao cadastrar
2006 Jul 05
Serialized object behaves weird
Hi! I got a class named EinsatzFilter which I serialized to session. Before saving to session it works afterwards I keep getting the message: "undefined method `to_s'' for #<Person:0x38c6ab8>". "Person" is a from ActiveRecord::Base inherited class. Code: class EinsatzFilter include ApplicationHelper attr_reader :personen, :monat, :projekte, :kunde
2006 Jun 19
newbie validation
hi there. Here is the simple scenario: My active record connects to a table that contains an integer field. My form contains a text box that allows me to enter a value to get updated to the integer field. If anything gets entered that is anything other than a POSITIVE INTEGER, I want to display an error. I have noticed that if I create a new active record like @record =
2008 May 17
validates_numericality_of with greater_than* less_than* simply don't work
It seems that the validations for: greater_than greater_than_or_equal_to less_than less_than_or_equal_to equal_to odd even Simply do not work (Rails 2.0.2). I''ve tried every combination I can think of and these never seem to fire. --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails:
2007 May 01
Problem validating boolean
Hi I''ve got a problem validating a boolean and I can''t see what the problem is. Here''s my model: class FinanceAgreement < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :asset validates_presence_of :finance_company validates_inclusion_of :balance, :in => 0.01..10_000_000 validates_inclusion_of :term, :in => 1..600 validates_numericality_of
2006 Jun 28
how do I validate currency format if I am storing in cents?
Hi all - To avoid floating point issues, I''ve decided to store monetary values in cents in the database. However, the user will enter these in dollars and cents. Two questions: 1) How do I do the validation for the currency format? It looks like ActiveRecord truncates the cents since it thinks the field type is a Fixnum. Am I forced to do validation in the controller? 2) Where
2006 Jun 07
Setter that converts a float attribute to integer
Hi, I have some problems with an application where I''m using custom accessors to do currency conversions. In my model, I have a price attribute in the database that stores the value in cents, to avoid future problems with float arithmetic and round. But at the views, I would like to show the price in euros, with decimal for the cents. So I defined a new attribute called price_in_euros,
2006 Aug 14
What fields_for really for?
Hello everyone! I have 3 models: === 1 === class Region < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :districts end === 2 === class District < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :region has_many :suburbs end === 3 === class Suburb < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :district validates_numericality_of :region_id, :only_integer => true end In edit.rhtml for SuburbController I need to specify
2006 Jun 07
Problem with a setter that converts euros to cents
Hi, I have some problems with an application where I''m using custom accessors to do currency conversions. In my model, I have a price attribute in the database that stores the value in cents, to avoid future problems with float arithmetic and round. But at the views, I would like to show the price in euros, with decimal for the cents. So I defined a new attribute called price_in_euros,
2006 Dec 06
validates_uniqueness_of where scope euqals created_by "magic" field
I have the following ActiveRecord objects: class Recipe < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :ratings, :dependent => true . . . end class Rating < ActiveRecord::Base validates_uniqueness_of :created_by, :scope => :recipe_id belongs_to :recipe, :counter_cache => true . . . end The created_by field on Rating is implemented as a "magic" field similar to this:
2007 May 05
have_one and have_present
>Comment By: Luis Lavena (luislavena) > Date: 2007-05-04 23:37 > describe "An Asset" do > before(:each) do > @asset = > end > > it { @asset.should have_one(:attachment) } > it { @asset.should have_present(:something) } > end Food for thought on these. I like have_one a lot. It speaks to me as a Rails developer and I think it speaks to
2008 Jun 13
Rubyscript2exe undefined ''run'' method
After I ran my program through Rubyscript2exe, the Random.exe file that it created is causing the following error: D:\Ruby projects>random.exe C:\DOCUME~1\JEDELS~1\eee\eee.Random.exe.2\app\Random.rb:59: undefined method ''ru n'' for Wxruby2::App (NoMethodError) from C:\DOCUME~1\JEDELS~1\eee\eee.Random.exe.2\bootstrap.rb:77:in `load'' from
2006 Jun 13
model validation across multiple views
I have a rather complex object with a number of attributes. For a variety of reasons, I would like one view to create the object with only a couple of fields completed, then a second and third view to finish all the fields. I would like the model to validate_presence_of all these fields, since eventually I need them all there, and I would like each page to validate its portion of the fields that
2008 Apr 04
validates_numericality_of :not_equal_to
I have a situation in which I want to validate a number is not zero. Both positive and negative values are acceptable, just not zero. validates_numericality_of has an :equal_to attribute, but I don''t see a :not_equal_to. I have not yet been able to find anyone who has discussed this. I did find information about custom validators, so I am now using a custom validator to check the field
2010 Jun 15
Allow blank on should validate_uniqueness_of
Hello, Using shoulda, any ideas how to allow blank when having this test: should validate_uniqueness_of(:email) Thanks. -- J. Pablo Fernández <> ( -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to
2007 Dec 27
validates_file_format_of only when is there an image
i have a model with this: file_column :image validates_file_format_of :image, :in => ["gif", "png", "jpg"] If inthe form the user not insert the image i receive an error. If i remove: validates_file_format_of :image, :in => ["gif", "png", "jpg"] it works. Is possible do the validation only when user insert the image in form? i
2013 Apr 03
validates uniqueness scope allow_blank/allow_nil -> validation error
I have this in a model: class GenreBadge < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :game, counter_cache: :genre_badges_count, touch: true belongs_to :genre validates :game_id, uniqueness: {scope: :genre_id}, allow_blank: true end When I get one existing genre badge genre_badge = game.genre_badges.first genre_badge.game_id = nil! It creates an validation exception: