similar to: stability

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "stability"

2006 Oct 22
GzipFilter gemplugin now available
This GemPlugin will gzip your HTTP responses from mongrel if the client says that it supports it (eg, most modern browsers). I''ve tested it in IE6, Firefox 1.5 and Firefox 2.0RC3 Install: gem install gzip_filter --source Configure (assuming rails): cd RAILS_ROOT echo ''uri "/", :handler => plugin("/handlers/gzipfilter")''
2007 Mar 12
need help writing a plugin
Hi, I''m halfway developing a tiny plugin that allows people to scrub flash video files. I''ve got my plugin setup to monitor a directory /movies. Whenever a .flv file is requested within that directory, some stuff should happen, if not, the request should be processed as usual. I don''t know how to do the latter.. require ''mongrel'' require
2006 Oct 25
rails app breaks after pg restart
Hi, Disclaimer: I''m pretty sure this isn''t a mongrel issue, as I''m pretty sure I had the same problem back in the lighty-fastcgi days.. After a postgres restart, my rails apps crash with this error: ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (PGError: FATAL: terminating connection due to a dministrator command server closed the connection unexpectedly This probably
2006 Sep 04
A couple of questions please: What is the benefit of having more than one Mongrel/Rails instance on the same machine, could one instance not serve as many requests as say three instances? Is Mongrel Cluster a Apache add-in (like mod_*) or a separately running load balancer which runs on a separate port, I could not work it out from the sample Apache config... |# Redirect all non-static
2006 Feb 09
breakpointer error
Hi, I can''t get breakpointer to work on locomotive. Pretty sure it used to work... Any ideas?? Jeroen jeroen$ ruby script/breakpointer /Applications/Locomotive/Bundles/rails-1.0.0-max.bundle/Contents/Resources/ports/lib/ruby/1.8/drb/drb.rb:828:in `getaddrinfo'': getaddrinfo: No address associated with nodename (SocketError) from
2007 Mar 07
Memory Leaks with Rails 1.2?
I''ve been getting a bunch of reports about the latest Rails "leaking" memory more than before. Please fill out this survey: 1) Have you noticed an increase in memory usage with the latest Rails 1.2? 2) Have you changed anything else in your application? a) No, really, don''t be a dumbass like the lusers you hate. Go look at your svn logs and really figure out if
2007 Dec 17
Change in isolation behaviour 1.08 - 1.10 ?
Hi, I just moved from 1.08 to 1.10 and now have one example failing, which, under 1.08, passed. Is the due to a change in behaviour? Here''s my spec (removed some passing examples) require File.dirname(__FILE__) + ''/../spec_helper'' describe "A user" do before(:each) do @user = @valid_user = :email =>
2006 Mar 30
ActiveRecord 1.13.2 -> 1.14.0 breaks Postgres connectivity
To Whom It May Concern: I have an ActiveRecord-based application (non-Rails). Life was grand until I upgraded ActiveRecord yesterday, after which point I was getting TONNES of these errors from my app and in PostgreSQL''s logs: FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command According to Google searching, this happens when an external process sends PostgreSQL SIGINT or
2006 Feb 01
how to create a command line script that acts on a model?
Hi, I''m looking to create a ruby script that loads a bunch of records and manipulates these. Where do I start? I got this to begin with: #!/usr/bin/env ruby require File.dirname(__FILE__) + ''/../config/boot'' players = Player.find :all But it complains about a DB connection. How do I set this up? Jeroen
2006 Apr 02
12 / 16 = 0
Hi, Just thought it was weird that Ruby doesn''t automatically cast ints to floats. Seems so un-rubyish irb(main):006:0> 12/16 => 0 irb(main):007:0> 12.to_f / 16.to_f => 0.75 Jeroen
2005 Oct 17
Using active record for SELECT MAX(column) FROM ...
Hi, Is there an easy way of querying an active record for a maximum column value? I need to do queries like: SELECT MAX(salary) FROM employees TIA, Jeroen
2006 Feb 13
file_column: uninitialized constant Magick
I am getting this following error when using file_column with RMagick: uninitialized constant Magick /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-1.2.5/lib/ active_support/dependencies.rb:200:in `const_missing'' ./script/../config/../vendor/plugins/rails_file_column/plugins/ file_column/branches/kyle/lib/file_column.rb:621:in `file_column''
2006 Sep 03
first request always fails
Hi, Whenever I restart mongrel on my production server, the first request in my browser always fails, I get this error: Processing Base#index (for 83.xx.xx.xx at 2006-09-03 16:08:47) [GET] Session ID: f1918346d193e19a70c3230286e5ce1a Parameters: {} TypeError (superclass mismatch for class Stats): /app/models/stats.rb:1 stats.rb:1 just contains a normal A/R line: class Stats <
2006 Feb 03
File_column and rmagick options
Hi, Currently I''m using the file_column plugin to upload images and save multiple copies of each at 3 different resoltions: file_column :name, :magick => { :versions => { "thumb96" => "96x150>", "medium250" => "250x400>", "large480" => "480X640>" } } I am wondering if
2005 Nov 27
OT: good admin gui postgresql on OSX?
Hi, I recently bought by first Mac and I''m looking for some alternatives for my windows applications. Does anybody know a decent gui admin app for postgresql? On windows I use postgresql manager: I find this a very good piece of software and it''s free, even though I paid a little for some extra features. I''d
2006 May 07
file_column problem - uninitialized constant Magick
Hi, I''m on Windows and getting the following error while trying to use file_column with RMagick, uninitialized constant Magick C:/INSTAN~1.0/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-1.3.1/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:123:in `const_missing'' #{RAILS_ROOT}/vendor/plugins/file_column/branches/kyle/lib/file_column.rb:621:in `file_column'' I installed file_column by
2005 Dec 19
RMagick Resizing Issue
Hello ~ I have RMagick and file_column working in RoR. In my model I am setting up some standard sizes for the submitted photos. The photo files are created and named correctly, but the sizes are wrong. Only the second argument of my geometry call is used, with the width dimension being resized proportionately. file_column :image, :magick => { :versions => { "medium" =>
2005 Dec 31
How might I use file_column for incoming email attachments?
I''m writing a ''Mailman'' model that catches emails sent to my application (kind of like backpack, I think). The trouble is that I''d like to save image attachments in the same was that file_column saves them--in fact, I''d really like to use a simple assignment like photo.image = attachment to save the image in its proper place. However,
2005 Dec 18
calculate age based on DoB
Hi, I wrote a little helper that calulates someone''s age based on his/her date of birth. def age(dob) diff = - dob age = (diff / 365.25).floor age.to_s end It works fine, but it''s not completely accurate as it just takes the average days in a year. It should be able to calculate this more accurately, right? I can''t work it out
2005 Nov 16
controller before_filter issues
Hi, Some controller filters: before_filter :require_logged_in, :only => [:create, :new, :confirm] before_filter :init_players, :only => [:create, :new, :confirm] The first one, you guessed it, redirects a user if he''s not logged in. Now when I hit this page and I''m not logged in, the 2nd filter gets executed and throws an error, because it depends on the user