similar to: flyerhzm-metric_fu = metric_fu + rails_best_practices

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 70000 matches similar to: "flyerhzm-metric_fu = metric_fu + rails_best_practices"

2010 Aug 16
rails_best_practices gem 0.4.0 released
Hi, I have released rails_best_practices 0.4.0, rails_best_practices is a code metric tool for rails codes, from 0.4.0, it can check the rails3 codes better. The project repository is here: In addition, if you want to add your rails best practices into the gem, please post your best practices on -- Best regards,
2011 Feb 19
undefined method `map' for nil:NilClass for rails 2.3.2
Hai guys! When i try to do rake gems:install and rake gems:refresh_specs in my app below error is occurred. please give some solution for this. config.gem: Unpacked gem authlogic-2.1.3 in vendor/gems has no specification file. Run ''rake gems:refresh_specs'' to fix this. rake aborted! undefined method `map'' for nil:NilClass enivorment.rb RAILS_GEM_VERSION =
2012 May 22
1, an online service to find security issues in your rails projects
Hi, I just released, it is an online service to find security issues in your rails projects, it works based on Justin''s great gem brakeman <>. Rails developers always write code fast, but sometimes they leave some security issues in their rails project. Do you still remember mass assignment issues from github? Using
2013 Feb 01
watch ruby/rails conferences' videos and slides on your iphone/ipad
Hi guys, There are many ruby / rails conferences every year, like RubyConf, RailsConf and JRubyConf, a lot of great sessions. I built an ios app named ConferencesBox<>, which collects ruby and rails conferences'' videos and slides, so that you can watch them on your iphone or ipad, try it
2009 Sep 13
regrex_crawler -- a crawler which uses regular expression to catch data from website
RegexpCrawler is a crawler which uses regular expression to catch data from website. It is easy to use and less code if you are familiar with regular expression. The project site is: I give an example: a script to synchronize your github projects except fork projects, , please check example/github_projects.rb require ''rubygems''
2010 Aug 22
Ask for best practices on
Hi added a new feature, asking for best practices, it allows users to ask for a best practice about any rails related work, such as "How to detect N+1 queries?" and "How to upload a large file with progress bar?". Then everyone can post your answer with your own best practice solution to the questions. Check it
2008 Sep 19
metric_fu for use in cc.rb
Hi all, I looked on the mailing list for metric_fu, but didn''t find it -- so at the risk of being redundant, it looks really useful. "Metric_fu is a set of rake tasks that make it easy to generate metrics reports. It uses Saikuro <>, Flog<>, Rcov <>,
2011 Mar 27
replacement for functionality from acts_as_textiled
Our app is on Rails 2.1.0 and has a couple of fields used for job descriptions. These fields use textile codes for bold, italic, underline, etc... From what I understand this is provided by RedCloth and acts_as_textiled. I have been investigating and find acts_as_textiled ( is no longer maintained, and although forked into another gem (https://
2011 May 28
How to use an ActiveRecord plugin in a non-Rails project
I''m using ActiveRecord on a Sinatra app. I need one of my tables to be sorted, so I''m using acts_as_list ( However, it isn''t a gem, so I don''t know how to get it to work with Bundler. Currently, I just cloned the source into a dir named "vendor". This works, but when I search my code, it keeps including
2010 Nov 24
Rails Best Practice - NestedIterators
Hello everyone, Metric_fu is informing me of some nested iterators, and I was hoping to gather some advice on how to refactor this method to make it more correct. Hopefully this will assist me in refactoring many other methods! Code is here: Any thoughts on this? Thank you in advance! Andrew Davis -- Posted via --
2009 Sep 15
how to run all tests AND metric_fu
i want to use cruisecontrol.rb to run ?rake test? (every time a new revision is in the svn repo) and ?rake metrics:all? (let?s say every 24 hours). how do i have to configure cruisecontrol.rb? both rake tasks work. however, when i configure cruisecontrol.rb as described on the metric_fu website, i.e. add ''project.rake_task = ?metrics:all? project.scheduler.polling_interval =
2009 Sep 30
A rails plugin to generate css sprite image automatically
Hi guys, I have written a rails plugin/gem to generate css sprite image automatically. The project repository is here: It is based on RMagick and you need only define a rule from what source images to a destination image, as follows: forum_icon_vertical.gif: # destination image file sources: # source image file list - good_topic.gif
2011 Apr 18
Problem with resque; parent process doesn't die
I am facing problem in resque process. I have following implementation: /config/resque_schedule.yml add_jobs_to_queue: cron: "15 * * * *" class: FooJob description: "Find results from class Bar and put on queue" /app/jobs/foo_job.rb class FooJob @queue = :normal def self.perform Bar.add_jobs end end app/models/bar.rb class Bar def self.add_jobs
2013 Feb 17
Where do Gems Live (e.g. CKEditor)
I''m a Rails newbie and I have added the CKEditor Gem which is working okay. To configure the gem though, you have to edit the config file, which is also working when I do that. However, when I push to github and pull to my other computer, the config file is not changed. This lead me to the following broader question: when you use a gem, where does the code go and how can you make sure it
2010 Aug 14
gem install bundler works, gem bundle doesn't?
This is probably a simple user error, but why doesn''t "gem bundle" work after "gem install bundler"? ===== bash$ gem install bundler Successfully installed bundler-0.9.26 1 gem installed Installing ri documentation for bundler-0.9.26... Installing RDoc documentation for bundler-0.9.26... bash$ gem bundle ERROR: While executing gem ... (RuntimeError) Unknown
2010 May 14
marnen-foreigner 0.5.2: MS SQL Server 2005 support
Hi everyone! I''m delighted to announce the release of marnen-foreigner 0.5.2. This is my fork of matthuhiggins-foreigner 0.5.0, and adds MS SQL Server 2005 foreign key constraint support to the MySQL and PostgreSQL support that was already in the gem. This is my first public gem release, and I''d welcome nitpicks and contributions. Source is available at
2013 Jan 03
Trying to add bootstrap to existing project, getting CSS compile error: missing file
Trying to add bootstrap to an app being ported to Rails 3.2.3. I get the following error: Error compiling asset application.css: Sass::SyntaxError: File to import not found or unreadable: bootstrap. Here''s my gem file: source '''' gem ''rails'', ''3.2.9'' group :assets do gem ''sass-rails'',
2010 Mar 24
server wont start
In my command line I type script/server and I get the following error below: /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:826:in `report_activate_error'': RubyGem version error: rack(0.9.1 not ~> 1.0.1) (Gem::LoadError) from /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:260:in `activate'' from /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:67:in `gem'' from
2011 Nov 21
uninitialized constant Sass::Script::Functions::EvaluationContext
Hi, after deploying a bunch of modifications to my web app... I get the error attached trying to load the page (see attached file). This is my environment.rb file: config.gem ''warden'' config.gem ''devise'', "~> 1.0.9" config.gem "role_model" config.gem "formtastic", :version => "~> 0.9.10" config.gem
2013 Mar 20
Problem With Unicorn
Hello All, I deployed my application in the local server and i''m using unicorn and nginx. I tried to run ''bundle exec unicorn_rails'' but it is showing ''ERROR: Gem bundler is not installed, run `gem install bundler` first.''. even if I run gem install bundler the bundler getting installed, But it is showing the same error again i.e. Gem bundler is not