similar to: Where should I store private/restricted files?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 30000 matches similar to: "Where should I store private/restricted files?"

2012 Aug 18
Paperclip images are not stored in my directory
It is my User.rb model, My images are not stored in my assets directory.. has_attached_file :photo, :styles => { :small => "100x100#", :large => "500x500>", :thumb => "60x60>" }, :url => "/assets/users/:id/:style/:basename.:extension", :path =>
2010 Dec 09
Where is my file?
I have a file whose name is f:\Ralph-Rails-Apps\myproject\public\documentation\marketing\myproject-Upgrade-and-Update-Policy.htm on my Windows machine I have attempted to open this file (which I know exists) in my controller using a variety of names to no avail. /public/documentation/marketing/myproject-Upgrade-and-Update-Policy.htm
2009 Dec 12
how to print out content of stylesheets in <style> tag via stylesheet_link_tag
Hi! I''m developing facebook apps with ruby on rails. My connection is really slow. The stylesheets do not load mosts of the time. So i want to print out the content of my .css-files in <style> Tags. Is this possibe with some parameter to the stylesheet_link_tag or an other tag? Greetings from Germany Klaus -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
2010 Feb 15
help on how append html tag
Dear all, @doc = Hpricot(open("#{RAILS_ROOT}" + "/public/server_exe/#{list.file_path}")) i need to add <img src = "/ScreenCapture/#{@file_name}"/> element to my @doc hpricot instance.. Please help me... how can i add the above img src element to the @doc hpricot instance.. Thank you -- Posted via -- You received this message
2010 Feb 03
Add multiple objects at once
Hi, I am new to Ruby and rails in general. As of now, I just have a create method in my controller which creates only one user. I want to add multiple users at once in a views. For example, I should be able to have 5 user rows in one page and the admin can create any number of users (from 1 to 5). While creating a user, the admin should be able to add in the attributes pertaining to that user
2011 May 19
Module in Rails
Hi, I want to use module in Rails 3 I have module in /lib directory. file name: my_module.rb Code of Module: module MyModule def self.my_method loop do puts "I am started!!!" sleep 2 end end end Now, I want to use this module in my rb file resides in app_root/daemon directory named myserver.rb How can i use that? -- You received this message
2006 Sep 11
H o t stcok al ert. This one is still climbling the stcok ch arts al ert Breaking markket news report - TQW W. P K Lookup: T QWW. P K CCompany Name: Tyalor Aquapoincs Wordlwide, Inc. Recently tradiing for: 0.40 6 Week Target: 1.25 6 Month Target: 4.97 Rating: Immediate bu y Expected: Steadily climb for the top Our featured commpany T QWW is a ?Big Fish? in what so far has been a little
2013 Oct 10
What's the best way to approach reading and parse large XLSX files?
Hello, I''m developing an app that basically, receives a 10MB or less XLSX files with +30000 rows or so, and another XLSX file with about 200rows, I have to read one row of the smallest file, look it up on the largest file and write data from both files to a new one. I just did a test reading a few rows from the largest file using ROO (Spreadsheet doesn''t support XSLX and
2011 Aug 03
Malformed CSV Error
Hello, I am getting error :- #<CSV::MalformedCSVError: Unclosed quoted field on line 1892.>. I have following code :- -------------------------------------------------- @parsed_file ="#{RAILS_ROOT}/private/sales_report_files/#{@file_folder}/#{@sub_file_folder}/#{@file_name.filename}",''r'',:col_sep =>?\t) @parsed_file.each_with_index do |row, index|
2010 Jul 12
Having problem with ckeditor rubygem
I''ve installed the ckeditor gem. I''m running rails 2.8.3 and have followed the steps in the README file for the gem. Everything seems to run without error through the <%= javascript_include_tag :ckeditor %> - except that to make it work I have to replace :ckeditor with "ckeditor". When I try to use the helper: <%= ckeditor_textarea("object",
2010 Nov 15
How to add an exe to Rails app
I have been hacking around with this for a bit but want to see if there is an easy way: I am using Heroku and I have the wkhtmltopdf static binary in: rails_root/vendor/wkhtmltopdf I am not using any plug ins for wkhtmltopdf, just the executable, on purpose and want to keep it this way. My code wants to execute wkhtmltopdf: # tell wkhtmltopdf to convert html file to pdf
2009 Nov 27
attr_accessible & attr_accessor - what's the difference?
i''m still new to rails and working on digesting everything i come across. recently i came across these two. what is the difference between attr_accessor and attr_accessible? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to
2010 Oct 24
Re: [Rails-core] Re: (Unable to start rails application) ruby scipt/server error
Rails application which i create manually like rails new blog and the content of the file "blog/config/boot.rb" are require ''rubygems'' # Set up gems listed in the Gemfile. gemfile = File.expand_path(''../../Gemfile'', __FILE__) begin ENV[''BUNDLE_GEMFILE''] = gemfile require
2010 Aug 08
paperclip save to disk and s3
I have a standard Paperclip setup that saves a file to my disk. In addition I would also like the file saved to my amazon s3 bucket. [code] after_save :copy_to_s3 def copy_to_s3 has_attached_file :photo, :storage => :s3, :s3_credentials => "#{RAILS_ROOT}/config/s3.yml", :styles => { :thumb => "100x100#", :small => "750x750>"
2006 Jan 11
stack level too deep problem
Hi all, I''m trying to overload the link_to function, (to disable link_to if the user has no access right) this is my code, it work the first time I run the application, the second time I refresh the page I always get "stack level too deep error" module UsersHelper include ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper alias_method :link_to_original, :link_to def permission? true
2010 Feb 14
paperclip is making me crazy
seems pretty simple, my model... has_attached_file :pic_1, :styles => { :thumb => "120x90" }, :url => "/:attachment/:id_:style.:extension", :path => ":rails_root/public/system/:attachment/:id_:style.:extension" my view... <% form_tag(:action => ''create'', :html => { :multipart => true }) do -%> <label
2011 Jun 01
missing these required gems: will_paginate
Hi EveryBody, I hope some one help me. I am new on ROR so might be problem is silly or Obvious. i had developed a project and i had use "WILL_PAGINATE" plugin in my app. It''s working well at localhost. But when deploying on HEROKU, ALL step is going well but when running $heroku rake db:migrate ERROR IS Missing these required gems: will_paginate You''re
2010 Jan 03
Problem with downloading a generated Excel sheet
Hello, I''m using the spreadsheet/excel gem to generate an excel sheet that I want user to be able to download it once it''s generated. Please take a look on the below code: @contacts=Contact.find(:all) if @contacts.size>0 file="#{}_Report.xls""#{RAILS_ROOT}/public/reports/#{file}")
2012 May 03
Hosting application on private network.
Hi, I have a Ruby on Rails application. I am able to run it in my local system using Apache2 server. I would like to host my application so that all the systems in the private network should be able to access the web-application. My system private-ip is Please help me what all configurations do I need to do. Thank you Ajit -- Posted via
2010 Mar 05
WEBrick 500 error only with https
I have an application i''m installing on my application server. I''ve been using WEBrick and for now i''d like to just keep using it working in prototype development mode. This works fine on my development machine using both http and https, where the host is ''localhost'' (ports 3000,3001). It also works fine on the application server http port 3000. The