similar to: Dynamic Paths

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "Dynamic Paths"

2010 Apr 02
App_Controller and partial issues with has_many through
I have a User model, a Post model, and an Interest model: User has_many posts through interests User has_many interests, dependent destroy Post has_many users through interests has_many interests, dependent destroy Post has_many interests Interest belongs to Post Interest belongs to User Application_Controller is as follows: class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base before_filter
2006 Jul 04
writing to many_to_many table
I have three tables. users, posts, users_posts. This last one is to mark a post as read. How do I write to the users_post table? Here''s what I have: In model ''User_Post'' belongs_to :post belongs_to :user In post/view/show: <%= link_to "Mark As Read", :controller => ''post'', :action => ''post_read'', :user =>
2006 Jun 08
Displaying Calculation on Index
Hi, I am trying to create a simple point system and display the total on my index page. So I have my db basically setup like this: Posts id, body, created_at, user_id Post_points id, post_id, user_id, created_at, value So as you can see I am allowing other users to create points on the post and my db will store who gave the point as well. "value" is the point value which can
2009 Apr 15
Getting Started with Rails - post_comment_url
Hi, Thanks for a wonderful Getting Started with Rails. I am up to the last section and just added the comments part. So while testing and looking over comments_controller.rb; I see the reference to post_comment_url calll where is this defined. Below is the message I am getting. Thanks ActionController::RoutingError (post_comment_url failed to generate from {:post_id=>#<Post id: 1, name:
2009 Oct 05
Friendly_id and Rake problem.
Hello there, The plugin friendly_id ( has rake tasks that you can call. I''m using this plugin as a gem. I''m trying this: rake friendly_id:make_slugs MODEL=Post and it is rising this error: Don''t know how to build task ''friendly_id:make_slugs'' So the question is: how do I call a gem''s rake task? David
2011 Apr 18
acts_as_commentable validations
Hi all, I recently started back up with Rails and things are going well up until now. I''ve set up acts_as_commentable in my Post model and it''s working great. Problem is users are able to create a "blank" comment. I''ve added the following validations in the comment.rb file generated by acts_as_commentable to limit the comment length: [code]
2006 May 05
Help with ActiveRecord
Model: class AdminQueue < ActiveRecord::Base set_table_name ''adminqueue'' end Interacting with it in script/console >> => #<AdminQueue:0x240a910 @attributes={"topic_id"=>nil, "resolved"=>nil, "updated_on"=>nil, "action"=>nil, "type"=>nil, "post_id"=>nil,
2011 Apr 19
RSpec/Webrat Checking output is properly escaped
I want to test that the JSON response from a create action is sanitized properly, but rspec or webrat appears to be parsing the output into proper HTML chars instead of escaped characters. I have verified that it escapes properly in the regular browser json response. The relevant RSpec test code is: include ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper include ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper it
2009 Apr 18
RESTful Routing: Getting names of resources out of paths
Hello - I''m trying to remain RESTful in a new application that I''m building, but I''m not sure how to get the routes that I want. I''m trying to avoid having resource names like "posts" and "comments" cluttering things up. For example, for a resource that I designate: GET -> index GET -> show, id=1 GET
2011 Oct 11
Create Two objects at the same time
I have user model and referral model. Referral model has user_id as field. Now when a new user is created, I need to call referral#create as well and pass it the id of the newly generated user to user_id of referral model. How can I do that. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to
2007 May 31
Could anyone please help with rspec/nested resource behavior checking?
My problem has been listed here: Don''t think it would be required to completely re-type it here :) Thanks! -- -Daniel Fischer - Geek Blog - Portfolio - Writing Community
2012 Dec 26
has value in a console but it's nil in my controller and my view?
I have this strange behavior and I don''t undertand why. Here is the thing: I have this record in my payment model: 1.9.3p286 :019 > u.payment.last Payment Load (0.3ms) SELECT "payments".* FROM "payments" WHERE "payments"."user_id" = 10 => [#<Payment id: 37, bank_name: "Mercantil", plan: "Plan Uno", date:
2011 Aug 04
#create tests fail when I add FriendlyId to my model
I am doing controller testing, and I can''t seem to get the create method test to pass when friendly_id is added to the mix. If I comment it out of the model, the tests all pass perfectly. The moment I add it back in, the error looks like this: 1) Error: test_create_valid(BrandsControllerTest): FriendlyId::BlankError: FriendlyId::BlankError
2006 Jan 10
Select Tag and Associations
Hi there, I''ve been working on this for awhile and have finally decided to ask for a little guidance.I have a slight problem trying to save a selection. I have two models: A "Posting" has_many "Categories", and a "Category" belongs_to one "Posting". With that said, in the posting model I have "has_many :categories" and within the
2012 Jun 30
Problems with associations
Hello guys, I have two tables, tasks and projects, and each model I put: Task.rb class Task < ActiveRecord::Base attr_accessible :user_id, :project_id, :name belongs_to :project end Project.rb class Project < ActiveRecord::Base attr_accessible :name, :description has_many :tasks end But when I go to my prompt and I make a SELECT with task, none project is returned.
2006 Jun 09
Opinions on catch-all routing?
I remember reading somewhere a tip on improving your search engine ranking, by forming URLs that included relevant text, e.g. In the rails app that I''m writing, I''ve noticed I can set this up very easily by appending the post title (after downcase.split.join(''_'')) to the post link. So, can easily also be
2011 Feb 11
accept_nested_attributes, reject_if doesn't work.
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base validates :name, :presence => true validates :title, :presence => true, :length => { :minimum => 5 } has_many :comments, :dependent => :destroy has_many :tags accepts_nested_attributes_for :tags, :allow_destroy => :true, :reject_if => proc { |attrs| attrs.all? { |k, v| v.blank? or v.nil? } } end rails c
2010 Jul 20
MySQL index question
I am trying to speed up some DB operations and perhaps have gone overboard with indexes. Does MySQL usually use only one index per query and simply match keys on the results of the indexed first part? For example: DELETE FROM tokens WHERE 6813946236211560448 <= fnv AND fnv < 6818449835838930944 AND updated_at<''2010-06-20 14:08:55'' AND occurrences=0; If I understand
2007 May 31
Sample Merb App
I put together a sample app to help people learn Merb: I also blogged about it here: -- Zack Chandler
2011 Jun 11
Having a problem adding a foreign key
I keep getting this exception "SQLite3::SQLException: no such column: books.user_id: SELECT "books".* FROM "books" WHERE ("books".user_id = 4)" ,which sounds like there is no user_id in books table.So i just installed foreigner plugin and added " t.integer :user_id, :null => false" and "add_foreign_key(:books, :users)" in book