similar to: htb problem

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "htb problem"

2002 Nov 04
ip balance
hi, i keep on fighting with balancing my two internet conections.. ive improved a routing like this: root@debian:/wk/ESTADISTICAS/Trafico_en_kisero_hq# ip route list dev eth0 proto kernel scope link src dev eth1 proto kernel scope link src default nexthop via dev eth0 weight 1 nexthop via dev eth1
2003 Mar 01
Policy routing and strange packets traversing.
Hi, Please suppose following config: Two external interfaces for two different providers On each of them configured NAT for specific IP addr. ie. 4: eth2: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP> mtu 1500 qdisc htb qlen 100 inet brd scope global eth2 6: eth4: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP> mtu 1500 qdisc htb qlen 100 inet brd scope global eth4 On eth2
2002 Jun 22
bonding & vlan - kernel 2.4.18 (RHL7.3)
Hi, Hopefully this won''t be too off-topic (I''ve seen both bonding & vlan mentioned on the list, but not really together). I''ve tried to get bonding (2 x 100Mb EEPro, but will want to try on 1000BaseT) and vlans to work together, but without luck. I can get them working fine (seemingly at least - I didn''t tried bursting on the bonded port) individually.
2004 May 13
solving equation
Dear R-users, I'm trying to solve the following equation, to get a set of values satisfying it and I'd like to know if its possible to do that in R. 0.85*(54.6-X)^2 + 4.65*(25.2 - Y)^2 -2*0.84*(54.6-X)*(25.2-Y) <= 8.29 Thanks a lot, Eduardo Armas --- [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2004 Mar 05
Dear R helpers I have a daily rainfall dataset of 5 stations, but the time-series are of different lengths. Three stations measured precipitation from 1917 to 2004, one from 1930 to 1979, and other from 1975 to 1998. I'd like to know how to analyse if rainfall is similiar at all stations. Is it possible to compare time-series like these? Best Regards!
2006 Jul 24
Memory exceeding for split
Hi R-users I'm working with a data.frame of 40000 x 10, for which I need to apply the "split" function. The result is very long and cannot be stored in a variable due to memory exceeding. I've tried to send the result directly to a file through sink(filename) function, but the problem still occurs. Does anyone have an idea to solve this issue? > dim(dados) [1] 40000 10
2005 Apr 12
HTB ATM MPU OVERHEAD (without any patching)
I know there is that handy patch available to very efficiently use ATM bandwidth, but I was wondering what the best values to use with a non-patched iproute2 would be. Anyone here care to check my logic in coming up with these numbers and perhaps suggest better values? My transmit speed is 768kbps per ADSL line (I have two). This is the HTB shaping I do on the interface (logic used for this
2002 Sep 03
Problem with SJava sample "JavaRCall"
Hi, I am trying to run the example "JavaRCall" with SJava 0.65 and R1.5.1 under Windows NT4.0. Although loadLibrary("RInterpreter") worked successfull, the following error occurs: "Exception breakpoint occurred at line 65 of java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: boolean org.omegahat.R.Java.ROmegahatInterpreter.initR(java.lang.String[]) boolean
2003 Dec 03
Upload restriction problem
Dear all, I am facing problem in restricting upload traffic on fake ip address network. I can easily restrict upload traffic on my real ip address. eth0 --wan port connected to internet eth1 --lan port connect to local network my script on eth1 is working properly bcoz it is for downlink traffic this is the script which is having problem.
2004 Jun 23
Sphericity test
Hi R-users Does anybody know if there are functions or packages in R for sphericity tests like Bartlett's or Mauchly's? Thanks! __________________________________________________________ Eng. Agr., M.Sc. Eduardo Dutra de Armas __________________________________________________________ Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura (CENA/USP) Laboratório de Ecotoxicologia Av.Centenário 303,
2004 Jun 15
How avoid coercion to character
Hi R-users! I'd like to know how to avoid automatic coercion of numeric variables passed to array() to character, when there is one categorical variable between others. I have tried I() function, but it is just functional in data.frame. Best Regards! Eduardo Dutra de Armas
2004 Jun 16
Resolution of plots
Hi R-users Does anyone know how to increase the resolution of plots to be exported? I'm exporting some plots but the maximum resolution that I get is 96 dpi. I want to get files with 300dpi. Thanks! __________________________________________________________ Eng. Agr., M.Sc. Eduardo Dutra de Armas __________________________________________________________ Centro de Energia Nuclear na
2007 Feb 05
RdbiPgSQL in R 2.4.1
Hi R-users I recently downloaded RdbiPgSQL 1.8.0 and Rdbi 1.8.0 from Bioconductor to be installed under R 2.4.1. When requiring RdbiPgSQL an error message is showed as follows: > require(RdbiPgSQL) Loading required package: RdbiPgSQL Error in library(package, lib.loc = lib.loc, character.only = TRUE, logical = TRUE, : ‘RdbiPgSQL’ is not a valid package – installed <
2003 Mar 01
What failover solution for advanced router ?
Hello, Could someone experienced suggest good solution for failover advanced router ? The router for which I need redundancy is quite complex: 1) has 5 interfaces 2) uses the same network and the other network IP aliases on some interfaces 3) uses bunch of policy routing rules 4) uses proxyarp feature on some interfaces 5) uses complex iptables setup [propably not important in this
2012 Feb 14
como pasar una variable como parametro en consulta query
Buenas tardes a todos. Tengo una duda sobre como programar en R el siguiente codigo: #marcador 1 del mes 1 mes="abril" P1 <- sqlQuery(ch,, paste("SELECT `value_DE` FROM `de` WHERE `month_DE`=''abril'' and `icg_DE`= 1")) print(P1) Mi problema es que debo crear una serie de querys que llamen a 13*60 datos, por lo cual la variable "mes" (en
2002 Oct 17
why dont packets go where i want?
Dear All! I reach the point that I must ask you what I have to do. I am beginner at traffic shaping and I''m very confused with it. :) Here''s my script that doesn''t do what I want to do with it: tc qdisc del dev eth1 root tc qdisc add dev eth1 root handle 1 htb default 2 r2q 10 tc class add dev eth1 parent 1: classid 1:1 htb rate 300kbit tc class add dev eth1 parent 1:
2003 Oct 10
ices stops connecting to server after 24hours
G'day Karl, I've been using your multiple instance version ices-2.0-kh43 for live streaming from my soundcard. After about 24 hours, connection to my icecast server is lost - checking my netstat I see that the connection is in "CLOSE_WAIT" status - this seems to stop it from being able to reconnect. Here is some sample ices.log output: [2003-10-09 06:57:17] DBUG
2004 Nov 17
Help with prioritizing internet Cafe Terminals
Hi All, I am new to tc so please forgive me. I have read as much documentation as I can get my hands on, but I still have problems with getting the rules right. Here is my scenario: Internet Cafe/Office 4 Internet Cafe Terminals 3 Office Terminals Leased Line connectivity at 64Kbps. What I would like to have: All Cafe terminals have priority to the internet over the office machines. Each
2002 Oct 14
help, HTB2 and filter ?
Hi ; HTB2 patch for kernel 2.2.17 HTB2 patch for iproute2 Here is my script : tc qdisc del dev eth0 root tc qdisc add dev eth0 root handle 10: htb default 20 tc class add dev eth0 parent 10: classid:10:1 htb rate 90mbit ceil 90mbit burst 2000 tc class add dev eth0 parent 10:1 classid 10:100 htb rate 10mbit ceil 30mbit prio 1 tc class add dev eth0
2014 May 20
Need help with [virt net-create]
Is it possible to configure 2 virtual nics in the same ip range ? Here is what I am trying. **** This works **************** cat nw1.xml <network> <name>nw1</name> <domain name='nw1' /> <forward mode='nat' dev='eth2'/> <ip address='' netmask=''> <dhcp> <range